Itchy belly, mucous plug, baby engaged

Thanks everyone!
Oliver has been off oxygen for over 24 hours now. He's also eating bottles and breastfed today. He just took his first full 50ml feed and that's a huge step in coming home. They are both still sunbathing and loving it. Everlees bilirubin is down and she's eating like a champ and will probably go home tomorrow. Which is bittersweet because I don't want to leave my baby boy here:( it will be so tough and I pray he's home by the end of the week. I have some spoiling and holding and cuddling of them both to do
Congrats Lanet so excited for you. Wishing Oliver can go home soon! They are gorgeous and love the names :)
Great news they are doing so well! Hope Oliver is able to come home very soon xx
Lanet hope you get Oliver home at the same time. Would be hard leaving him behind.

Red I don't want to ignore you, how are you doing, did you make it through the weekend?
congrats Lanet, they are gorgeous and so happy to hear they're doing so well and recovering so quickly! you did an amazing job mama!

Red - how are you?
Lanet, try to look at is as baby introduction training, learning one at a time:) it's hard, I'm sure, esp splitting your time between home and hospital. I'm sure I'll have to do it too.

I made it through the weekend. Thanks for asking! My night contractions are really painful so I'm getting no sleep, and my blood pressure is suddenly high, so I need to be careful of preeclampsia. I really don't see doing this for another week!
I came home today and can't stop crying thinking about his sweet little face
I came home today and can't stop crying thinking about his sweet little face

Big hugs to you, lanet. :hugs: Many of us here totally know what you're going through. This time last year, I had just started my 74-day NICU journey with Nora. Have faith--he'll be home and in your hair in no time! :winkwink:
I can only imagine.......prayers the time passes quickly so you can snuggle them both together again soon :(
Lanet did you get Everlee home, how is Oliver doing?
How are you, feeling better now they've vacated the premises?

Redbean hugs to you, how far alone are your triplets? Any idea what sizes they are?
I'm 33 weeks today. They were 3 lbs5 oz-4 lbs 4 oz at 32 weeks.

My blood pressure shot up yesterday, and have some protein in urine. Swollen like a grape. So doing a 24 hr urine test and will prob deliver before Tuesday.

Lanet, I hope you are able to enjoy that wee babe, even missing Oliver. They will be together soon. I'm dreading the same situation.
Oh Red I can only begin to imagine your discomfort! Hold in there you are doing amazing but stay healthy and go with what the Dr's recommend.. You have done so well to get this far with 3 and they are great birth weights for 3!

Will be thinking of you and cheering you on! Do you know if you are able to have a natural birth or do you need a c-section?
Red they will be delivering you soon right? Especially with bp issues? I can't imagine how ready you are to be done, oh wait, yes I kind of can lol
Yes Tommy Everlee is home and it's been really nice being able to recover and rest. I spend a few hours a day with oliver and then my husband switches with me.
Today he got his tube out of his nose so no more tube feeds!!! No more oxygen either for 48 hours. It's the first time other than a few seconds at birth that I've seen his sweet face with no tubes. I really think he will be headed home by the weekend and I can't explain what a happy day that will be
Lanet Good to hear he is doing ok. You'd be more than entitled to have a party when you get him home.

Redbean I'm guessing you'll be delivering them fairly soon, thinking about you.
Oliver's doing good, but had to go back under Bili lights this morning. The dr said its looking good for tomorrow or Sunday to come home. I can't explain the pain I feel that he still isn't here, I felt him move and kick for nearly 9 months and now we are separated. And I feel like I've been robbed of his first week of life. They babies havent even been near each other since birth. I haven't got to hold them both together. Even a day more feels like so long I can hardly bear it. My older daughter hasn't even got to meet him. My husband and I have barely seen each other bc we are splitting our time. I need them both home with me so bad.
Big hugs Lanet - it must be awful! When DS was born I didn't get to see him for 3 hours after and it was torture so I can only imagine how you are feeling! I'm hoping and praying for you that you get your sweet little boy home tomorrow - what a celebration it will be and then you will make up for all the lost time and can have your family all around you! Stay strong - you are such an amazing mommy!! :) :hugs: :flower:

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