Disney, when is the next U/s? Can you feel the baby moving around or is it still too early for that?
As for the MS, gosh, that doesn't sound like fun at all.
I guess I'm so caught up with trying to get that BFP, I haven't even spared a minute to think about all that's going to follow AFTER! And I have friends who tell me, honey, pregnancy is the fun part. Its after the baby is born that the real work starts...
Oh well, I'm trying to convince myself that maybe this TTC journey is designed to make me thankful when I finally do have the baby and I'm getting tired and complaining why did I want kids? Lol...
But seriously, I really hope your MS eases out soon... I'm not sure the fatigue goes away at all once you get pregnant?
SmallTownGal Yeah, those things look easy to put together, and DH almost never attempts it, hes so clumsy. Anything that needs assembling and patience, is my job, Lol. How is the snowstorm today, is it very cold there?
Flagirlie Crinone is known to irritate the cervix and cause bleeding, so that could be what you saw. Also the fact that its twins could be a factor contributing to bleeding; that's common as well. You should be fine, hon.
Jessica, hon, although its mathematically possible that none survive the thaw, that's not likely to happen. Don't stress yourself about it, they will do just fine.
Goodluck with your ET, now only two days away! Yay!
About Sher, you're right, I've heard mixed reviews about Sher. Some were terrible reviews of the LV facility, in fact, but there's also a lot of rave reviews claiming exactly the opposite.
Now my position is this: my current RE hasn't tested me for investigating the reasons why it isn't attaching. I suspect autoimmune issues since the eggs are many, good quality, blah-blah-blah but they simply won't attach. Very few facilities on the east coast test for autoimmune conditions, and SIRM offers that option, and are in-network with my insurance. That's why I'm going to consult Dr. Tortoreillo at their NYC office.
I also consulted with a highly rated doctor from the best facility (highest SART success rates) in NJ - IRMS, Dr. Hughes, and she said she didnt believe in autoimmune therapy for IVF implantation issues because it deprives Cancer patients of their medication, which is used for IVF treatments instead of treating cancer. I don't believe in depriving a cancer patient of their medication just in order to conceive, but its hard to believe that's actually true? She sounded kooky, and was talking to herself more than us during the consultation, fidgeting around with her desk constantly, not making enough eye contact, and could not give us credible answers to our questions. And yet, she had very good reviews when I looked her up.
How reliable are reviews then? Or published success rates? I wonder.
So anyway, we eliminated her from the list, and I'm going to consult with Gold Coast IVF on Jan 7th. They also perform a complete battery of diagnostic tests, so if I am satisfied with what Dr. Palter offers as my protocol, I might go ahead with him and not go to Sher at all, even for the consultation.
If I'm not satisfied with Dr. Palter's diagnosing attempts however, I might still keep the appointment with Sher. So what I'm saying is, I'm not sure yet.
I haven't decided which RE its going to be, but like I eliminated two so far on account of their unwillingness to do any testing or anything different in their protocols; I will not go ahead with anyone else unless I'm 100% satisfied.
I firmly believe that this time round, my decision has to be based on their diagnosis of my condition, and the treatment they offer - a personal experience with the RE and evaluating what they actually offer versus what they promise initially.
I just wish I was better informed a year ago when we started out... so much effort and expense and pain... all in vain... Sigh...