I've put on so much weight :-(


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2009
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I don't know what else I can do. I've put on over 2 stone and I'm only 25 weeks :-( even my midwife told me I need to either stop eating so much or start exercising more.
I was only 7stone 10 pre pregnancy and am 5ft tall. I'm now nearly 10stone. I'm so uncomfortable.
I've been really sick since day one, and I feel awfull if I don't eat regularly. I still feel sick everyday.
I've really tried to be healthier recently and I don't think I'm eating badly but ehe weight is just piling on. It's making me feel anxious as everytime I get on the scales the needle has moved up a few pounds.
I feel totaly out of controll. Please tell me Im not the only one in this position. Even my maternity clothes are getting too small,and they fitted me all the way through last pregnancy :cry:
Not sure what a stone equals... 14lbs?

I had severe HG for 16 weeks, lost a few lbs but then suddenly gained 22lbs at 25 weeks or thereabouts and now at 34 weeks I'm up about 35lbs total.

I wouldn't/haven't changed my eating habits at all, despite doctors telling me to watch what I eat...I'm also only 5ft so baby just seems bigger I think. I eat the same as I did pre-pregnant really...I give in to cravings though, I'm not worried

:hugs: I wouldn't worry hun I think lots of women gain the most between 25-28 weeks
I'm only half way through my first pregnancy so don't have that much experience. It's definitely really tough to eat healthy when you're sick. You didn't mention if you exercise? I found that exercise helps me keep the weight gain in check at least starting a few weeks ago when I upped my exercise to at least 30 min everyday and I almost always walk after meals. I know you're not gonna want to move around if you're sick, but if you can motivate yourself to at least walk for like 15 min after every meal or something, I'm certain it will help you feel a little less sick for a while and it should at least not hurt your weight gain.

Also, I found that sucking on candy helped me feel less hungry, like fooling my body into thinking that I'm eating even though I'm not. Gum sometimes had the same effect. It was really bad for my teeth though hehehe but it helped with sickness. Especially candy with B6 vitamins could also help with your sickness.
I know its stressful gaining weight. Even if you add in the exercise some ladies bodies just distribute weight / fat differently. Not only is every pregnancy different but every "body" is different too.

I gained almost 40lbs with my first baby and she was born at 27+6 weeks. What I did to help was PP I started to diet (in a way that suited me since I have ARFID). I could not exercise other than walking because one of my lungs barely works (I was 3 months premature and had collapsed lungs). It took me awhile but I was able to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I was not where I wanted to be before I got pregnant with #2 but its a start. I will work just as hard if not harder this time around to lose all the extra weight and then some.

If you can handle it, just monitor what you eat. Don't go on a diet when pregnant because you might not get all the vitamins and nutrients you and the baby need. Once the baby is born, then you can really work on your weight loss (unless bf'ing cuz you can't really diet while bf'ing, can lower milk supply).
Just eat and enjoy! Screw the scale. I always put on a ton of weight in pregnancy and I'm a small fit girl but I loose it all afterwards anyway! It's just a point in time. If you're hungry, eat. You have the rest of your life to watch the scale now just isn't the time. Besides, I've learned that no matter what I do the weight will keep coming. I really believe the body will do what it needs to Inorder to sustain the pregnancy regardless of our best efforts xx
In my first two pregnancies I ate like a pig and decided pregnancy is a fantastic excuse to consume 3 large trifles a day :wacko:

(I' ll loose it all later anyways? Right?)

Wrong! My BMI ballooned to over 40, I was fat, miserable, loosing weight while breastfeeding provide impossible, after c-section I was unable to exercise and it took me 2 long years after my last baby to get slimmer (I have a BMI of 28 now, so still not perfect, but at least better).

So this time around I am SUPER careful with what and when I eat. I tend to have mostly vegetables (good thing that I crave those too). I do not have ANY refined food. Fill up on soups, gaspaco (very low calorie and very nutritios - I make mine with avocado too).
I watch my calorie intake VERY closely... I am not dieting and never go hungry, but I am certainly well aware how my choices affect my body.

I can't exercise now - do not have the time, and also was told by the doctor and due to 2 c-section I should really keep it light.

SO my advice - DO try to take things under control. I talk from experience. There are lucky girls who can put on 50lbs and loose all within 6 months... But some us are not that lucky.

In the morning have oats with some fruits and a yoghurt. Drink mostly water/unsweetened tea during the day.

For lunch have a soup or some salad with grilled chicken or salmon.

For dinner have some seemed vegetables with quinoa and tofu or something similar to lunch.

As snacks have fresh fruit, veg and nuts and seeds.

And watch your portions too.

:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: Good luck.
I'm at 24 weeks and have gained around 30lbs. In all my pregnancies they tell me I'm gaining to much blah blah. And every time, I've lost all the weight then get told, by some, I'm too thin. I've learned to ignore what they say. Every woman gains a different amount because our bodies are different. As far as exercise goes, do what you can as far as walking. I walk up 3 flights of steps everyday to get to my apartment. That's exercise enough for me! Lol
I am same. Almost near to two stone but, can't help because I Don't think I am eating much but, it's just piling up. If it makes you feel any better I am 18weeks. I was never overweight but, nothing I do is helpful.
Have a look at the Slimming World diet. Its real comforty type food but it teaches you to cook it so it is better for you. I have managed to lose 4 and a half stone with Slimming World and the diet is endorsed by midwifes.

Name a couple of meals that you love to eat and I am sure I can find you a few recipes if you like?
Thankyou for the replies ladies. It's good to know I'm not the only one like this. I did exercise pre pregnancy but haven't since as I've felt too sick. I'm actually even struggling to walk now as bump is so big, my pelvis and back are in agony all the time too. I do try and walk when I can so will try to keep this up as much as I can.
I am/ will try to be as healthy as I can but I still need to eat filling foods to stop me feeling sick and unwell.
I guess sometimes you just can't help it and what will be will be.
Ooh and mamahix my faves are chicken/ rice type dishes x
Oh sorry about the back pain =\ Do you have access to a swimming pool at all? If so, definitely use it even if you don't normally swim. Like do some walks across the shallow end, the water will reduce the impact. Or if you do go for walks, try not to walk on hard cement or pavement, but rather on trails or grass, also reduces impact on joints. You can also try following some prenatal yoga videos. Supposedly strengthening your legs and glutes also help reduce back and pelvic pain as you can use your muscles to carry the weight instead of the joints, so yoga helps with that. It might hurt a little bit right after the exercise but hopefully will help in the long term.

You're definitely not alone, I feel so heavy and awkward, never been at this weight my whole life so completely unused to it.
How about this Stevie?

to make chicken, orzo and tomato risnotto, you’ll need:
two chicken breasts cut into chunks, 200g tomatoes, tiny drop of oil, 1 large onion sliced finely, three garlic gloves, 400g of orzo pasta, 3 dollops of tomato puree, 900ml of chicken stock, 1/2tsp of oregano, 1/4tsp of thyme, 1/4tsp of lemon zest and 1/2tsp of balsamic vinegar. Basil leaves, black pepper and parmesan to serve.

to make chicken, orzo and tomato risnotto, you should:
fry the chicken off in a tiny bit of oil or a squirt of frylight (bleurgh!) – chuck in a bit of salt and pepper to swoosh it along – once cooked through, set aside
chuck the onions into the pan now and saute gently until they go transparent and sticky – add the garlic for a moment or two
add the rice and fry along with the onion for a minute or two
add the tomato puree, tomatoes (chopped if particularly big, otherwise just tip in), all the herbs and the balsamic vinegar, plus the chicken
now cook gently, on a medium heat, adding stock one ladle at a time and stirring – don’t leave it to stick, and eventually, it’ll go nice and gloopy and thick – tasty!
serve in a big bowl with a smashing cheesy grin on your face.

Credit to https://twochubbycubs.com/2015/04/13/chicken-orzo-and-tomato-risnotto/
You could always adopt a diet like you have diabetes. That sounds kinda bad, but
it's basically just limiting sugar and carbs. I've had GD twice now and eating that way always helped to keep the weight gain down.
I should've adopted the diet sooner this time b/c I've gained more weight than I did with my previous 2. lol Oh well :p
Yes I have a local pool. Was thinking swimming would be good.
The recipie sounds amazing I will Deffo give thus a goat the weekend thanks.
I have the gtt coming up soon (big baby previously) so I may have to adopt this diet if it comes back positive!
I've gained nearly 35lb at 34 weeks and I'm miserable about it, like you I had awful sickness (still feel awful) and need to eat to feel human, but you know what? I gained similar with my son and lost it all no problem just pushing the pram on long walks and using my fitness pal app to limit my calorie intake. My son was born in the October, I gave myself until new year's day to enjoy food over Christmas etc and establish breastfeeding, then from new years until the end of that summer I went from 185lb to 133! The smallest I had ever been!

I'm not saying go mad and indulge every craving, but don't beat yourself up if you gain more than you anticipate. I'm convinced that my body just holds onto every calorie in pregnancy, my thighs especially! Our bodies do build up reserves for breastfeeding afterall.

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