Samsfan, wow thats like 3 days away!!
Well, a positive test is possible at this stage, but I've seen so far that HPTs are inconclusive and useless, and all they do is stress you out. I've never purchased a HPT, and I don't plan to ever.
It's a personal choice whether to test at home or not, and I respect that; personally though, I prefer to let the Beta tell me the real story rather than subject myself to the agony of testing and fretting over BFN / BFP and thick/absent/thin lines on a test that isn't entirely reliable anyway. But that's just me, and I get how hard it is in the 2WW... I totally get why everyone does it...
I hope your Beta comes through with a BFP! You're the first one testing... exciting... I'm looking forward to hearing your positive results!
Jessica Wow, that's awesome news... I understand its all very uncertain right now, but the very thought of it, feels like a blessing. Whatever you decide, I wish you good luck and happiness... I hope you get exactly what you want and deserve!
Kzee you're the fourth person on a similar timeline as the rest of us, and trust me hon, bleeding is
not a sign of BFN. Hold your horses, take your meds like they've asked you to and wait till the Beta... it could be a BFP yet!
And hon, not everyone conceives the first time round...
for most people it takes many many attempts before they achieve success. Think about it this way: if there's a 50% chance of success with a cycle, there's also a 50% chance of failure...
And yes, its hard to deal with the disappointment, but hang in there hon, its not over yet! Your OTD is the day before mine... Good luck!!
AFM - Very hormonal and crying this morning, not quite sure why I'm crying though. Boobs are sore, and the crying + sore boobs is usually a sign of AF. However, its also a side effect of Progesterone,
and also a sign of pregnancy.. I'm just 4dpt so I'm not going to try and guess what it is, but will just wait till beta... After today, 4 days to get through. Just have to keep reminding myself about that.