James Bulger

Its so sad. I was the same age as those boys.

It might have been 20 years ago - but it doesn't seem like that to me :nope:
Of course his mum will be talking about it in the media regularly, she is campaigning for Venables not to get parole again, after being imprisoned for a second time on child pornography charges, clearly showing that he never should have been released in the first place.
What do you mean? Because they were released after serving their sentences? England and Wales have one of the lowest ages of criminal responsibility in the world. If this had happened in Ireland or most other countries in Europe, the culprits wouldn't even have been charged as they were too young.

I can't believe how many people deliberately look up the gruesome details of what happened to this poor little boy. The British media is disgusting for wheeling out Jamie Bulger's mum every time an anniversary comes round and asking for her to talk about her murdered and tortured son for the cameras. It's pure titillation and gutter journalism.

How many children have been traumatised from getting the full, tragic details of how Jamie Bulger had his life slowly and painfully taken away from him by two monsters?

Of course it's hard not to think about our own kids in this kind of situation, but I find it very interesting that no-one is calling for Mary Bell's head or saying she should have never been released. Is it because it happened too long ago? I think it's more to do with the fact it's not titillating enough for the media. There aren't any grainy CCTV images or enough colour pictures of Mary Bell or her victims and it doesn't fill a double page spread in the Daily Mail, designed to rub our faces in what a horrible world we live in and how evil some children are and how much of a "joke" our justice system is.

There are so many things about this case that disgust me and a lot of them are still occurring, 20 years after the event.

The bolded, maybe she wants to talk about Jamie. To her he isnt just the murdered little boy but her little boy. Of course to the media, Jamie is just a story but if talking about him every year on the anniversary means that Jamie's mum gains comfort that no one will ever forget her little boy, then surely that means more than what the media get out of it.

I don't think she'd give interviews if she didn't want to. I think the media is her tool for fighting for justice for her little boy, its probably the only thing that keeps her going.
I think a lot of parents would like to talk about their murdered children. She gets more exposure because of the nature of her child's murder.

Millions of people want to read and hear about two children torturing and murdering another child, and that's really something to think about.
I think a lot of parents would like to talk about their murdered children. She gets more exposure because of the nature of her child's murder.

Millions of people want to read and hear about two children torturing and murdering another child, and that's really something to think about.

But that sounds like your bitter because she gets exposure more than the next mother of a murdered child.:shrug:
I think she's one brave ass lady for still going at it 20 years on because honestly if it was me I'd have killed myself after knowing what happened to my little boy...And I hope she keeps going for another 20 years, it's not just her baby she's fighting for , it's every innocent child on the street that may become a victim to these vile murderers.
Laws have been passed because of mothers of children who fall victim to this kind of scum...all because they don't keep quiet and fade into the background.. They keep going and going and good on them for doing so!! I'm certainly not fed up of seeing her face, it reminds me of how something so terrible can so easily happen.
I think a lot of parents would like to talk about their murdered children. She gets more exposure because of the nature of her child's murder.

Millions of people want to read and hear about two children torturing and murdering another child, and that's really something to think about.

But that sounds like your bitter because she gets exposure more than the next mother of a murdered child.:shrug:
I think she's one brave ass lady for still going at it 20 years on because honestly if it was me I'd have killed myself after knowing what happened to my little boy...And I hope she keeps going for another 20 years, it's not just her baby she's fighting for , it's every innocent child on the street that may become a victim to these vile murderers.
Laws have been passed because of mothers of children who fall victim to this kind of scum...all because they don't keep quiet and fade into the background.. They keep going and going and good on them for doing so!! I'm certainly not fed up of seeing her face, it reminds me of how something so terrible can so easily happen.
I'm not bitter about her publicity, but I still find the way the media handles the case shameful. Denise Fergus isn't the one calling for the heads of the people who killed her child, but she's a figurehead for those who do believe in mob justice. I don't know what cause you think she's fighting for? Drawing attention to children killing children? It almost never happens, but the media would have you believe there's an "evil" child lurking around every corner waiting to take your children away from you.

The way the justice system, politicians and the media handled this story is atrocious and played right into the heads of parents all over the country. The judge should never have allowed the perpetrators to be named or for their photos to be published. The fact that mothers 20 years later are worried that this kind of thing could happen to their kids when the odds are so massively against this kind of crime shows what a headf*** it was for everyone involved.
I think a lot of parents would like to talk about their murdered children. She gets more exposure because of the nature of her child's murder.

Millions of people want to read and hear about two children torturing and murdering another child, and that's really something to think about.

But that sounds like your bitter because she gets exposure more than the next mother of a murdered child.:shrug:
I think she's one brave ass lady for still going at it 20 years on because honestly if it was me I'd have killed myself after knowing what happened to my little boy...And I hope she keeps going for another 20 years, it's not just her baby she's fighting for , it's every innocent child on the street that may become a victim to these vile murderers.
Laws have been passed because of mothers of children who fall victim to this kind of scum...all because they don't keep quiet and fade into the background.. They keep going and going and good on them for doing so!! I'm certainly not fed up of seeing her face, it reminds me of how something so terrible can so easily happen.
I'm not bitter about her publicity, but I still find the way the media handles the case shameful. Denise Fergus isn't the one calling for the heads of the people who killed her child, but she's a figurehead for those who do believe in mob justice. I don't know what cause you think she's fighting for? Drawing attention to children killing children? It almost never happens, but the media would have you believe there's an "evil" child lurking around every corner waiting to take your children away from you.

The way the justice system, politicians and the media handled this story is atrocious and played right into the heads of parents all over the country. The judge should never have allowed the perpetrators to be named or for their photos to be published. The fact that mothers 20 years later are worried that this kind of thing could happen to their kids when the odds are so massively against this kind of crime shows what a headf*** it was for everyone involved.

But that's the media for you, it doesn't matter about what subject or story they're talking about as long as they can make a story sell. Like I said I think she'll want to use them as much as they use her, if you don't like it turn the page or turn over:shrug:
Maybe its therapy for her, maybe she thinks the only way she can get over the guilt (not that she should but im pretty sure she will ) of turning her back for a second and them taking him is to keep fighting for him.
The fact that they are children themselves obviously sensationalise it even more but the crime itself was horrific anyway. And I hope she's happy with the photos coining out, honestly rightly or wrongly with them being exposed would you be happy living next door to him? I think she'll want to have their lives ruined like hers is... Why should they live theirs happily with no retribution? 8 years is nothing for what they did.
But that's the media for you, it doesn't matter about what subject or story they're talking about as long as they can make a story sell. Like I said I think she'll want to use them as much as they use her, if you don't like it turn the page or turn over:shrug:
Maybe its therapy for her, maybe she thinks the only way she can get over the guilt (not that she should but im pretty sure she will ) of turning her back for a second and them taking him is to keep fighting for him.
The fact that they are children themselves obviously sensationalise it even more but the crime itself was horrific anyway. And I hope she's happy with the photos coining out, honestly rightly or wrongly with them being exposed would you be happy living next door to him? I think she'll want to have their lives ruined like hers is... Why should they live theirs happily with no retribution? 8 years is nothing for what they did.
It's not as simple as just turning the page if I don't like it. The way the Bulger case was reported by the media and manipulated by politicians, not the mention the way the justice system caved to "popular" opinion by trying the culprits as adults, changed the way people view children in this country, which has massive repercussions for our children.

It's no coincidence that British children are the unhappiest in Europe if you look at the way they are regularly demonised in the press as "feral" and antisocial. What happened 20 years ago to this poor child and the way it was dealt with is shameful and just fuels the flames for a society in which children are mistrusted and feared. Regularly giving press to the tragic mother of the victim does nothing to help anyone.
I had not heard of it before, I just googled and read a couple items about it. that is awful. Made me feel sick to my stomach and scared.
I am from Liverpool, still live here now and i can tell you there is still a lot of anger here for what them two animals (Sorry that's and insult to animals!!) did to that poor innocent child!! I think his poor Mum and Dad campaign today in James name to basically show are legal system is a joke i personally don't care how old they were when they committed that evil act they should not be out today living normal lives with a new identity on the tax payers money!!! I herad one of them has the girlfriend, James mum was on the radio ages ago saying that the girl wouldn't know who he really is imagine.

An for the one who is back in prison for child porn well it says it all doesn't it and he told people who he really is!! So now the tax payers have to fork out for a new identity it makes me so mad he should be left in there to rot!!!

I know people think at ten they didn't know what they were doing but i don't buy that my lo is two and she knows the different between right and wrong! James's poor parents if they want to use the papers to publish what they done to their son and if that helps them in some way then good for them. I hope that monster never gets out of prison. It was in the paper the other week, James's dad saying that he got a tip that when the monsters where released they were took to James's grave without asking his parents what right did they have to go there!! His poor dad got slated for saying when they were released he would hunt them down and kill them (What parent wouldn't want to i know i would).

Sorry i feel so strongly about this!! :flower:
But that's the media for you, it doesn't matter about what subject or story they're talking about as long as they can make a story sell. Like I said I think she'll want to use them as much as they use her, if you don't like it turn the page or turn over:shrug:
Maybe its therapy for her, maybe she thinks the only way she can get over the guilt (not that she should but im pretty sure she will ) of turning her back for a second and them taking him is to keep fighting for him.
The fact that they are children themselves obviously sensationalise it even more but the crime itself was horrific anyway. And I hope she's happy with the photos coining out, honestly rightly or wrongly with them being exposed would you be happy living next door to him? I think she'll want to have their lives ruined like hers is... Why should they live theirs happily with no retribution? 8 years is nothing for what they did.
It's not as simple as just turning the page if I don't like it. The way the Bulger case was reported by the media and manipulated by politicians, not the mention the way the justice system caved to "popular" opinion by trying the culprits as adults, changed the way people view children in this country, which has massive repercussions for our children.

It's no coincidence that British children are the unhappiest in Europe if you look at the way they are regularly demonised in the press as "feral" and antisocial. What happened 20 years ago to this poor child and the way it was dealt with is shameful and just fuels the flames for a society in which children are mistrusted and feared. Regularly giving press to the tragic mother of the victim does nothing to help anyone.

So, you'd just like to live in a happy little bubble with no bad news.

Life isn't like that.

I don't think most people see children are to be feared or mistrusted. Far from it.
I think the vast majority are also aware of the fact its a very, very rare crime. Not rare enough though.

Regularly giving press to the mother might actually be helping HER. Sod everyone else! If it helps her in any form, let's shout it from the rooftops. Because she and the father have been through such a horrific event, they deserve any help they can get.
I can't even imagine going on living if my Kai had been victim to those two evil boys. She deserves respect for carrying on, for campaigning, for staying strong.

As for the boys getting new identities, I never agreed with that, but it happened. As for the talk of Venables getting another identity, its disgusting.
But something James Bulger's father said, kinda hit a nerve. He was talking about when he found out it was two 10 year olds. He said he didn't know how to feel as they were just children. He asked himself if it was right to wish two 10 year olds dead. Children. They have parents and families.

I have no answer to that. Its such an ethical minefield.

I just know that it was such an horrific crime that will never go away, no matter how many want it brushed under the carpet.
Again, the claim our legal system is a "joke" - what is your basis for comparison?
Again, the claim our legal system is a "joke" - what is your basis for comparison?

The fact them to animals slaughterd a 2 year old baby and got 8 years for it!!!!!! They never even went to prison!! They spent most of their time in a young offenders institution!!!! That is why it's a joke that poor baby lost his life why should they get a second chance??? James won't!!

On the tv recently their was a program about death row in America and a man was on it who killed two innocent people when he was around 10 I think he got life in prison an he will not be released until he is in his eighties. Life should mean life!! They killed a baby an got 8 years!!! Where they played on computers an got looked after. James parents got life having to live with out their son!! That is why the legal system is a JOKE.
Again, the claim our legal system is a "joke" - what is your basis for comparison?

The fact them to animals slaughterd a 2 year old baby and got 8 years for it!!!!!! They never even went to prison!! They spent most of their time in a young offenders institution!!!! That is why it's a joke that poor baby lost his life why should they get a second chance??? James won't!!

On the tv recently their was a program about death row in America and a man was on it who killed two innocent people when he was around 10 I think he got life in prison an he will not be released until he is in his eighties. Life should mean life!! They killed a baby an got 8 years!!! Where they played on computers an got looked after. James parents got life having to live with out their son!! That is why the legal system is a JOKE.

Yep, I was going to mention that guy who killed two people age 13 and is serving a 170 year sentence and eligibale for a parole in 100 years, his name is Ronald Sandford.
Again, the claim our legal system is a "joke" - what is your basis for comparison?

The fact them to animals slaughterd a 2 year old baby and got 8 years for it!!!!!! They never even went to prison!! They spent most of their time in a young offenders institution!!!! That is why it's a joke that poor baby lost his life why should they get a second chance??? James won't!!

On the tv recently their was a program about death row in America and a man was on it who killed two innocent people when he was around 10 I think he got life in prison an he will not be released until he is in his eighties. Life should mean life!! They killed a baby an got 8 years!!! Where they played on computers an got looked after. James parents got life having to live with out their son!! That is why the legal system is a JOKE.

Yep, I was going to mention that guy who killed two people age 13 and is serving a 170 year sentence and eligibale for a parole in 100 years, his name is Ronald Sandford.

Yes thank you I couldn't quite remember his age an that but yes him! X
Incidentally, I've just read on Wikipedia that Venables got just 2 years for downloading and distributing serious child porn.
From wikipedia:
At the court hearing, it emerged that Venables had posed in online chat rooms as 35-year-old Dawn "Dawnie" Smith, a married woman from Liverpool who boasted about abusing her 8-year-old daughter, in the hope of obtaining further child pornography. Venables had contacted his probation officer in February 2010, fearing that his new identity had been compromised at his place of work. When the officer arrived at his flat, Venables was attempting to remove or destroy the hard drive of his computer with a knife and a tin opener.[3] The officer's suspicions were aroused, and the computer was taken away for examination leading to the discovery of the child pornography, which included children as young as two being raped by adults[97][98] and penetrative sex with seven- or eight-year-olds.[3]

TWO years? I just don't understand. What do people have to do to get a proper sentence? He'll also be getting another new identity.

It seems theft and fraud are the "serious" crimes which get long sentences. But torturing and murdering a defenceless 2 year old and subsequently accessing child porn (after having been 'rehabilitated') isn't all that serious. Yes, the justice system is a f'ing joke!
The reason they got out at eight years is because they should not of been tried as adults. Our emotions, pressure from the public and the like should not of come into that decision.
Incidentally, I've just read on Wikipedia that Venables got just 2 years for downloading and distributing serious child porn.
From wikipedia:
At the court hearing, it emerged that Venables had posed in online chat rooms as 35-year-old Dawn "Dawnie" Smith, a married woman from Liverpool who boasted about abusing her 8-year-old daughter, in the hope of obtaining further child pornography. Venables had contacted his probation officer in February 2010, fearing that his new identity had been compromised at his place of work. When the officer arrived at his flat, Venables was attempting to remove or destroy the hard drive of his computer with a knife and a tin opener.[3] The officer's suspicions were aroused, and the computer was taken away for examination leading to the discovery of the child pornography, which included children as young as two being raped by adults[97][98] and penetrative sex with seven- or eight-year-olds.[3]

TWO years? I just don't understand. What do people have to do to get a proper sentence? He'll also be getting another new identity.

It seems theft and fraud are the "serious" crimes which get long sentences. But torturing and murdering a defenceless 2 year old and subsequently accessing child porn (after having been 'rehabilitated') isn't all that serious. Yes, the justice system is a f'ing joke!

Yes also that monster contacted the press wanting to sell his story to the papers!! That is also what James parents are campaigning to stop criminals being able to sell their story and getting paid for it.
The reason they got out at eight years is because they should not of been tried as adults. Our emotions, pressure from the public and the like should not of come into that decision.

They killed and tortured a baby!!!!!!!! At ten years old you know what's right or wrong they shud still be in prison! They may have been tried as adults but they never went to prison they went to a young offenders institution.
The reason they got out at eight years is because they should not of been tried as adults. Our emotions, pressure from the public and the like should not of come into that decision.

They killed and tortured a baby!!!!!!!! At ten years old you know what's right or wrong they shud still be in prison! They may have been tried as adults but they never went to prison they went to a young offenders institution.

I think you have misread what Tasha was saying. No where was she condoning what they did, she was explaining why they only 'served' 8 years.

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