IUI chat, cheers and support


Active Member
Oct 13, 2014
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I was going back and forth for the past few days to even write something. I know sometimes post go up and no one responds. I wanted to chat with people that maybe going through a similar issue or just have advice.

I just completed my first IUI June 10th & 12th. The reason for the 48 hours is because the Dr. was unavailable on the 11th. The procedure went well. I did a natural/unmedicated IUI, since I ovulate naturally. My Dr. wants to do 3 months natural a try before referring me to an R.E. My husband even agrees with doing natural IUI, because if we were to do medicated and more follicles/eggs release they maybe wasted if we don't get pregnant that cycle. Which I don't mind.

IUI is being used because we have mfi.

I've read so many different forums of women medicated or natural who go 4+ rounds of IUI with no bfp. I'm just trying to stay positive and encouraged.

So, anyway...waiting for af and scheduling my next IUI for July.

Any advice, iui stories, support greatly appreciated.

I pray we are all granted the wonderful blessing of conceiving our babies.

Hi jovon,

I had my first medicated IUI on 17th June. I had one unmedicated iui two cycles before which lead to nothing. I decided to go ahead with medicated to give me additional opportunities for the sperm to reach the eggs. I did 100mg clomid for five days and 5 days of injections. If it is my choice next time, I won't be doing clomid - I got extremely emotional, irritable, depressed, not to mention bloated! The injections were fine - I was surprised how easy it was to inject myself. I had an ultrasound on CD10, then CD12, triggered that night, then iui the following day - dh's sample wasn't great with low motility, but the doc wasn't too put off by it. My response to the meds was great - three good size follicles and a few smaller ones. I've got my fingers crossed!!

When are you testing? Must be soon. Good luck!!
Hi Newbie!

Do you ovulate naturally? Have you thought about trying femara? I pray that this cycle is a success for you!

Yep, af should arrive June 25th or 26th. I tested yesterday - bfn. I don't even feel up to it to test tomorrow. Crazy thing is, I want to test! So, if its a bfp I can tell my dh on our 5th anniversary tomorrow.

My dh has low morp. His numbers are very high and motility is 50%. At both iui's they said that his sperm were great and motility 75%.

When I went in on cd 12, I haven't ovulated yet. My follicle was 20cm. I had the IUI done that day. Later that night, I had a positive o test and positive the next day. CD 14, follicle ruptured (6-12hours) before that iui was done that day. So, I'm confused...was ovulation cd 13? Then I read how washed sperm does not live as long. So, idk... I really have not had any symptoms, to sway me to a bfp.
Yes, I ovulate naturally (every cycle!). My issues are extremely low cm due to a procedure about 8 years ago, my age (I'm almost 37), and most recently, dh's numbers. My doc wants meds to increase my follicles to give me more of a chance. I've never had a bfp - not even a faint glimmer of a line. Varied cycle length, varied lp. Hsg opened tunes, which was good. Waiting and seeing...

Our 5th anniversary is on Friday but it will be too early for me to test - the trigger would still be in my system... And we'll be at my sister in law's place!
We share anniversary month! Happy Early Anniversary!

Sorry, if my question about ovulating naturally offended you.
Have you ever tried Evening Primrose Oil for cm? Or Preseed?

Me too - never had a bfp. My cycle range 27-28 days. All test (hsg/bloodwork) came back normal for me.

My dh has decided not to go to an urologist or take meds. This is cycle 15 for us.
Hahaha! No, I wasn't offended! I share more on here than I do in person. We've tried everything! It has been three years for us, so we definitely ltttc people. It took me a while to convince dh that we couldn't do it on our own so we're trying iui. Not sure if we'll go to ivf if this doesn't work. Dh went to a urologist and was told all was ok - not great but ok, no need to do anything.

It has been a frustratingly long road which I hope will end soon.

Good luck for testing!
Ok cool lol...wasn't sure if I did. I'm sure it (iui) will work. Have you been having in symptoms that seem promising during your ttw?

Thanks! I'll test again tomorrow fx. Then wait for af.

Best wishes and baby dust to you!
Can't symptom spot because of the meds. Clomid made my bbs so sensitive last cycle (clomid only because I had to stop my protocol halfway through and no iui) and the trigger mimics pregnancy symptoms. I just have to wait.

Hope all goes well.
Happy anniversary! Did you test?

Have a look at stats of natural iui - not great success rates. I hope it does the trick for you, though.
Thank you!

CD 26 13dpo and bfn this morning. Af should arrive by Friday. I've read a few forums, where women received bfp after missed period only. However, I'm just being honest with myself that this iui cycle might be a fail...with some hope.

So, dh and I are going to the beach for a few days. I'm just going to enjoy (and pack tampons) out time together. I'm already scheduling the next iui for July. I really felt that the iui being done on cd12 and cd14 did the trick.

How are you doing? Any plans for your anniversary?
We're in transit on our way to my home country. Dh's sister lives there as well so he's staying with her for a while and I'm going to my mum's on Friday night (5 hour flight!). We'll just hang out at my SIL's place on Friday I think. We'll be jet-lagged.

Enjoy your time at the beach!
Mind if I jump in? I am also starting the IUI journey (hopefully this month). I am 37 (all labs good) and DH is 40 (mfi-morphology is low), so it sounds like our cases are similar. I was hoping to jump into a medicated IUI cycle right away. I O on my own, but this whole TTC thing is getting old (as am I :haha: ) and want to give us the best shot (preaching to the choir here). Especially since DH and I travel quite a bit for work, I want to make sure the months I can get the monitoring in we go full throttle. Unfortunately I could not get into my doc quick enough for the monitoring, so my appt is next week 'to talk with the doc' and then I should O the following week.

Jovon, sorry about the BFP. Enjoy the beach!

Newbie, good luck this cycle!
Newbie - hope you had a great anniversary!!

Mdc - Thanks!! I hope your appt goes well, so that you can began your iui.

afm...I am cd4 and scheduled my next iui. My ob/gyn wants to continue with another 2 cycles of natural iui. Then we'll move to an RE.

Good luck Jovon that you don't need to move to an RE! Does the doctor just usually fit you in when you get a positive opk...or do you just schedule it on a certain day?
Hi Mdc

I have to schedule 3 days for the iui with my ob/gyn. I call the office the day before to cancel the appt if my opk is not positive. I hope so too. I just had to call my insurance to verify treatments.

How's your cycle going?
Hello ladies

Just checking in to see how everything is going this cycle.
Dh and I are on opposite sides of the country. If we're lucky we'll be back together in time for o but no iui or meds this cycle, so pretty much no chance. How about you?
Jovon, doc appt makes sense. I just call the day before if opk positive, but makes me nervous for some reason they cannot get me in.

Newbie, sorry about he timing this cycle. Hopefully you will get w pleasant surprise.

As for me, still waiting on my shy LH surge. I think I may have stressed it out and pushed it back a couple days. My temp dip yesterday looked like my peak may be yesterday or today, but no such luck. Although I was in a 3 hr time difference that morning so maybe that is it. Worst part yesterday is that I was flying by most of yesterday afternoon so sneaking an poas inbetween flights was not fun. I was practically floating when I hit my connection, and being stuck in a stall waiting for that dang smiley face was not my favorite place. Yuck!
Newbie, sorry you two weren't able to come together. Will you try another cycle using iui or meds?

Mdc, did you get your positive opk? How did your iui go?

afm...this cycle started off weird. On cd 11 got a positive opk. So, I went in the next day for my iui...and was told during my ultrasound there was no dominant egg or fluid left behind from a ruptured follicle. I still had the iui done in hopes to still catch the egg, if it came. Plus, I only have one more cycle of unmedicated iui with my ObGyn before being referred to an RE. Honestly, I don't feel good about this cycle. But...we shall see.

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