Thanks Ironmom
my clinic just called and 6 have fertilised! Yay! They will call me again on Tuesday... Which is really only 2 sleeps but geez it feels like so far away haha and then transfer should be Thursday as long as my blood test results on Wednesday come back ok.
Hi Hope, sorry for your loss last year
how exciting that you've already started your injections! What dose of gonal f are you on? When is your 1st ultrasound?
Ironmom how are things going with you? Where are you up to?
Hi Kim, wow you must be getting close to retrieval! Yay! Do you mean you have 12-13 follicles or they are 12-13mm in size? Either way it sounds good. I had a little bloating too but my worst side effects were cramping and tiredness, not that it was that bad, I kinda liked it cos I felt like it was working haha
Mowat they checked the thickness of my lining at each ultrasound, it needs to be a certain thickness, I'm sure your clinic will do the same.
JViti I know what you mean I never wanted AF to come so bad in my life haha bit of a change from usual! I hope she comes soon and stops teasing you.
3 Chords how exciting that you are about to start! Do you know when your 1st ultrasound will be?