IVF/ICSI/FET Round 2 (or 3, or 4, or 5, etc.) ladies trying again in 2011

Hi Angie!!

Aww, thank you! Just supporting everyone best I can, just like you have all supported me! :hugs: I'm thinking that I start actual DR injections a week today. Thant's what I have worked out to be CD21, but I haven't actually confirmed that with my clinic. Don't know why, just somehow didn't feel the need and decided to go with the flow as much as I can. I guess that sounds a bit strange, but it works in my head :wacko:

Its brilliant you are feeling a little better, I hope you continue to do so. Exercise is a good thing for depression so keep it up :thumbup: Plus the obvious health benefits to keep you in tip top shape for next cycle. Work can be an added stress so good to hear you can be flexible. I can be more so now with my new job but still have to make a certain amount of hours each week, split between 2 teams... Ok, that actually doesn't sound flexible at all when I read it out loud :haha:

I'm hoping things calm down slightly with finishing degree. Will have my weekends back :happydance: I will have last assignment completed tomorrow then first ICSI appointment for cycle 2 monday!! :dohh: Just to add to the mix i'm going for promotion at work. Have only been there two and half months but both my managers have pushed for me to try and in my heade if I don't I will not show myself in a good light and will look as if I lack drive, ambition etc. Its another stress and my mum thinks i'm mad, but like you say you can't put your life on hold. Its so hard sometimes to know what's best. I often think we can't do that, I may be pregnant. But maybe not??? So i'm carrying on as normal and hopefully I will be blessed this time, and can then cancel down the line.

My DP used to reason that some beer is ok as they screen them etc so we wouldn't get any dodgey ones... (I always thought of the simpsons and homer simpson sperm-have you seen it? :haha:) Anyway he has recently quit drinking for 3 months so i'm very pleased. He decided on his own so think there may have been some soul searching going on. But your DP sounds very sensible and sure he will go easy and all will be fine.

What have you been doing this weekend? I'm now enjoying a nice chilled evening at home with DP and my furbaby. He went missing for 24hours last week. I was a mess, was crying my eyes out saying things along the lines of 'I can't have a real baby, so he is my baby, and now i've lost my baby and have no babies at all'!! Anyway, he came back, was in a neighbours garage, stuck all night. Made me realise that if i'm that mental over a cat I would be freakin' with a tiny lil baby! But loving every second. God, please let it work for us :hugs::hugs::hugs: xxxxxx
Hi Lolley,

That must have been awful when your little baby went awol..glad you got him back safely. Thats all you need right now!!! I can just imagine how you felt, i would have felt exactly the same!!

So have you started now? Whats the plan? Are you on the long protocol, ive only done the short so far. The long one sounds very ardous (not sure if thats spelt right), well it sounds very hard :haha: but if it brings our babies to us, we will do anything right?

I had a quiet wkend, my dp was away with work and my dad was away golfing so I stayed with my mum for the wkend. She has had quite bad health for a number of years and my dad wanted me to stay with her. Although she is very independent and would stay on her own, its just better for someone to be with her. It was nice though, we watched the Kings Speech on Friday night (my friday nights used to be spent at the pub-how things change) and Eurovision Sat night which was a laugh.....

With regards to your job, try not to take on too much, dont want stress levels to high. I know its hard not to continue as you normally do though so do what you think is right for you (you, not everybody else!!!)

I haven't seen that one but I do love the simpsons!!! I love my drink too, its hard not to indulge. We are having quite a few friends round at the wkend and im going to have a few drinks then and then stop. Think we're not going to be starting til Jul so im hoping that will be ok. Im finding that part really hard as thats my social life and i find it really difficult lying to people so im just not really socialising!! Your hubby has done really well giving up for 3 months, how long have you given up for?

Liz - how are you getting on in the 2ww? When are you going to test? Hope your coping ok, i feel for you as i know how it feels (as many of us do), its so difficult but i can't wait to hear your good news :thumbup:

Isi-how are you my dear. Hope your feeling good and your two lo's aren't being too hard on you, sending you all :hugs:


Hi to everyone else xxxx
Hi Angiemon,

Doing ok, I think……it feels weird this time around, I’m certainly not as panicky as I was last time, I also don’t seem to have any cramping or twinges; the odd one here and there but nothing to write home about. I’m trying to stop analysing what this actually means, but finding it sooo difficult! I am really scared about testing though.

It seems however I have become a master of deception as I had a hilarious night last night, went to the in-laws for dinner where my family are staying from the US, they poured me a glass of wine which I kept putting up to my lips to look like I was boozing, then I would put it down on the table next to DH’s wine, he would then pick up my glass and drink some (hopefully without anyone noticing!) and then put it back down where I would then pretend to drink it! He ended up drinking 2 glasses of mine and his own! But no one said anything, so I’m either spectacularly stupid or no one twigged! Ha ha, I think I have criminal deception talents, maybe I should put them to better work…..!

I also have family staying on Saturday night, the night before we test (stooopid idea, but it was organised ages ago) so not only do I have the complication of my sister in law and nephew being in the next room when I test, I have the added issue of swerving the wine on Saturday night too! So in order to continue with my criminal ways, I will be filling a white wine bottle with water and a few tablespoons of apple juice, to make it look like wine! As everyone else drinks red I should be safe with the bottle to myself! This is getting way too complcated….

Hope you're doing ok, what's new?

Lolly – sorry to hear of your panic when your baby went missing – I would be beside myself too. Hope you’re ok now.

Liz x
Hi Ladies!

I must say it was awful!! I felt sick, shakey, couldn't imagine what I would do without him! I cried when he came back, I realise that i'm far too attached but can't help it! I think it was the not knowing and my mind was going mad-was he lying hurt somewhere, was he shut in somewhere with no water, was he lost and scared...anyway all is good and he's snuggling on my lap as we speak!

Angie i'm sure you will be fine to drink now. I have only been off the booze for two weeks and started monday. That must sound bad but last time I did everything by the book. Quit alcohol, tea, coffee, caffine drinks like coke etc months before and still got my BFN. I'm trying not to be as obsessive this time. Drinking lots of fluid-at least 2 litres a day but if I want a decaff coffee will have one. Thing is I do't as i'm so blaoted ith water :haha: Its hard when not drinking around people isn't it? They immediately think you are pregnant and if you say you're not then they kinda try and force you! I like Lizz's tactics! Going to a wedding in 2 weeks and will be kinda doing the same-will toast and then raise it to my lipsand sneak it to DP and then have coke or lemonade and say its with vodka or something. Typical as we booked a hotel room so we could both drink!! Oh well, we have decided to stay anyway and then laugh at everyone when they are hungover at breakfast the next day :haha:

Sounds a lovely chilled out time with your mum. Nothing like a girlie evening in, probably just what you needed. Eurovision is great isn't it! We did alright actually, and jedward are just :dohh:

Yep I started monday. Long protocol so 2 weeks of DR before stimms. They have changed me to gonal F this time as opposed to menopur due to my crazy hight amh level of 87. They have also put me on metformin to help my cycle as its proven to assist in fertility treatment for women with PCOS. Googled it and its all positive. Only prob is its making me feel so :sick: Yesterday was awful but today I ate more and seemed to soak it up better. Only prob now is i'm worried about fitting into my dress for the wedding!!! But exactly like you said, its all worth it for our babies.

Its tricky to plan with all this, I can't pass up a job opportunity as this may fail agian. But at the same time will extra stress that comes be damaging. Makes my head :wacko: I have seen some ladies on here put their life on hold for years and my reasoning is it will distract me...but am I just trying to justify it? Gah, its hard! Thank goodness I finished uni today :happydance:

Loads of love to you all xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi everyone... I've not been on here in absolutely aaages, so though I'd drop in and say hi!
Lolly - OMG, I would have reacted exactly the same if my pussy cat went missing. He's so spoilt that if he doesn't appear within 10 minutes of me calling him both me and DH put our coats on (slippers and all) and start parading up and down the street shaking his biscuits yelling his name. It's all v embarrassing and I'm sure the neighbours think we're crazy, which of course we are. I too have said on numerous occasions that I don't know what I'd be like with a baby if I'm like this with a cat. He got a poorly eye a couple of weeks back and within two minutes I'd called the emergency vet (who reassured me I could wait until morning). I think they probably think I have that munchausen by proxy with my cat. Anyhoo, exciting that you've startd DR!!!

Angiemon, are you going for a full cycle next time or FET? Sorry, I haven't gone back through all the posts as it would take forever. I'm really hoping we can start our next go in July too, but I've learned by now not to get my heart set on anything. I think you did the short protocol last time too didn't you? I think I'll be doing that again, as the docs said it worked well so why change it. Well enough up to the bfn of course...

Lizz - Wow, that is seriously impressive with the wine. There's no way I'd pull that off. Unfortunately for me, I've been off booze for nearly 18 months now anyway due to my painful bladder, so that's one thing I don't have to think about any more. Of course everyone still thinks I'm pregnant every time we go out and I'm not drinking, which p*sses me off as I hate explaining (talk of my bladder is a real conversation stopper)

Quick update from me is that, after more hassle and stress from the hospital (mainly receptionists who love to upset me an every opportunity) I'm booked in for a lap and dye on 10 June to see if the "apparent blockage" of my right tube is in fact a real blockage and if it will be detrimental to a second round of icsi. If it is blocked he will clip it and if it isn't then yey! He's also going to see if what looks like a fimrial cyst on the scan is going to cause any probs and drain it.
Of course, I'm absolutely TERRIFIED of this lap and dye. He's the third doc to tell me there's a one on 500 chance of them puncturing my bowel/bladder etc and the thought of it makes me cold with fear. I just keep telling myself that my reward will be a baby.

Good luck to everyone who's on a cycle at the mo and I'll try and drop by more often. I'm sure I'll be addicted when my second cycle starte.
:hi: girls,

Just been trying to catch up as haven't been on here over the wkend!!

Lou - nice to see you again!! You seem to have had lots of different scans. I really feel for you but as you say if it helps to have your baby, it will be all very worth it.....gd luck for the 10th of June!
We went for our consultation on Thurs and we are going to do a fresh cycle which will probably start early July, again on the short protocol as you said, i did quite well on that until the end :cry: im not sure if you know but i have had a frozen cycle since (March) which obviously failed too and although we have 2 snowbabies left, we thought we would do a fresh, im 37 in July so can't waste anytime! You have snowbabies too don't you???

Hi Lizz, :happydance::happydance::happydance:just wanted to congratulate you again on your BFP. You go girl xxxxxxxx And i loved the wine stories, how funny. You must be an expert now!! You'll now have to do that for 12 weeks he he!!!!!!

Hi Lolly again, i keep on forgetting who is on what threads!!! Are you doing ok though, are you going to do the pineapple thing that Lizz did?? Any more tips Lizz??? well im starting in July so ive got over a month to get ready. I did drink on Saturday but that is supposed to be the last time now so just have to get my willpower ready...it would be easy to give up if you knew it was going to work but then some people say alcohol may relax you and lots of people get pregnant whilst drinking. I hope im not sounding selfish or like a raving alcoholic but i dont want to worry all the time. As said before im reading a good book at the moment for pma "stop thinking and start living" hoping that will get rid of negative thoughts.....hope your good anyway :kiss:

Hey everyone,
This is my first time here.
We have been trying to have a baby for over 11 years. I have POS, endo.
We just went through our first fresh cycle of IVF I had 26 eggs, 15 fertilized and by day 5 we had 2 embryos transferred and were able to have 2 frozen. I am devastated it didn't work the first time around but I am very hopeful we will get pregnant on our second go around. We go in on Aug. 1st, hope and pray our little embryos survive the thawing process.

Does anyone have any success on a thaw cycle they can share?
Wish everyone the best of luck!
Hi Tamdug and Welcome,

We all know how it feels to fail our 1st cycle, its awful isnt it?

I didn't have success on my fet but if you have a look at Inkys Journals, they will bring you lots of encouragement. My embies did thaw fine but just didn't implant!:cry: but im starting a 2nd fresh cycle in July.

This thread can be quite quiet at times so you may want to go on a IVF/ICSI thread if you want more chat.

Good luck in your August Cycle

Hi Angie

How are you? Sorry I went AWOL! Have you read the other threads, have updated on the ICSI 2011 thread. had some bad news a week and a half back but hoping all can continue as best it can going forward. Short version is my bloods after DR were very abnormal so a series of emergancy scans showed 8 cysts. Meds were altered for a week and in between I had terrible pain and bleeding. Went back yesterday and now have 9 cysts but hormone levels are totally normal again :wacko: I have started stims today as they hope the cysts (filled with fluid) will go or not present a problem-how they can't I don't know but have to trust them. I am happy we are still trying, I was 100% it would be cancelled, so much so I threw away my folic acid!! Back saturday for bloods, taking it one step at a time.

How are you getting on? Have you got a date for DR or are you waiting on AFs?

How is the not drinking? I'm sad to say I was so down at the weekend and convinced I was so messed up I would never have a baby that I drank a few wines :blush: I feel so ashamed :cry:

Love Lolly xxxxxxxxxx
Lolly, don't feel bad! I'm quite sure the wines will not make any difference for you at this stage. My FS doesn't even mention not drinking (although I'm not a big drinker so it didn't matter) until transfer I think.
sometimes we have to be all the way at the bottom to climb back up and reach the top!
Hi Lolly,

Just to say I hope you are doing ok, i read your thread and I really feel for you with everything that's happening with your family. Things like that are very difficult to rationalize, especially when you're going through everything else.

In terms of the booze - I only really stopped just before ET, both times. My docs never told me to stop and while i didn't go crazy, I still had a few G&T's and glasses of wine all the way through.
I don't think we should put ourselves under too much pressure and a nice glass of wine can do wonders to help you relax.

Liz x
Hi everyone,
Lolly - sorry to hear it's been a rough ride. I absolutely hate it when these things happen out of the blue and derail you. Just when you feel like you've enough to be dealing with and then something else. I really hope things are working out.
Angie - Yes, I remember reading about your FET. I was shocked because I have to say I thought it was your time. I'm so sorry. A fresh cycle though is fresh hope and I'm seriously rooting for you. Unfortunately we don't have any frozen (was a bit peed off as I wish we'd frozen our spare two now instead of following advice of the young embryologist who told us to get them to blast first. One doc has since said this was not necessarily the best thing to do, but we'll never know...)
I'm hoping we'll start our next icsi around July too and already starting to feel extreemely nervous but eager to crack on.
Update from me is that I had my lap & dye yesterday and ouch!!! Feel like I've been hit by a bus today. I've been having seriously bad pains in my chest and shoulders with the gas. I don't mean to be melodramatic (altho I will be!), but it feels like I imagine having a heart attack would feel. It can be hard to breathe. At one point in the hospital I was gasping for breath and the nurse just shrugged it off and said I was told the gas would be painful. I've had to (try) sleep sat up last night, hence why I've been up since 6am on a Sat morning. It wasn't a good night's sleep!
Anyhoo, findings were by no means conclusive. My HSG had previously shown my left tube totallly clear and the right tube blocked next to the ovary. The lap showed my right tube open (yey) although sluggish and my left tube clear up to ovary but didn't spill. WTF?! The doc said both tubes looked healthy, so he could not find a reason why it didn't spill. When I told him the HSG had showed the left open (I've since switched docs and he must have forgotten to read my notes!) he said he was convinced then that it was open even though it hadn't spilled and that sometimes the dye just preferred one tube. Why can't my tubes just behave and give a definitive result?! So I assume both tubes are open (although one is sluggish, the awkward bugger). I'm quite surprised at this vague conclusion as I was told the lap & dye was the gold standard of tests.
Biggest relief is that there is no hydrosalpinx and both ovaries look healthy.
We have a follow-up in two weeks to discuss where to go from here and our next icsi. This doc is head of a local IVF unit (different one to we went to last time) so we're now weighing up going to him at his satellite clinic and having the EC/ET at Care M'cr or just going to Care M'cr for it all.
Decisions decisions.
Take care everyone and keep in touch xxx

PS - Did I just read right Lizz that you got your BFP? Congrats!!!
Hi Girls,

Lolly - Im so sorry to hear what you've been going through! I've just read your post. It must have been an awful time. I'm so sorry about your cousin's husband, it really does put things into perspective but also try not to feel bad about your feelings. I think its normal for us to feel differently when we hear about a pregnancy, I don't think its something we do on purpose! I hope your cousin and the baby will be ok, it must be so hard! I can't even imagine.
Its great that you can start stimming, Im sure the doctors wouldn't carry on with the cycle if they weren't sure it would not affect the outcome! You must have been up and down for the last few weeks, no wonder you had a few glasses of wine, I think they would have helped you relax!!! Dont feel ashamed :dohh:
You'll be PUPO before you know it :happydance::happydance:

I haven't drank for 3 weeks today, I've nearly caved a few times but after reading these comments, perhaps a glass or two wouldn't do any harm.:happydance: Im waiting for AF now, due on 3rd July but as im on a short protocol I will start stimming straightaway. Ive been put on different meds this time. Gonal F and Cetrotide. Not sure why ive been put on short protocol but again, we have to trust our FS!!

PSP-we havent spoken before but I've followed you on other threads, Im really sorry that your cycle didn't work. Hope your feeling a bit better and sending you :hugs:

Hi Liz, how are you feeling? Are you getting any symptoms yet? Congratulations on getting that job too. You really are on a roll!!! If I was you I would head down to your nearest casino :haha: So glad it has worked for you and looking forward to following your pregnancy. Are you going to start a preg journal? :kiss:

Hi Lou, ahh thanks for your kind words..I really thought it was going to work too, felt so calm and relaxed. Need to continue that for the next time!! So if your starting in July too, will you be on a short protocol again or do you know yet? The lap and dye sounds horrible, can you not have sedation for it? (sorry stupid question esp now you've had it :dohh:) At least you know now your ovaries are healthy. What do you mean by 'spilling' or is that another stupid question?
I haven't really had any other tests than the normal ones and I wonder if I should do? Well I wont before the next cycle now and hopefully wont need to after that!!
So your follow up is in 2 weeks, let us know what happens!!

Hope everyone is having a good wkend :hugs:
Hi Ladies,

Lou - yep, I'm still in shock, we found out 3 weeks today that our second ICSI had worked. We have our 7 week scan on Tuesday so i'm excited/nervous about that. They put 2 back in, so we will find out how many stuck.

Angie - I'm actually doing fine thanks, I have been dizzy in the mornings, can't stop peeing and really hungry all the time! But that seems to be it at the moment, so lets hope it stays that way. I've had a week off work and go back in tomorrow to talk about the new job. I am a little terrified as it will turn out that I probably tell them in my first week that I just happen to be pregnant! Luckliy it is within the same organisation, so ok for maternity leave, but even so i'm not looking forwrd to that chat!

I just wanted to say good luck to everyone else, this really is an amazingly terrifying journey and after going through 2 ICSI's i can't believe that we have had the luck on our second. You're all amazingly strong women, so don't forget that, keep calm and you will get what you want.

Love Liz x
Hi Ladies!

Thanks Liz, you've made me feel much better about my drinks! Not like I was :drunk: or anything! Had been beating myself up a bit but feeling relaxed again now. Glad you ladies don't judge me for what a lot would probably see as wrong :blush: Bet you can't wait for your scan now, hear the heartbeat/s :cloud9: Good luck with telling them about the pregnancy at work, don't worry what they think, your happiness counts for soooo much more!

Hi Angie! How are you? Not long to wait at all now! :happydance: And being on short protocol it'll fly by. Must be strange going straight to stimms, just get into it and its EC time :haha: I'm also on Gonal F this time, had menopur last time. Must say so far I feel fine (its strange as I kinda want to feel ill so I know somethings happening!!) Did you also have menopur last time? There so many different meds out there and like you say, all we can do is trust out FS. Our life in their hands, scary thought sometimes :wacko:

Hi Lou, lovely to hear from you. Sorry you've had such a rough time lately. How are you feeling now? :hugs: Sound like a b*tch of a nurse, thanks for the sympathy!!! :growlmad: I know when I had one of mine (had 2 as I moved and changed PCTs) it hurt real bad for few days. Later realised I had an undiagnosed hernia which I assumed added to the pain. Thenm when I had the second (terrified) it was totally fin e, I kept thanking the doc after! They can be so rough sometimes, I really feel for you and hope that it all settles down soon. It sounds positive though, healthy ovaries and tubes open, yay!! Good luck with your decisions and where to have your treatment, i'm sure you'll make the right decision for you

AFM... Day 4 of stimms today. Had bloods taken yesterday and they said they would call if anything wrong/doses need changing. Sat on the phone all day! No call... very strange as last time I got a call each time to alter the dose! No news is good news but then I started worrying what if they got my number wrong and left a message on someone elses phone!! Stupid huh! I'm so used to things not going to plan it feels odd not to be back in until thursday! DP said he would like them to monitor me more due to all our latest dramas but what can we do but wait and hope my bosy is finally playing nicely!!!

Hope all of you have had good weekends, boo to sunday evening!!

Lots of love, Lolly xxxxxxxxx
Hi Girls,

Hi Lou, ahh thanks for your kind words..I really thought it was going to work too, felt so calm and relaxed. Need to continue that for the next time!! So if your starting in July too, will you be on a short protocol again or do you know yet? The lap and dye sounds horrible, can you not have sedation for it? (sorry stupid question esp now you've had it :dohh:) At least you know now your ovaries are healthy. What do you mean by 'spilling' or is that another stupid question?
I haven't really had any other tests than the normal ones and I wonder if I should do? Well I wont before the next cycle now and hopefully wont need to after that!!
So your follow up is in 2 weeks, let us know what happens!!

Hope everyone is having a good wkend :hugs:

The laparoscopy is done under general anaesthetic, which is pretty horrible. Give me sedation any day! Maybe I'm mad but when I was sedated for egg collection last time I was chatting away like I'd had a bottle of wine. Considering I've not had a drop of booze for 18 months (no idea how I've managed it and if it had been for fertility reasons alone I really wouldn't have!) the sedation was like being pleasantly drunk.
It's funny because as they were pumping the anaesthetic into me on Friday the guy goes "there you go, there's a few G&Ts in you" and I told him I'd not drunk for 18 months. Then my consultant walks in and says "18 months without a drink?! How'd you manage that? I've had 2 G&Ts already this morning!" and that's the last thing I heard before going under. I think I attempted to say "I hope not!" but don't think I managed it...
"spill" means the dye spills from the tube into the ovary, meaning the tube is clear. For some reason one of my tubes each time has filled with dye right to the end, then not spilled out into the ovary. But as it's been a different tube each time, he's concluding they're both open and that I have awkward tubes. It doesn't surprise me - these things are never straight forward and I'd be asking too much to get a straight forward answer that removes all doubt of course!
Lolly - Sounds like you had a rough time with your laps. I absolutely hate changing the plasters. It makes me feel all funny looking at the stitches - I'm so soft. Good luck with everything BTW and it's great everything's going well.
Anyway, still in a bit of pain and can't move about much. Just living off the pain killers. The pain from the gas has eased, although I still keep getting some when I try to lie down. Looks like I won't be in work tomorrow which I'm sure won't go down too well as I told them I was sure I'd be OK for Monday. Ah well, I'm sure they'll cope!
Thanks Lou! I keep thinking maybe I should be feeling sore boobs, bloated, something!! I guess i'm so used to being monitored so closely 5 days seems ages without an appointment! Glad to hear things are slowly improving. You make sure you take it easy. When I had mine both times my clinics signed me off for 6 working days, so with weekend 8 in total, don't even think about going in tomorrow!! Lots of rest, TLC and cups of tea!! Take care won't you xxxxxx :hugs:
Lou, that sounds really hard. Although I wouldn't mind the feeling of having a bottle of wine right now :haha: Its great that its spilling then (thanks for the answers) and your tubes and ovaries are clear. You never know, you could fall pregnant naturally after all this!! Fingers crossed :kiss: 18 months without alcohol, you must have been really poorly, hope that has all cleared up now! :hugs:

Lolly - how you doing? I was on follistom last time so hopefully the gonal f will be ok but I can see what you mean that you want some symptoms!! But I think none is good so don't worry about it!! They probably don't need to change things as much because they have your records from your first go (they do say its a trial) so I think that is a positive. :thumbup: So your day 5 today, when do you think your EC will roughly be? :hugs:

Lizz, glad your feeling good and try not to worry about the job. Be good to get the chat over with so you can stop worrying about it :hugs:

Hi Angie, how are you? I hope that you have had a good week, Friday tomorrow! :happydance: Any plans for the weekend? My parents are up for 10 days and my brother is coming down from scotland tomorrow to see us so looking forward to it. Hope we get some sunshine! Have you got any plans?

Hi Lou, how are you feeling? Are you back at work yet? Thinking of you and sending :hugs: for a speedy recovery.

Hi again Liz, still :cloud9: for you :happydance:

Well was my day 8 scan today and what a difference a week or 2 makes! Here I was thinking it could be all over for good and today finally got some good news! The cysts have reduced, I now have 4 as opposed to 9. The ones I have left have reduced in size and are not posing a problem. My bloods and hormone levels are spot on. I was terrified that they would not see any follies growing on the scan due to the cysts taking all the room, I was wrong... they found 37 :shock: I am amazed and finally have hope we will get to EC!!! The lady scanning, her assistant and nurses were all really suprised to but very happy! They did say they are a bit worried about OHSS due to the sheer numbers so I need to drink lots more fluid, 3 1/2 ltr each day, I was already on the toilet most of the time on 2! :haha: I'm back for another scan and bloods saturday morning where I should know more and hopefully some guesses for collection :happydance: I'm guessing early next week but really who knows in this game! prob best not to plan as things always change!! But the follicles are all around 12-13mm, so where they should be for day 8. I'm not silly enough to think there are eggs in even half of them, but am just so pleased our change has been given back! A good day, but still a long way to go... I'm feeling tired and headachey but other than that ok. No sore boobs, not much blaoting, cramping, pain or feeling uncomfortable like last time. Think the Gonal F is much better suited to me that the Menopur!

Thank you for all your kind works and love to you all, Lolly xxxxxxxxx
lolly, glad to hear you are doing so well! Great news on the follies and shrinking cysts! Will be watching to see how EC goes for you!!:hugs:

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