Hey ladies!
Hopin- that is NOT sad at ALL. I wasnt trying to imply that, just wondering if you have had a long and unbearable journey behind you or if new to all this. I'd say you have been trying for a while now, june. I hope you get it soon! Now would be nice, rightHow old is OH?
I am 29. I know, not old. But have a 6 year old. So i figured her siblings to have been closer to her age....and now Im with a new man, and he is 34, and well, its just so stressful for me, thinking of age. That is my major frustration. Is his age. I hate to say that because I know for men it doesnt much matter but for me, my mom had 4 of us by age of 34. So i fear him being too old soon and we arent even having one together yetIm sure it will, or at least optimistic!
nypage...I know it wasn't you, it's the fear in me that makes me say such thingsDH is actually about a month younger to me so will also be 35 next year...I remember when I turned 29 I hated that number for some reason but now it feels like such a young age
I really think that 29 for you and 34 for your man are good numbers and not at all a concern...it's just perfect!
I was watching Jay Leno last night and Larry King was the guest...it was amusing to know that his kids are 55, 49, 43, 11 and 10 year olds and he added, '10 is without Viagara'so you know...
I am 29 and I hate it!
I want to be 25 again!
I feel so old.
