I stopped feeding about a month and a half ago also and I notice little tiny leaks every now and then as well. I can still get milk out if I squeeze. I think it just takes a while to dry up, especially if you were lactating for a while.
I started leaking 18 months after I stopped BF my son. I was rsferrr to the breast clinic for a mammogram but they told me it was fine and not actually that uncommon, something to do with an old milk duct expanding or something. It happened on and off for a few months then It stopped.
Yep mine tied in with my periods too. I totally freaked out about it having not BF for well over a year but they said leaking milk is rarely a cause for concern in women who have been pregnant or breastfed. Mine was always the same side too. The joys of motherhood!
Update: I saw my Dr today. She said it felt like tissue but sent me to an ultrasound to be safe and they found several cysts and said to come back in 6 months
Anyone else have cysts jn their breasts? Now I'm nervous...
Sorry, I updated the wrong thread. This was my update for the thread about lumps I felt in my breast last week. But they moved thread and now idk where it is! Ugh I hate when they do that!!!
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