IVF Aug/Sept 2015 Fresh & Frosties

Em - Good luck with your retrieval tomorrow :dust: keep us posted on how it goes. Remember to drink lots of liquids afterward.

Psalm - Hope all goes well at your appointment and you get to trigger tomorrow!

BMW - yay for more estrace, you are doing ok so far on it right?

AFM - When I went for my scan last Friday, they found cysts on my right ovary so I have to go for blood work tomorrow morning to make sure they aren't producing any hormones. I start estrace tomorrow and if labs come back good, I can stop BCP Saturday, then wait for AF. I'm starting to get these little panic moments that this is getting closer and I'm so afraid it's not going to work. Gotta stick with the PMA!
Em - Good luck with your retrieval tomorrow :dust: keep us posted on how it goes. Remember to drink lots of liquids afterward.

Psalm - Hope all goes well at your appointment and you get to trigger tomorrow!

BMW - yay for more estrace, you are doing ok so far on it right?

AFM - When I went for my scan last Friday, they found cysts on my right ovary so I have to go for blood work tomorrow morning to make sure they aren't producing any hormones. I start estrace tomorrow and if labs come back good, I can stop BCP Saturday, then wait for AF. I'm starting to get these little panic moments that this is getting closer and I'm so afraid it's not going to work. Gotta stick with the PMA!

So far so good!

I know how hard it is to stay positive, but its all out of our control!!! Just take it one day at a time!
Hi all!!

Hope - crossing fingers for you that the cysts aren't anything to be concerned about. I agree with BMW - take it one day at a time and positivity is the best thing during this process (not that it's always easy but we have to try)!

BMW - glad to hear it's going well. What's next for you?

AFM - appointment went well. I trigger tonight at 10pm. Thankfully it's ovitrelle, so I get to do it in my stomach and not the butt. Thank heavens for small mercies. Scheduled for ER on Thursday at 10am (eeek). I also had my intralipids today. I wasn't expecting it but after our appointment with the Dr. She just asked if I could stay for another 2 hours. Luckily the appointment was early in the morning so I wasn't too late in! Worst part about the IV was them putting it in the top of my hand - ugh - it still hurts now. They felt a bit strange going in (it's just a white fluid that they pump into you) but nothing too painful. I believe I have to have another dose after transfer.
Hi all!!

Hope - crossing fingers for you that the cysts aren't anything to be concerned about. I agree with BMW - take it one day at a time and positivity is the best thing during this process (not that it's always easy but we have to try)!

BMW - glad to hear it's going well. What's next for you?

AFM - appointment went well. I trigger tonight at 10pm. Thankfully it's ovitrelle, so I get to do it in my stomach and not the butt. Thank heavens for small mercies. Scheduled for ER on Thursday at 10am (eeek). I also had my intralipids today. I wasn't expecting it but after our appointment with the Dr. She just asked if I could stay for another 2 hours. Luckily the appointment was early in the morning so I wasn't too late in! Worst part about the IV was them putting it in the top of my hand - ugh - it still hurts now. They felt a bit strange going in (it's just a white fluid that they pump into you) but nothing too painful. I believe I have to have another dose after transfer.

I up my Estrace today to two pills, up it to three on Saturday. My next appointment is the 24th to see if I am ready to transfer, and I will also be doing Intralipids that day if I am ready! Then transfer will be the 29th. So close!!!! 15 days till my frosties aren't cold anymore! YAY.

My first IVF I got to trigger in the stomach. With my new RE, they trigger in the upper arm, so weird and it freakin hurts! DH is such a trooper, though. He got off the hook this cycle and has to do NOTHING, but deal with moody me lol

Do they always put the IV in the hand for Intralipids? That sound painful! Did it feel cold going on? I've heard some people say that. I was told I need one infusion before transfer and then one ASAP after a bfp.
Wow, it is a busy morning for all of us over here!

Hope, man sorry about your cysts. You deserve a break!

Psalm, I am glad the appointment went so well! It must feel so surreal to be ready to do this Thursday. Like everyone had said, lots of water around 12 8 oz glasses. Try to not go over 4 liters of pure water because too much water an cause seizures with low sodium levels . I found that on my really bad Celiac dehydration days pedialyte was the best. Baring that use water, or coconut water, bananas and salty fries.

Bmw, how cool you are on your increased estrace dose and almost ready for intralipids. I hope your estrogen levels are just right for the perfect response. At least if you are moody, you know the drugs are working.

Em, good luck today! I hope you can rest after and treat those ovaries gently. Fx for lots of beautiful eggs.

Dizzy, Grats on the 5k!
Hi to CG, fairytales, Wish, Christie and crystal.

Afm WE GOT OUR COUNSYL GENETICS BACK! If you can't tell I am happy to have answers. We don't share any of the same mutations, and the ones we do are Autosomal Recessive so we can't give our kid the disease. DH does have full MTHFR though so I need to ask the doc about switching him from folic acid to a prescription folate to reduce the risk of his sperm causing a misscarriage.

HFE hereditary Hemochromatosis

LCHAD Dificiency Carrier

Oops, I do have HFE hereditary Hemochromatosis. I misread my report..I think..hmm
Thanks, ladies! ER went well and I got 12 eggs yay! That's the most I've ever had so I'm very pleased. Now the real waiting game starts with waiting to hear how many fertilize, how many blasts, etc. We're doing genetic testing so those results won't be back for another two weeks after the embryos reach blast stage.

Psalm - yay for trigger! Ouch, sorry to hear about the IV in your hand. I've had that for both of my surgeries and it's not fun at all.

Ren - awesome news!! I know that was very stressful waiting for the results so glad you can put your mind at ease now. I have MTHFR, compound heterozygous for c667t and a1298c alleles, so I take Folgard.

BMW - transfer won't be long at all! Hope these two weeks fly by! Lol about your DH having to deal with moodiness, my poor DH has had his fair share of my moods this cycle.

Hope - thanks, I stocked up on coconut water. Fingers crossed your cysts aren't producing any hormones.
Yay exciting day around here!
I got my email from compassionate care and we got 25% off meds and insurance is helping a bit. So we are only looking at 3400 for meds. I start acupuncture tomorrow
Thanks, ladies! ER went well and I got 12 eggs yay! That's the most I've ever had so I'm very pleased. Now the real waiting game starts with waiting to hear how many fertilize, how many blasts, etc. We're doing genetic testing so those results won't be back for another two weeks after the embryos reach blast stage.

Psalm - yay for trigger! Ouch, sorry to hear about the IV in your hand. I've had that for both of my surgeries and it's not fun at all.

Ren - awesome news!! I know that was very stressful waiting for the results so glad you can put your mind at ease now. I have MTHFR, compound heterozygous for c667t and a1298c alleles, so I take Folgard.

BMW - transfer won't be long at all! Hope these two weeks fly by! Lol about your DH having to deal with moodiness, my poor DH has had his fair share of my moods this cycle.

Hope - thanks, I stocked up on coconut water. Fingers crossed your cysts aren't producing any hormones.

12 is an awesome number!

Yay exciting day around here!
I got my email from compassionate care and we got 25% off meds and insurance is helping a bit. So we are only looking at 3400 for meds. I start acupuncture tomorrow

That's great on the savings!!! Every penny helps.
Wow, it is a busy morning for all of us over here!

Hope, man sorry about your cysts. You deserve a break!

Psalm, I am glad the appointment went so well! It must feel so surreal to be ready to do this Thursday. Like everyone had said, lots of water around 12 8 oz glasses. Try to not go over 4 liters of pure water because too much water an cause seizures with low sodium levels . I found that on my really bad Celiac dehydration days pedialyte was the best. Baring that use water, or coconut water, bananas and salty fries.

Bmw, how cool you are on your increased estrace dose and almost ready for intralipids. I hope your estrogen levels are just right for the perfect response. At least if you are moody, you know the drugs are working.

Em, good luck today! I hope you can rest after and treat those ovaries gently. Fx for lots of beautiful eggs.

Dizzy, Grats on the 5k!
Hi to CG, fairytales, Wish, Christie and crystal.

Afm WE GOT OUR COUNSYL GENETICS BACK! If you can't tell I am happy to have answers. We don't share any of the same mutations, and the ones we do are Autosomal Recessive so we can't give our kid the disease. DH does have full MTHFR though so I need to ask the doc about switching him from folic acid to a prescription folate to reduce the risk of his sperm causing a misscarriage.

HFE hereditary Hemochromatosis Carrier

LCHAD Dificiency Carrier

Thanks, sweety! Time is flying by.

Glad you got your results back! I am sure the doc can give something to DH!! No worries.
Amazon Prime day is tomorrow July 15th!! Huge discounts on Supplements!
Em - WOW! congrats on getting 12 eggs. That's brilliant. Praying for a great fertilization rate and for those embies to grow! Hope you get to rest a little bit now!

Cowgirl - brilliant savings on the meds and glad insurance will cover you - any amount you can save is worth it. When you have to pay to have children in the first place you realize how much everything costs, but I feel like we are willing to pay anything we can to have what we long for so much.

Ren - thanks for the advice! I am quite good about my water intake anyway but I know that the bathroom then becomes my best friend! Luckily this time I feel less bloated than before and I think it is because I am being better about my water. Problem is trying to stave off the constipation (yuck) ... Congrats on getting good results from Counsyl as well. It's just a great piece of mind when you are going through this process.

BMW - I don't think that they always put the intralipids in your hand. I don't have particularly good veins in my right arm and they wanted to save the left arm for the ER on Thursday. I didn't really have any choice and they just went for it in my hand. It's still a bit sore but if this is the key to getting the embies to stick then I will take it! My hand got a little stiff while the intralipids were going in and they were a little cold at the beginning, but its nothing to be concerned about.

Hi to everyone else! Hope all is well.

AFM - just enjoying an injection free day and getting all my work in order so that I am not thinking about it tomorrow while I am off.
hello ladies! been lurking - not much to give here except support!

em - good job on the solid dozen!! I hope you continue to have good luck with them fertilizing and growing. How many are you transferring? did you say you're doing assisted hatching? sorry if you already noted this.

BMW - good luck with the estrace! things are picking up now!

psalm - so excited for you!

ren - thanks for the note on the sales! I was wondering what I could buy!

:wave: to everyone else! I hope you're all well.
Em - WOW! congrats on getting 12 eggs. That's brilliant. Praying for a great fertilization rate and for those embies to grow! Hope you get to rest a little bit now!

Cowgirl - brilliant savings on the meds and glad insurance will cover you - any amount you can save is worth it. When you have to pay to have children in the first place you realize how much everything costs, but I feel like we are willing to pay anything we can to have what we long for so much.

Ren - thanks for the advice! I am quite good about my water intake anyway but I know that the bathroom then becomes my best friend! Luckily this time I feel less bloated than before and I think it is because I am being better about my water. Problem is trying to stave off the constipation (yuck) ... Congrats on getting good results from Counsyl as well. It's just a great piece of mind when you are going through this process.

BMW - I don't think that they always put the intralipids in your hand. I don't have particularly good veins in my right arm and they wanted to save the left arm for the ER on Thursday. I didn't really have any choice and they just went for it in my hand. It's still a bit sore but if this is the key to getting the embies to stick then I will take it! My hand got a little stiff while the intralipids were going in and they were a little cold at the beginning, but its nothing to be concerned about.

Hi to everyone else! Hope all is well.

AFM - just enjoying an injection free day and getting all my work in order so that I am not thinking about it tomorrow while I am off.

Got it! I need to get blood done that day too so I will let them try and take it from my left arm since my right arm is my good vein and rather use that for the IV!

Enjoy your injection free day!

hello ladies! been lurking - not much to give here except support!

em - good job on the solid dozen!! I hope you continue to have good luck with them fertilizing and growing. How many are you transferring? did you say you're doing assisted hatching? sorry if you already noted this.

BMW - good luck with the estrace! things are picking up now!

psalm - so excited for you!

ren - thanks for the note on the sales! I was wondering what I could buy!

:wave: to everyone else! I hope you're all well.

Still working my way through BCP. Not no exciting news yet over here. I did go and sign all my consent forms today for the study and FET.

So much going on with everyone else though! Looking good overall I think. :dust: Let's all continue to stay positive and doing what we need to do to meet our little ones in 10 or so months.

I've finished a big chunk of the painting I had to do. At least the area that is getting carpeted today. Before I can list my house though the realtor wants me to replace two windows and finish drywalling the stairs to the basement. You would not believe how hard it is to find someone to do those things.
Psalm - thanks! I'm just waiting impatiently for the phone call to get my fert results. Enjoy your injection free day and good luck for tomorrow!

Cowgirl - great news about the compassionate care. meds are so expensive!

Wish - we're only transferring one embryo but we won't do a transfer until September because we're doing genetic testing. Those results won't be back for a couple of weeks and my clinic closes in August for lab cleaning and calibration. We're not doing assisted hatching.

Christie - that's crazy it's so hard to get someone to work on those things. You would think contractors are always looking work. Hope you find someone soon!
Just got my fertilization report. I'm a little disappointed. Out of 12 eggs only 7 were mature. Luckily all 7 eggs fertilized. I've never had so many immature eggs though. I just read it might be due to the Lupron trigger my doctor had me take since my estrogen was high. I'm happy I avoided OHSS but still wish we could have had a few more mature eggs. Oh well, there is always a trade off, I suppose. I won't get another update until next Monday when they let me know how many made it to blast and were PGD tested.
7 still sounds like a great number, esp if you're only transferring one! FX'ed you continue to get some good results - proper development and most of all, great PGD results. FX'ed!
Wow all seven mature eggs fertilized. That bodes really well for your egg quality Em. Sorry the 12 didn't all mature.
Em, 7 is still a great number! Especially since they were all mature and all fertilized! FX for you!!!

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