Hello Ladies,
I've been quiet and a little disconnected since there wasn't much to share at my end. I've been busy in the job hunt and done a few telephonic and one personal interview so far. The process is on, December is always slow in hiring.
Plex, I hope you have a rocking X'mas this year and you get right into your cycle soon after. I know how trying it can be to keep waiting!
SmallTownGal welcome to the forum (A little late, I know, but I'm glad to have one more wonderful mommy-to-be with us).
Dovkav hope your ET went smoothly. Fingers crossed for you hun!
Sunshine I thought those HPTs were out! Uh-uh being naughty right before Christmas!
But seriously, how have you been? Must be precious to hear that little HB inside you?
Chickadeedee its good to hear from you. Its been a while. Keep the faith hon, the baby's going to be fine. Don't freak yourself out!
flagirlie, I'm waiting to hear if you have a singleton or twins. Exciting stuff.
Praying for all you mommies to be. May the little ones grow and get stronger and ready to come out in due course!
AFM - You might recall we are on the hunt for a new RE with all the disappointments so far. We had an appointment yesterday with IRMS (Dr. Patricia L. Hughes) at Hackensack. I had a ton of questions for her, but after reviewing all my history till date she says: All you need is another attempt. Nothing different, save for an easier and smoother transfer.
In her opinion, everything is functioning like it should and its not a question of IF it will happen, its only about WHEN. She shot down autoimmune conditions saying it didn't affect implantation at all, she shot down HCG infusion saying it wasn't proven, and she said even if I had endometriosis or PCOS it did not affect implantation so we didn't need to investigate for it. She also said acupuncture is Bull and has no effect on success rates.
The only thing she suggested we could do differently is PGD/PGS but not for the three embies we currently have frozen. She said we could do that in case these three don't attach and we have to go for a fresh cycle after.
We've decided not to go ahead with her, as she advises nothing different from our existing protocol, save for minor changes here and there. The whole reason for switching over was to investigate why it hasn't worked, and if she isn't interested in doing that, its not worth it.
So, we have an appointment at Sher Institute in NYC coming up on Feb 18th, and his initial patient questionnaire itself asks if I have been tested for autoimmune conditions so I am very optimistic about that appointment. I hope Dr. Tortoriello is as good as we expect him to be.
Until then, we are taking a break from it all and, of course, trying naturally.
I hope I didn't miss any important updates since I was last active, my sincere apologies if I have. And prayers and hugs to the ones who have had to deal with bad news in this time.