Just to add my 2 cents on wool- it's fine for newborns who don't move that much as long as you are changing them often (which generally you are since often they poo so frequently if you are BFing!). Babies of all ages do well with wool as an overnight cover as long as the fitted/whatever you have underneath is good and absorbent and although some babies are really wriggly, lots stay in one position overnight and still do fine in wool, probably because it also absorbs a bit of pee before it'll leak. Most of our wool dries in about 18-24 hours- just try to squeeze as much water out as possible before leaving them to dry (I like to press wool between a couple towels).
And when shopping for wool, lots of wahms do custom work, so if you don't see the exact thing you are looking for, most will be happy to knit up what ever it is you are looking too (myself included )
When I wash my handknits, I usually lay them on a towel, roll the towel up and then walk up and down on it. You get a lot of water out that way and they tend to dry in 1-2 days (depending on the season).
I love wool! We use Sandy's fitteds too (also bamboozles) with our wool covers/longies and I LOVE them! My avatar is my wee girl at 6 weeks wearing her wool longies I couldn't use wool right away with my son though, because he had crazy weird poos that would get everywhere and I didn't want to hand wash the wool every time. So we used wool with him from 6 months+, but our daughter has been wearing it since day 1.
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