Is the issue the age or the kid?


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2011
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Violet has been through a lot this year. She seemed to be settling into a calmer age right around 4, but things then got rocky again. After a visit to the doctor, we realized she had had a double ear infection along with other issues. She was on a number of antibiotics and was sick a lot this winter. Then in January, she had her first seizure. She continued to get sick frequently and seizure frequency increased. Generic keppra initially reduced the seizures but quickly failed and Violet was hospitalized due to a seizure that lasted more than 5 minutes... she then went on to have multiple seizures like it in the hospital. It was to the point where both her cognitive and motor functions were pretty well shot. She was in the hospital for about 5 days and it took about a week for her to regain her skills and become somewhat normal. She hasn't had a seizure (that we know about) since April 26th and the ones she did have on that day were about a split second each. She may have had a seizure last week, but we didn't see it.

Anyway, she can be fairly emotionally volatile at times... It sometimes feels like my 2 year old has better emotional regulation. At this point, I don't know what's baseline for her because it's been so long since she hasn't had something medical going on. I also don't know what's baseline for an average 4 year old. She's also on two anti-seizure medications which can mess with mood and executive functioning. So is 4 more emotionally volatile than 2, or is it just because of all she's been through?
I've only got my own children to go buy, but Thomas has always been volatile, no matter his age. Sophie is very calm and reasonable.
I think Violet and your family have been through so much and I offer you huge hugs. Like previous post I can go on my experiences only. My first who is now 5 was very poorly at 2 years old. He had septic arthritis in his foot and was was hospitalised for 2 weeks but 2 weeks of severe pain beforehand before an op which diagnosed it. He found everything extremely traumatic and has only recently become more even emotionally. He is afraid of anything medical and shy with adults. My second was diagnosed with 2 congenital heart defects and have had numerous tests and 2 surgeries. He is fine, completely unaffected emotionally and for him it's normal. I think the difference between my two is temperament but also my first was in pain my second was not apart from after operations but was heavily medicated. I would keep supporting as you are as my eldest has very recently started maturing and overcoming the trauma.
I'm not to sure could be a bit of both my 3 year old niece sounds like Violet and sound like you are in the similar situation regarding the seizures etc. Her motor and cognitive functions were all over the place understandably. She seems to have them every 8 weeks but they keep adjusting her meds to try and find what works and what not. My sister said it can play havoc with her moods and she gets really emotional. When a seizure is about to come on she now tells her mum. Mummy it hurts so it must be unsettling for them not knowing when it's next going to happen and aswell at this age beginning to understand that something unpleasant is about to happen.
On the other hand my 4 year old same age as Violet has had the devil in her at around lunch time for the past month. She just looses it and you just can't console her. Ive put it down to heat and a lot going on at preschool as they are preparing them for school. Lots of new routines etc. So you never know it could be both the meds and just being 4 is tough. Xx
I think she has also been tired lately which doesn't help.
My dd is a nightmare when her sleep is out of sync. She's always been a good sleeper and napper and just doesn't cope well emotionally if she doesn't get her beauty sleep. X
I'm super tired and an emotional wreck because of it and I am 34. Makes sense that someone as young as Violet would be struggling to handle that on top of everything else.
I'm really sorry you've gone through all that. It must have been so worrying.

My DS is 4 and for me, this has been the hardest age to deal with. He has become very emotionally volatile, his tantrums are worse than when he was 2! The smallest thing will set him off e.g. my DD not wanting him to push her on the swing or seeing a toy that he wants but can't have will trigger a meltdown and he will cry and scream for ages afterwards. 6 months ago, those type of things would have elicited a moan but he would have let it go. His best friend is exactly the same so I think to a certain extent, it is an age thing.
My 4.5 year old is an absolute emotional wreck all the time! She's either hyper or crying or scared of something. She's suddenly become very shy in new situations and quite panicky, but at the same time school tell me she rules the roost there and is very confident. She swings from one extreme to the other. She's had nowhere near as traumatic a time as violet recently but a house move and new sibling appear to be be enough.
I actually logged in here today to post about this, or to see if anyone else had. My 4 year old (who will be 5 in August) has had a tantrum once a week for the past few weeks. It doesnt seem like a lot, but I feel like its something that should be happening a lot less often by now.

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