IUGR and umbilical cord measures in ultrasound


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2011
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Hi everyone, excuse me for posting here without a premmie baby, but I thought you lovely ladies would be the people who would most likely have some knowledge or experience of this. I have been trying to find information and really struggling for a few weeks. I put a post in pregnancy complications, but so far no responses, so I thought I would try here.

Too cut a long story short, my waters broke at 22 weeks most likely due to polyhydramnios (too much amniotic fluid). I expanded incredibly quickly in a few short weeks. Despite what the sonographer said to me (basically that I couldn't have ruptured my membranes because with the amount of fluid I had I would gush), I seemed to only have a leak for a few weeks that resealed. Throughout I have had mostly high fluid levels (polyhydramnios) that dropped to normal when I had pprom and my waters broke. They have since increased again! Anyway, I am now at 26 weeks and 3 days and very grateful to have what is considered a "viable" baby and my odds of survival according to the neonatologist have gone from 0% to 85% (yippee!).

Anyway, with all the monitoring they are measuring my umbilical artery. The first measurement of the umbilical artery was low on the scale on all three measures, especially pulsality index. About a week later they measured me again (about two weeks ago) and they had dropped further. My PI has dropped off the line and is 0.80 and the others are just touching the bottom of the scale (RI is 0.58, S/D ratio is 2.42). I have been told not to worry, but if they become negative they will need to deliver.

I am wondering if it is possible that the other complications have damaged my placenta as my little one was a very good weight (and still is at last scan), but I don't really understand the measures or what it all means. They have started to measure the middle cerebral artery too and that looked a little better than the umbilical artery.

Can anyone give me information on this? My baby at last measure 28/06/11 was approx 843g which is great for 26 weeks.

Is it likely that his weight gain will slow or stall? If I do end up with zero or negative measures, how long will they wait before delivering or what helps guide their decision in that? I did read some other threads that people made and I am hoping it doesn't require immediate delivery. I don't have my next scan for another 9 days (it will be three weeks between scans so I am nervous about what to expect).

Even if my measures drop quite a bit in that time, is baby generally alright in there? The heart rate was good on Friday although a little lower at 120pbm and I can feel him moving.

Anyway, sorry this post is so long and I don't even had a premmie (yet?!). I have been prepared for that possibility which is a little sad, but when I was told I would lose him, I guess it doesn't seem too bad in comparison. I am just hoping to bake him at least past 30 weeks which is another three and a half weeks away.

Any experiences or knowledge you have would be appreciated (and please correct any mistakes I may have made in my understanding- I have "L" plates on!)

Haven't a clue - but just wanted to say "Hi and welcome" :D I first came in here when Andrew was a "possible preemie", everybody made me very welcome and was helpful. So I don't think anybody will flame you for asking in here, it's probably the best place given your situation :D
Hi Marleysgirl. Thanks for your reply. Glad other people end up here when they have a "possible preemie". I don't want to jump the gun, but there are three possible complications that I have that might bring about early delivery so I want to be prepared for it. It is funny to think that a month ago, before all this started, I had just found out I was having a boy and was buying mostly 00 size boy's clothes as he was measuring up huge and I already had a few smaller neutral outfits from when I had my daughter. I haven't bought any clothes since then. I am just sitting tight and waiting to see what happens, but we are now at 26 weeks and 4 days and I am sure we can make it a fair bit further than that.

You say Andrew was a micro-preemie. How old was he when he was born (or size as I know some go by size). I hope he is doing well now!

Thank you so much for your support.
I had iugr well not me but my baby :) they spotted it at 17 weeks & kept an eye on it for negative flow, sone days there was & then they'd do it again & there was positive. They say it didn't matter what I did but I had beseech & drank loads if water & I think it got me another few weeks. Baby was born 30+4 weeks weighing 895g so your lo is doing really well. It's so hard having a pregnancy with complications but chin up you've got this far & every day you get now is a bonus so best of luck x
Thank you lil-star. It is good to know that even when diagnosed so early, you can still get quite a number of weeks before delivery. I guess I was worried that it might change very quickly, but it seems that they just monitor more closely and most people still make it a number of weeks after. Phew! I really love doctors that can level with you and give you the facts and it is great to get advice of other mums. I had one doctor not tell me anything and that made me worry more than I think I needed to. I would rather get the scenarios (including worst case) and a picture of what to expect.

How old is your little one now? I hope she is doing well!!
You say Andrew was a micro-preemie. How old was he when he was born (or size as I know some go by size). I hope he is doing well now!

In my case, bloodflow problems were diagnosed at 21 weeks and baby was classed IUGR from that scan onwards.

Andrew was born at 29+1wks, weighed just 658g. Or 638g. Can't remember which :dohh: 1lb 6oz in old money.
Eli is 10 months now, still tiny but I don't think he's ever going to be a big fella :) they told me he was dead at 7 weeks but he proved them wrong, so don't take everything they say to heart, they make mistakes too!
Thanks everyone. Had a scare last night as he hadn't been moving much lately and last night I couldn't feel him at a time when he was normally active. I tried a glass of cold water to get him moving and nothing. I ended up at the hospital and was very relieved to see the little heartbeat going strong and he decided he wanted to kick the monitors strapped to my belly. We were very relieved! They decided to do my other testing while I was there so it was a long night, but at least I now don't have to go back today.
6 days until my next scan. Hopefully we have some good news and those numbers go up or are stable. Thanks for your encouragement. We are 27 weeks tomorrow and feeling more positive as each week passes.
Glad to hear he's doing well today!:flower: We had one of those scares too, but she's just so small it's hard to feel her sometimes, especially with an anterior placenta. I hope you get the same good report next week! :hugs:
Hi There, sorry I didnt spot this before. Have you checked out Kanelen pPROM support pages, and they have a pPROM support group on facebook. Their website is full of usefull info and experiences. I am had pPROM in my last pg, much earlier than you though so I wouldnt look at me as an example. I have IUGR in this one, as a result of Hughes syndrome and Lupus. Please feel free to add me and I will send you links if you want xxxx

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