Is this the start of it ?


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2013
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Sorry to post 2 threads in one day :/ I'm just really freaking out/anxious here with everything going on..... My thread earlier is the one about injury to stomach..... Anywho I got discharged today , they said I was having contractions , also they didn't check my cervix because they didn't want to make them stronger but they weren't going to stop them at this point either..... I'm only 35 wks :( said it could be the start of early labor..... And to come back later when stronger and closer together etc, they were out of beds at the hospital and understaffed and gave me the boot.... They also told me this is all probably from the trauma to stomach last night :( thank God baby is ok though....
So these are my symptoms.... Think this is really it??!
*Period like cramping since I woke up
*Spotting this morning but no more today....
*lower back cramping/burning off and on (contractions maybe?)
* random contractions (haven't felt the need to time them yet, very mild cramps when have them, nothing too horrid)
* starting tonight lots of stabbing pains way up in there , feels like it's in my cervix (is this dilating pain?)
*i also woke to major case of #2 (clear out ?, I have been backed up for wks)
Hey lovemy2boys, really don't have any advice but just wanted to say I hope your feeling ok. Have they showed any signs of stopping? :flower:
Thank you! I know there's probably nothing anyone can say besides "possibly" lol. It was just driving me crazy all day... Still the same as all day, he has definately dropped.... His butt was up in my ribs pushing up under my heart for past two weeks, couldn't even sleep... Now I can fit my whole hand between my stomach and boobs.... Contractions are getting stronger ..... I timed the last few 11-13 min apart, but then the last one was 10 min apart....super crampy and back pains off n on.....
Last 2 were exactly 10 min apart. Yikes..... Getting nervous
Good luck!!
If baby decides to come then I guess there is nothing you can do but go with it!!! I know you would prefer baby to stay in longer but if baby is on the way then at least you get to meet your little one soon! :flower:
Ur right, what can I do..... Ahhhhh!!!thank you.... It's 2:15 here. I need to try to sleep.... Seems nearly impossible :/ either ill wake and they will be stronger and. CLoser or they will deminish... Only time will tell!
Hun I hope baby came for you last night!!! I was having the same things going on but mine promptly stopped last night before bed :| I still have had some cramping but none such to speak of >_<

Let us know soon if baby is here!!
Awww, poor thing! How many wks are you?! Could be the start for you too! I was up all night, couldn't sleep from pain and anticipation.... Finally passed out around 4:30, was sure I'd wake feeling ready to push.... I woke around 6ish, just really bad cramps and lower back cramping, not so much stomach tightening, i cant really tell....I haven't got out of bed yet and it's now 8:00..... Wondering if it is dying down or if it will pick back up? What do you think? I feel reallllllllly sick, like flu sick..... I woke up at 6 from vomit shooting up in my throat , it was awful!!!!! Sorry that was Tmi gross:/
Oh it definitely sounds like you're gonna go today or tomorrow girly! I'd place a bet on it :3 that really sucks, though :( I would actually be so freaking excited to get any strong signs like that! I'm only getting the shooting pains in my coochie and the cramping with back aches.

I'm feeling the same as in my pp- I'm 38+2. But in exactly one week I have to have a c section if I don't go in to labour on my own :( so I'm asking for a sweep today!! (Perhaps our babies will have the same bday :p)
From the looks of your symptoms, aside from your water not breaking (mine never broke) it sounds like the baby is coming and very soon. Try and keep him in there until you reach 36 weeks (when I delivered both mine) to reduce any complications, but I'm pretty sure 35 weeks is fine to deliver a perfect baby.

Congrats & good luck!!!!!!:happydance:
Thanks ladies!! I would have never thought this would be happening! I delivered both boys around their due date ..... This is just nuts ! I'm going to attempt to get out of bed for my needy children lol.... We shall see!! I feel so torn what to do, part of me wants to just get this show on the road and end the misery, do all those tricks and tips to speed it up, but then part of me feels strongly awful to provoke labor getting any strong so early, and i need to rest and prevent it long as i can to keep him in another day or 3...... What to dooooo..... I'm not due til Feb 22!
Princess mommy your symptoms really do sound promising , I was having that stabbing whoha pain all night along within the back pains and cramping.... How far are you dilated? Good luck with your sweep today!! You must keep posted!!
Calm81 thanks so much....I really hope he makes it a few more days til 36!
I've been like that for 2 weeks now! Past few days I've also felt flu like sick. My little bug is still staying put
4cm and he didnt give me an exact percent of effacement but its more than I was at last time (last time I was at 50%)

I asked him for the sweep and he goes "oh- well the past few times I've kind of been doing it a bit anyway!" I'm like well get in there really good! Do it again! He laughed and got really far in and gave me a good sweep! Didnt hurt at all like people say.

I just walked the dog and its started some. Bouts of strong cramping, back aches, and abdominal pain. I've also had some nausea on and off since he did it. Here's hoping!! :D
It sounds like baby is nearly ready to be born :)... 35 weeks is a good gestation, you might only have to be in a few nights if breathing is good and no jaundice xx
Princess's mommy that's a great apt!! How exciting :) :) the sweep worked great with my last, I was in labor the next day, had him the day after that! I was about a 3 & 75% when he did the sweep too .... Keep walking and bounce on the giant ball!! Keep posted! Yayeeee for u!!
Mommy2be93 that good to hear!! I'm so nervous!! But I guess at this point I'm almost to full term.... Coast is clear!
AshleyPauline ugh this is so frustrating, I'm not sure how you are sane at this point! I am still very crampy, and lower back burning cramps come and go, but the contractions have spread back out.... So what the heck does that mean ?! Last night they started at 13 min around 2:00, by 12:00ish they were 10 min apart , they stayed 9/10 min apart til I fell asleep at 4am. I thought for sure I'd wake up ready to push! I woke at 6am still going strong..... But over the hrs they have spread apart, just randomly. Haven't even really timed them cuz they don't seem as strong or consistent, but still there.... So now what?
Could be prodromal labour- that's what I've been going thru for 3 weeks almost every night. It's extremely tiring!!

I've been pacing around my apt like a mad woman- getting on all fours, squats, wiggling my hips with legs spread. The intensity seems to vary with some contractions. But they get stronger when I walk around. It's very reassuring this worked for you last time. How did things go after if I could inquire ;p when did you start camping- what did you feel lie and all that jazz??
Oh gosh, never experienced that before ..... Talk about torture!!! Ahhhh!!! I quit drinking my raspberry lead tea a couple days ago cuz I was scared to go into labor too early once this all started .... So maybe I should pick back up on It and double dose ! Lol
If I recall right (almost 5 yrs ago) I had sweep done late afternoon , just some spotting and cramping, nothing much more..... Woke up very crampy and more spotting, had a very busy day (was already sched to be induced the next day so I was cleaning house and packing everyone up etc) took my son to chuckie cheese to spend some fun time with him before we dropped him to grandmas .... While we were at chuckie cheese i noticed contractions, by 8 pm they were pretty regular so by 10 pm I had been timing them around 8-11 min depending.... Woke up at 3am with horrid cramps and was about 7/8 min apart.... Went in at 6:30 am and was about 5/6 min apart , 4cm and 90 % effaced..... They broke my waters soon after , by 9:30/10 gave me pitocin, by 1:27 I had him :) there's my saga lol
Early labor could take weeks. If baby isn't in a good position to go down further the uterus gets tired of contracting and kind of just stops only to spark up again later. I mean it sucks for us because it makes you go insane but it's good for our LOs because they get to stay in longer!
So what does it mean if its more painful and stronger when I lay down verses walking around??
Not active labor yet. It should get worse if you are walking around if it's true active labor

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