Omg pops! This is definately it! Don't let being 'only' 3cms fool you! I was in complete agony by that point and having an epidural sited. Will be checking in when I can for updates! So excited for you.
Happy due date Inoue! Reallllly hope she doesn't keep you waiting for too much longer now
you all must be so frustrated by now
Lauryn, best o luck with your appointment, really hope the sweep isn't as painful as the last one you had. Will have my fingers crossed that it jump starts something for you!
Time, really hope it's your turn soon also, you must be so fed up by now
Ally hope all is good with poppy, izzy and yourselves of course!
Kellie, that is a fab weight gain and a really good amount that he is eating! Good boy! Keep at it and grow but and strong
Things have been really ropey since coming home. Everything is perfect...except his feeding.
My milk is now in, but he's now just not interested. It's been over 24 hours since he latched. He has the breast in his mouth but he screams blue murder and spits it out. It's hit me really hard, and have been doing nothing but crying since he came home over it
feel like I'm failing him and letting him starve. The breast feeding midwifes, whilst lovely, are militant about me continuing on and I just don't want to now, Neil doesn't want me too either. I feel like I'm starving him. He's only having his formula top ups of 20ml 3 hourly...that's fuck all but it's all the breast feeding midwives would let me feed him. So he's screaming at all hours of the day through hunger, I feel like a shit mum because I'm starving my baby
Decided last night that enough Is enough. Especially when I looked at the formula bottle that we have here which says a boy of his weight should be on at least 4oz, which is around 130mls I believe? He's not getting a fraction of that currently. I have the breast feeding nurse out again today and I'm gonna tell her that I'm swapping to bottle feeding. I'm making myself sick with worry over what he's eating... I can't keep doing it to us both. I suspect that it isn't going to go well that conversation...