ThanksThanks, Serenyx! I hope you get some good news soon!
Isn't is great how our husbands feel that they can laugh at the lengths we are willing to go to to get what we want. Hopefully the progesterone works out well. I'm sure your lining is great.
I'm not on progesterone yet since my transfer is over a month away. I go back on Crinone (vaginal gel) in a couple of weeks. Not a fan of Crinone, but it gets me out of PIO shots.
Oh I know he doesn't mean any harm by it He's been pretty good about taking the supplements I bought etc however yes, the lengths we go to are amazing I never thought I would be able to inject myself but that wasn't too bad either
The gel sounds like a good alternative!
Hi ladies!
Can I join up? I just got my calendar, though don't know about meds yet. My RE will call Tuesday. I start Stims Sep 14, egg collection Sep 28, give or take and do the transfer on Nov 12.
My RE is doing a clinical trial (which saves us $$) freezing all fertilized eggs and only transferring after they've been frozen. It means more waiting, but what's another month after all this time? The success rate is also much higher, so hopefully we just have to do this once!
I'm 33 and healthy, hubby has a good SA. But, I had a TL when I was 27-- mistake. The reversal wasn't particularly successful. IVF is our only option.
Bunny - There is still time to get your BFP, are you testing with FRER's? Where abouts in Czech are you , if you don't mind me asking ?
Just got my day 3 embryo report. All 6 embryos are 8 cells. We have 4 grade 1 embryos and 2 grade 2 embryos. Out next report comes on biopsy day (day 5). They are also unfreezing our 2 frozen ones for the biopsy, and then everything will be frozen after.
We got our !!!!!! It is SUPER faint, but it is definitely there. (DH upped the contrast on the image below so everyone can see our wonderful second line!)
Details: Today is 7dp5dt. I took a test at 5a and didn't see a line immediately so I put it off to the side. 45 minutes later, I decided to look at it again and saw a VERY faint, pink second line. DH and I couldn't figure out if it was an evap or a real line, so I went ahead and did another test. This time we checked it at 5 minutes (the latest the instructions say to read it) and again there was a very faint second line. So definitely an early . We're just so amazed and totally blown away right now!
I think will be following my natural cycle... So around the end of this month.
Finger cross for everybody. X
Congratulations bunyhuny!! I think I would be too scared to test and keep on wondering if it was hcg left in my system from the trigger
The embryologist just phoned with our day 3 update. All have divided but some better than others. Of the 7, only 4 are where they would expect them to be at this time (between 6 and 8 cells). One is a 10 cell embryo which she said is a bit fast but looks fine. Of the other two, they think one is a 10 cell but it is fragmenting so they don't think that one will make it and the other is a 3 cell which they think has stopped dividing.
Since they can't decide which is the best they have provisionally decided on a day 5 transfer depending on the outcome of my scan this afternoon (because I hyper stimulated they need to check I would be ok for a transfer).
They did warn me that none might make it to blast stage but that is a risk we will have to take