My natural IVF cycle treatment failed. We couldn't find an egg. RE poked needle twice and sucked the fluid out of the follicle, but no success. I saw everything on the monitor. I felt the needle. The crampy pain lasted One hour. The pain was nothing to compare I have had period cramps in the past. Not big deal! I had voltaren in my rectum 50mg 1 hour before ER. My husband was next to me all time.
RE told me that it happens that women don't have an egg in the follicle. Also the egg maybe still stuck to the follicle wall. I could O any time and we decided to do iUI and take progesteron pills tomorrow in the evening. It will be Magic if my tubes are healthy.
My opinion, 16mm follicle was not big enough, early trigger killed it, in the past I had 20mm follicle and felt my O that day.
Another option could be chromosomal problems of the egg, that's why is still stuck to the follicle wall.
We'll never know the truth, what happened.
Sept 4th I have pregnancy blood test. I have a little hope, because we are doing too things different. Progesteron and IUI.
I had a scare today too. Half an hour after procedure I felt nausea and dizzy, I saw lights flashing in my eyes. I asked my Dh call for help and layed down on the floor. My blood pressure was 90/40. Dr. gave me IV and I felt better.
Vagus nerve may responded to my procedure, also I drank nothing that morning and maybe it is HCg shot side effect. Maybe all 3 at once. We'll never know.
Ultrasound didn't show any problems
I am taking progesteron by mouth, my dr. told me it is more effective than vaginally, however the side effects are very strong. So far I felt dizzy in the morning and I have pain in my right arm.
Nearly big big
bunny huny, Things are progressing very well to you, soon you'll have your embryos in your incubator! do you have any side efects from progesteron? Did you have a full anesthesia during ER?