Hi ladies!!
Ok Flynn is asleep so here goest story
Started getting painful contractions 12 midnight on Sunday so decided to start timing them. They were fairly regular, every 7-8 mins and painful. Fairly straight forward labouring at home, they got worse and closer together, I used my tens and had paracetamol and a bath, and then headed to hospital at 7am.
When I arrived the water birthing room was free, was really chuffed, checked me and I was 2cm, very favourable and so she gave me a sweep and my show came fast and heavy, very blood tinged which she said was great, and she left me to progress and using my tens. By midday I was 4cm, got in the pool, gas and air, all going well!
Then my contractions changed and I started getting this horrendous pain in my thighs, which wasn't going when each contraction finished. This pain got worse and worse, I've not ever felt anything like it and i started getting a bit delirious! Then his HB dropped right down and I had to get out of the pool, contractions and thigh pain getting worse, he wasn't happy and eventually they told me I had to have an epidural.
Had that, by which point lee said I was in another world I was so delirious, but once that kicked in I felt loads better nd started to feel like abnormal person again, by this point I was 6cm dilated.
I carried in progressing, dozed off a bit and at 7pm I was 8cm, but I'd started to get this awful pain down the side of my body on the left, mainly on my hip, like a trapped nerve. It hurt so much that I didn't know what to do with myself but couldn't feel anything else because of the epidural. Had a top up but that didn't work on the side pain, it was awful
Checked again at 9pm, they broke my waters and I was 9cm. By 11 I was fully dilated and they gave me 2 hours to rest/ sleep while the head travelled down before I started pushing.
Started pushing at 11.20pm and went at it for 2 hours. At this point the doctor came in and told me that he wasn't travelling down the birth canal properly and I needed a forceps delivery, and a c sec if that didn't work. I told her I was very determined and would push him out if it was the last thing I did! 10 mins later I was in theatre.
Firstly they tried to suck him out (vontuze, spelling?) three times. When that didn't work the got the forceps, but my pelvis was too small for the position he was in, she couldn't turn him so she decided emergency csection. Problem was he was almost out so they had to push him back up me to get him out.
Worse thing was I felt everything on my left, not my right just my left, and not just the pressure but actual pain. And then once he was out he wasn't breathing and didn't cry for over a minute. Hearing that cry was the best thing in the world! However they then cleaned me out and put me back together and I swear I felt it all it was bloody awful.
They bought him over to us, is asked to see the sex for myself, and you guys were right, a little boy! I saw his willy and his full head of hair and just knew that was my baby, a girl wouldn't have been right after all, he had always been a boy, I now can't imagine it any other way! Flynn Leo Rubin was born at 4.10am on his due date 27.11.12 weighing 8lb 2oz and he is quite literally the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
Things have been really tough since then though. He was so traumatised he couldn't feed properly the first day and ended up v dehydrated. I was in agony from not just c sec but 2 hours of pushing and attempted forceps delivery. Feeding has got worse, turns out he has a tongue tie (hopefully being sorted Monday) and I have quote flat nipples making it so hard to get him to latch on so I've had to express colustrum and now milk to make sure he's fed and its exhausting. I desperately want to breast feed, always have, and am determined but can absolutely see why people give up so soon as its so upsetting for both me and him that something that is meant to be so natural is so hard, milk has come in now too so boobs are hard and full and even harder to work with when getting him to latch on.
To top it all off weds night my stomach was so bloated an full of trapped wind that I looked bigger than I had done at 9 months pregnant, and throughout the evening it became more and more painful. By 10pm I was writhing on the bed in agony, the pain was I swear worse than labour! Turns out I had a distended stomach, my bowels hasn't started working again after the op and has shut down and I was so full of air that it couldn't come out, even sipping water was making it worse, as I result I was nil by mouth back on a drip. I finally farted yesterday morning, best feeling ever!!!
So anyway we have been through the wars a bit here but he is worth every single second, I could look at him for days on end
hopefully going home today although may be tomorrow morning.
Anyway sorry it's so long! Thanks for all your lovely messages and support, photos on fb!
Lauryn, love little Millie and that her and Flynn share the same bday! Inoue congrats on beautiful Reimi, she is a little cutie, and i so wouldn't worry about giving her formula as long as she is fed and hydrated that's all that matters. Ally hope poppy is still doing brilliantly, Kellie how's Oliver, I saw on fb he was congested?
Finally time, come on wren! Sending you lots of love and support, good luck, well be waiting!
Lots of love xxxxx