Thearrived for me today.
sorry to hear that, hope next month is our month!
I hope so too! Happy that hubby is off work for the week of my fertile period

Thearrived for me today.
sorry to hear that, hope next month is our month!
HOPIN!!!! Thats super super amazing and you are so blessed! congratulationsDid you take anyting special? You have become my hope in all of this because I know that im not totally hopeless now
Congratulations Chris!! The bfp's are so special and im jealous at the same time!
Sarah- sorry bout the AFBut at least you got yours! I havnt had mine, im late and never have missed a period in my life.....and of course tested with im afraid now that my cycle has gone to total shit. Yikes. Sucks to feel so out of control and I have no idea how to even track my cycle now. I kind of wanted to try soy but cant do that now because havnt had period....cant do my EPO....frustration. Oh well. It is what it is, right?
So pleased for the bfps!!
Ooooh, I hope his spermies are all goodIm sure they're fine but thats exciting.
No, ive not missed a period and they are like yours- give or take a day so this is the pits! Im at 14 DPO now and nothing....Also, because I didnt get the exact positive reading on OPK, I kept testing with them all month and it went to total negative so I dont think I could have ovulated late...but with the surge 2 weeks ago on OPK...maybe it took a day or 2 to ovulate and im still just 12 DPO? IDK!! It is just rediculous to not have a period. I dont even know how to TTC right now cuz doubt im ovualating without the period! I still have the PMS symptoms though and not pregnant or getting period so WTH. Im kinda at a loss here!
sarah, nypage, rheaz and all other beautiful friends who have wished good for me, want to tell you guys that me and dh are so humbled by god's gift to us...i am pregnant!!! is very early so praying that everything goes well from here...i wish you all lots n lots of luck and hope you'll soon get your bfps!!!