Spotting and cramping came back yesterday morning. All pregnancy symptoms went away at the same time. hCG numbers came back not having doubled in three days and still under 1000. Doctor won't do any more beta tests. She says the pregnancy will either continue or it won't and there's nothing anyone can do to help it stick. We go in for another u/s next Monday to see if the pregnancy is still growing. At this point, we have a higher chance of miscarrying than things being okay. Doctor is back to talking about what to expect with a frozen cycle. I just wish we had some answers. I always figured once we finally got pregnant things would stop being so unknown and stressful. But nothing has gone right with this. I'm bleeding all the time, my numbers don't do what they should, the gestational sac is smaller than it should be, all my symptoms are gone....
I think I might have to take a break from BnB for a while. This is all just getting to be too much and I don't feel like I have the ability to keep up with everyone's posts and be supportive. I just have no energy left and I feel terrible about not being there for all of you wonderful, wonderful ladies.
No worries love, you do what you need to do