Thanks ladies for your kind words. With our first ivf, I did not get AF before OTD. The flow seems to have been medium-heavy so I have no hope for a miracle tomorrow. My biggest fear isn't a bfn, it would be going through what we went through in January again.
I'm sorry, Lucie. Prayers that you don't have a repeat of your January experience.
Had my monitoring apt this morning. I have 18 follicles growing nicely and my blood levels were perfect! My dosage for meds will stay the same, next apt Tuesday morning.
Excellent news! Do you have an estimated date for ER yet?
10/28 - 11/1 Does that seem too long?
Lucie- I'll be praying for our baby miracles!
I am 38 with DOR (low AMH, high FSH, poor response) and have the added challenge of being a carrier for an x linked Mucsular Dystrophy (PGD).
I had one gender selection IUI, which resulted in an ectopic pregnancy that had to be removed surgically.
I had one failed IVF, with only one that made it to transfer.
Right now I am hoping to beat lots of odds, because they are against me.
AFC = 3
ET = 1!!!
That one egg fertilized
That one fertilized egg became a 9-cell grade A on day 3.
Today is day 4 and I am going crazy. So hard to be optimistic that the lone ranger will make it to day 5 and become a strong blast...
Here's to hoping against all odds that I will still be in as of tomorrow!!!!
Congrats Disney and Chickadee!!
Not much is going on here. I'm in a long FET cycle. I started lupron on Friday & have been taking Aygesten for about a week. I'll be doing my first ultrasound & the trial transfer on Wednesday, followed by a lot of drugs & estimated transfer November 15.
I'm really concerned that it will be unsuccessful. The transfer is scheduled on day 32 of my cycle. It feels like that's just asking for failure.
Thanks Disney!
I searched around on the Internet a little bit after posting and realized that day 28-35 isn't uncommon at all for FET. I was comparing it to fresh, which I shouldn't have been doing.
I'm doing lupron for 3 weeks, estrodoil starting this Wednesday, I think, progesterone in oil injections starting a few days before the transfer and estrogen patches at some point.
I am 38 with DOR (low AMH, high FSH, poor response) and have the added challenge of being a carrier for an x linked Mucsular Dystrophy (PGD).
I had one gender selection IUI, which resulted in an ectopic pregnancy that had to be removed surgically.
I had one failed IVF, with only one that made it to transfer.
Right now I am hoping to beat lots of odds, because they are against me.
AFC = 3
ET = 1!!!
That one egg fertilized
That one fertilized egg became a 9-cell grade A on day 3.
Today is day 4 and I am going crazy. So hard to be optimistic that the lone ranger will make it to day 5 and become a strong blast...
Here's to hoping against all odds that I will still be in as of tomorrow!!!!
congrats Disney and chickadee! So happy for you
After five days of stimming, I've got 40 follicles Bit worried about OHSS now, especially as they all seem to be fairly big as well. Don't think I will be stimming for much longer! Has anybody else had something similar? I'm starting to get a bit worried about everything.
I am 38 with DOR (low AMH, high FSH, poor response) and have the added challenge of being a carrier for an x linked Mucsular Dystrophy (PGD).
I had one gender selection IUI, which resulted in an ectopic pregnancy that had to be removed surgically.
I had one failed IVF, with only one that made it to transfer.
Right now I am hoping to beat lots of odds, because they are against me.
AFC = 3
ET = 1!!!
That one egg fertilized
That one fertilized egg became a 9-cell grade A on day 3.
Today is day 4 and I am going crazy. So hard to be optimistic that the lone ranger will make it to day 5 and become a strong blast...
Here's to hoping against all odds that I will still be in as of tomorrow!!!!
Ok, a lot to catch up on - so I'll do this in parts:
Lucie and Samsfan - how are you two feeling today? Have you talked to your clinics? Do you have a plan moving forward? Hugs to you both