Itty Bitty Babies Club (Slow Gainers)

No idea about the posts I show your recent post at #460, so this post is #461 :shrug:
Gabriel is still 100% milk diet, so I don't know how much he drinks a day.
He gets very frustrated during the day while trying to crawl. You can always tell when he's been trying to do something that's just beyond his ability for a while and gets fed up and starts to whine.
Harry has 5 scoops (which is about 6-7 teaspoons) of cereal in the mornong made up with EBM, usually refuses to eat anything at lunch time, but mid afternoon he has a fromage frais & sometimes if he's keen, I'll give him some fruit or a piece of toast too. Then he has pretty much whatever we're having for dinner in the evening, which varies in success- sometimes he'll scoff a HUGE amount of food which makes me wonder how big his tummy actually is, & other times he just gums & nibbles at stuff & smushes it everywhere so he doesn't consume very much at all... Milk-wise I have no idea how much he has because he's BFed, but he feeds anywhere between 6-10 times a day- we're averaging about 7 feeds a day at the moment though, and he has a few sips of water with his meals, which probably totals about 3oz I guess?
He has started to be less & less interested in milk from a bottle on any form, drinking an ounce before throwing it away & when I offer it to him, he starts batting it away from his face & skirming to get away from me, lol!
I guess so long as your LO is having regular wet & dirty nappies, chances are their getting enough to sustain themselves. But with the crying etc, it could be any number of things like teething, tummy ache, wind, things not being at the 'right' temperature, (Harry doesn't like things warm- he prefers everything at room temperature :dohh: ) earache, headache, over tiredness, over stimulation, boredom, frustration, growing pains, muscles pains, cramp, pins & needles, sore bottom, itchy noses & eyes, anyn kind of discomofrt, not liking their high chair, not feeling included in things, anxiety, stress.... gosh that list could go on!
I agree, I wish babies came with an instruction manual, or our own private doctore who could tell us what's up & how to fix it!!!!!
Seity - I think Megan is perhaps frustrated most of the time you might be right. She is relatively quite late crawling at 9 months next week. Most of the babies at the baby group I used to go to were very mobile at this age. I hope she starts soon for everyone's sake. :wacko:

Florabean - Thanks for that. I think she is eating the same as Harry for breakfast. I think she's getting bored of the baby oatmeal and barley she's been having so I tried her on different stuff. I followed an Annabel Karmel recipe for baby museli and used EBM for it too but she hated it. I tried some toast fingers but she just sucks them before hurling them.

She seems to eat a fairly good lunch but her dinners are tiny. Last night I tried to give her a selection of finger foods hoping that would excite her but all she did was mush it all in her hands and hair before discarding the remainder on the floor. She practically had nothing to eat and only 3oz of milk before she went to bed. I'm hoping its just frustration at not being mobile and wanting to be but to be honest I really don't know. :shrug:

This morning was horrific and she whined from the minute she woke to the minute she went for her first nap. I couldn't put her down, couldn't pick her up, everything was useless. In the end I loaded her in the backpack and we went out for a while which seemed to work. I hope all this whining stops soon. :cry:
How weird...I just logged on again and the missing posts were there!

Eala - thanks for that and its reassuring to know that my LO isn't the only nearly 9 month old not crawling and not mobile like the pediatrician had me believe! Great visit you had and great weigh in too. Just goes to show how the opinions of the HV vary :happydance:

Teal - Brilliant gain for Gabriel. You must be so pleased :happydance:

Seity - Great weigh in too and brilliant that you don't have to go back for 6 months :happydance:
Seity - Great weigh in too and brilliant that you don't have to go back for 6 months :happydance:
He goes back in 2 months for his 6 month visit and shots and I'm sure we'll talk weaning then too.
M, I meant to say before. What do you feed your LO in? For a while, Harry totally went off food, but stayed drinking the same amount of milk & someone on here suggested to me that I put an old bedsheet on the floor, & sit down with Harry with various types of food, some spoons, bowls, some BLW style finger foods, some purees or mashes etc, and literally just play with the lot, making a huge mess & making it really fun, making sure your LO sees you touch the food, eat it, poke it, smush it etc etc, so they begin to get interested in it all again. Someone said that LOs pick up on adult's anxieties with food & if they see you getting worried or stressed, they will often refuse to eat anything because they start to worry to... Not saying that's what's up with your LO, but getting down on the floor with Harry & letting him be totally free with his food to do whatever he pleased worked wonders. We did it every meal for 8 days (I think?) & it kinda re-ignited his interest & he seems fine since then & is happy to be back in his high chair.
I heard a lady in the BFing section who spoon fed her LO & he refused EVERYTHING until he was about 9 & half months old, then suddenly one day wanted to eat & has been fine since then. Weird, but I guess it's not unheard of :shrug:

Also, was your LO born in October? If so, come join us in the October Bumpkin thread & you can see what & where the rest of the october born babies are at, which might put your mind at ease a bit :hugs: Here's the link:
Hi everyone...sorry I've been unable to access any new posts to this thread for days. I contacted the administrator and apparently it was a cache problem that we've sorted now so fingers crossed it won't happen again.

Florabean - Sorry for some reason I can't thank you on the icon where you should but thank you so much. Its really playing up this site. I feed LO in her highchair but I have been doing more finger foods and messy stuff with her lately putting it on her tray which she seems to enjoy although she eats very little of it. I try to shovel the odd spoonful in now and again but she's completely gone off her breakfast cereal at the moment, lunch is normally good but dinner time is dreadful too. Last night she refused anything from the spoon, didn't want any finger foods to eat, just played with them. In the end she just ate 3 grapes and that was it before bed. She's only really having one decent meal a day. Milk seems to have stabilised now at 12-14oz a day which is a tiny amount. I spoke with her pediatrician about this and she says not to worry as she is gaining weight steadily and is obviously having what she needs. Such a worry though. Great idea about the carpet picnics. I might give that a go. :thumbup:

Yes, Megan was born 25th October 2009 and thanks for the link :thumbup:
M- no problem. I think so long as they're getting at least 500ml a day (no idea what that is in Oz, sorry) then HV/Drs are usually ok with their milk intake. It's just scary for us mum's though. I swear there's not a single day that goes by where there isn;t something to worry about :dohh:

Harry's now 17lbs 11oz :happydance: So still on the 9th centile & all is good. He's been a bit grizzly the past couple of days & has his finger permanently in his mouth chewing away like crazy so I'm pretty sure he could be teething at last? Gave hime some of that powder stuff lastnight & couldn't get him to bed till 11pm :dohh: Hopefully tonight will be better... I'm exhausted, lol.

How's everyone else doing?
Flora, what a great gain! You must be really pleased, go go Harry! :thumbup: :dance: With the finger thing, that could very well be toothyness! Romilly has just last night had her first tooth come through at last! It's one of the eyeteeth, no less! Only reason I knew was that I went to rub anbesol on her gums and nearly cut my finger on the point :blush: But yes, the last few days she's had her finger in her mouth almost constantly, right where the tooth now is.

M - def check with your paediatrician, but as your doc said, if she is gaining, she's getting what she needs. I agree with Flora about trying to make things less stressful for the both of you. Babies are so sensitive to our moods. My LO is generally a very good eater (she is BLW'd), but if I'm stressed for whatever reason, she starts batting things away much sooner.
:flower: Hi All

I asked to join you ladies and then I disappeared off the face of the earth! Sorry.

Florabean - thank you for asking how my LO was in my other thread - I've only just seen it. He's doing really well, thanks, and I must admit that the solids did seem to make a bit of difference in the first week - he put on 9oz in 6 days! The following week he only put on 1.5oz though. But still a gain. It may also be that he's having more milk than before as he's started nursery 2 days a week and takes a lot of EBM from a bottle on those days. The rest of the time I'm still 'feeding on demand' - although he's not great at demanding! So I just try to feed him as much as possible, although once he decides he's had enough, that's it. His belly and legs definitely look bigger than they did a month ago!

I'll catch up on this thread properly next week - got tons of work to do over the weekend. But I hope you and your LOs are all ok xx
millycat, it's great that you're being so proactive about this; it shows how committed you are to your son, and what great mummy you are for sure! I too hope your gut feeling si right & that he's just ickle :hugs:

Kota, glad to hear your little Oopma Loompa (hehe) is doing well, despite the centile drop. And at least that's it now for jabs until he's one. Q, was it you who was going to be moving to Australia soon? Or have I confused you with someone else???!!!

sorry, only just seen this, :blush: yep it was me moving out to aust, we're here now, arrived a month ago so slowly finding our feet.
I haven't had P weighed since he was 12lb2oz on my last post june 12th but have an appointment on tuesday with the health nurse here to get him on the system, we've started blw'ing in the last month as well so i'm actually expecting a decent weight gain.. he certainly feels heavier to carry around!
Hi everyone...

Megan seems to be much better now. Much less of the whinging and whining in the past few days. She was invited to her friends first birthday party yesterday and I was so worried that she would be frightened with all the people, other babies and her separation/stranger anxiety. She was actually a little star and really enjoyed herself :happydance:

I think a lot of it had to do with befriending their cat. She's never seen one before and wasn't too sure at first. Thankfully he was pretty placid and didn't seem to mind that she was putting her fingers in his eyes and pulling out tufts of fur! :dohh:
egewansmum - That sounds like it was a great party. We've got 3 cats and they are all super good with the baby.

kota - Congrats on the move. That's quite the change. Sounds like your LO has been putting the weight on. Good luck with your appointment Tuesday.
awww, Harry's only seen a cat from a distance & didn't seem to care & ignored it, lol. But he's super into fish :) Glad Megan enjoyed herself & is a bit more settled recently- you must be relieved!

Kota, glad the move went ok :thumbup: Hope everything goes ok at the nurses!

Seity, how's G doing? I love your 2 pics of him on your siggy- he has a very expression filled little face, bless him! :)

Eala, how's Romilly?

Belle, glad your LO is doing better. How's the whole weaning thing going?

Clerkner, I can't believe Emma is 1 soon!!!!! Has hubby gone back out now?

Ummm, who have I missed? Sorry, my mind has just gone totally blank :dohh:

best go to bed anyways. xxxx
Hi all :hi:

Just checking to see how you all are. Some great weight gains and glad to hear there have been some improvements, megewansmum.

We have been back to the neurosurgeon for Rebecca and it's all systems go with her operation. They have said it will be in September and we are waiting for the exact date through the post. They are a bit concerned that Rebecca is very pale so will do her bloods early to check for anaemia. I'm not particularly bothered though as her eyes don't show any signs of anaemia and both me and DH were white blonde, blue eyed children - no sign of olive skin in either side of the family so I think she's just genetically pale!

We had some excitement today as well as Rebecca sat up unaided for well over a minute :happydance: She's been sitting up for 20 seconds at a time for a few weeks but today we sat her on her mat and she stayed there! It'll be a while before I'm confident enough to leave her without a huge array of surrounding cushions but it's progress :thumbup:

Anyway :hugs: to all x
go R with the sitting up! :) and I'm glad it's all systems go with the operation- I googled it all to see what they do & some of the before & after pics are amazing & they all say their kids recovered really quickly afterwards... freaking amazes me the things Drs can do these days... :thumbup:
just got back from the health nurse and P is now 14lb3oz!! he's put on just over 2lbs in 6wks! I am super happy with this! apparently according to the nurse though I should be spoon feeding him to make sure he's eating the solids (we're doing BLW) um... one would think that a 2lb weight gain since starting BLW would imply that somethings going in!!
Kota - pfft, what is it about health visitors (or their equivalents) not understanding about BLW? The milk he's taking is more calories than any puree'd baby food, and he's obviously getting exactly what he needs! Silly nurse! That's an utterly fantastic gain, you must be so pleased! Well done Phoenix!!

Flora - Romilly is doing just fine, thank you :) She has another tooth through! Bottom one this time, but on the same side, so she has one heck of a bite going on there! She actually scratched my finger nail with her top tooth earlier - that little thing is sharp! ;) How's Harry?

megewansmum - Glad to hear that things are getting back to normal with Megan! That sounds like how Romilly deals with our 4 cats, she absolutely adores them! I'm not so fond of her trying to eat cat fur though :rofl:

WW1 - Hurrah for sitting up! I remember the days of having LO surrounded by cushions :haha: I still tend to panic if she's sat on uncarpeted floor, and she's really quite steady these days! I had a playmat thing which was in the shape of a flower, and all the "petals" were cushioned! It was great until Romilly realised that she could chuck herself backwards and it wouldn't hurt... she then tried to do it everywhere :dohh: Glad to hear that you've been given the go-ahead for September too :) Hope the blood tests come back normal :hugs:
I havent posted for a llloooonnnggg time, I see theres lots of new people too, so hello! :flower: Logan is now I guess a "toddler", but hes still Itty and Bitty so I reckon I might crash this group for a bit longer :haha:.
I was wondering whether it would be a good idea to re-introduce ourselves? Nothing exciting, just names, and info about your LO, what they like/dislike and clever stuff they do? I will start!
Im Charlotte, my LO is Logan, hes a year old! :happydance: Hes got his 12 month jabs tomorrow, eek! He can now pull himself up to standing whilst holding onto stuff (anything!), and walks when me or OH are holding his hands:cloud9:He has 4 teeth, he eats like a horse (dont think he will stay ickle for much longer!). Ummmm, he says "mum-mum-mum-mum" and "dad-dad-dad-dad", no clear words as yet but he waffles on in babble alllll day. Finally, we bought him a shape sorter for his birthday, and every time he puts a shape in a hole (whether its the right one or the wrong one so it doesnt go in), he claps and has a MASSIVE grin :haha:
Proud parent moment over, who is next?
Kota, that is an awesome weight gain! :happydance: Go Phoenix!!! :)

Eala, yes, harry's ok. He had, well, a sore willy yesterday but it seems fine today. We had a nurse's check-up thingy yesterday too & she said he was a beautiful little chap who's obviously very happy. :thumbup: I on the other hand looked a state & my asthma is doing crazy things at the moment so I have an asthma clinic appointment on thurs to re-do all my meds. You'd think 3 inhalers & years worth of steroids would've controlled it by now, but apparently not :dohh:

Logan's Mum- :hi: Haven't seen you on here for ages, lol. Sounds like Logan's doing really well though :flower: And good idea about the re-introductions!

Sooooo... I'm Fleur, I'm 28, mummy to Harry who's coming up to almost 10 months now. He is psuedo crawling (more than army style crawling, but not quite 'real' crawling yet, but man is he speedy!), can pull himself up to his knees on most things, but has only pulled up to standing a couple of times & loves being walked around with us holding his hands. He claps his hands whenever he gets excited & likes to point at everything & has just started waving hello to me & daddy, but no one else. He's pretty noisy, lol, and is obsessed with hair & spoons for some reason. Who needs toys when you got a spoon???!!! He is 'still' BFed & we do BLW... Umm, I think that's everything?

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