So for the past few days LO has been having one bottle a day of either EBM or forumla because the breastfeeding support worker who seen me recommended this in order for him to get used to taking a bottle for me going back to university.
However, today LO hardly fed at all and had around 7oz of formula plus 5oz of EBM while we were out. This is the only times hes fed and has basically just suckled on me for comfort.
Now normally with him missing such a large amount of feeding I would be fit to bursting by now and able to express around 5-7oz quite easily each breast. However, I am not full at all. Instead I feel quite empty.
Could this be the near end of breastfeeding for us? I don't want to stop but I know he has to keep taking a bottle as I am going back to university and I cannot have him refusing the bottle and starving for the few hours I am away.