January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Apple - That's funny about your DS. O often makes it hard to keep a straight face when we're trying to get something across to him. He knows he's funny and cute and it causes all sorts of problems!

Great job on the weight loss!

I'm surprised T handled being in a basket so well! He was almost too big for it.

Ally - Thank you! He definitely is my little chub! I expect him to be chubby just like O was. O is all slimmed down now and I'm not use to it!

I thought about expressing and bottle feeding during the day to try and get T to start handling the bottle better and being away from me better. He still doesn't drink much when I'm gone. One day last week he only did 12 ounces during the whole 13-14 hours I was gone.

Vrogers - Yes he does have red hair! Just like his daddy. It's definitely going to stay red and it's going to be curly. Probably curly like his brothers. At least I hope so! DH has super curly hair and you can't do anything with it when it's short. It's just a poof. He often has long hair but sometimes shaves his entire head.

That's awesome that you're producing more! The fact that you went from none to where you are at now doesn't make it sound like a pathetic amount. You started over without the rush of hormones.

She's so cute! Baby babbles are the best!

Lite - No worries! I talk a lot so it's hard to reply to everything I babble on about!

Toddlers are super dangerous. It's insane! I'm always worried and constantly watching, but he still manages to do something here and there. Then I'm always afraid that in the split second I go to the restroom something will happen. I have jumped off the toilet pants half up to check on a suspicious noise.. wasn't anything to worry about. I feel like I need a camera on him at all times just so I can pee like a normal human!

So glad Violet is healing well! Later you can tell Violet the day that DD1 saved her toes, but for now it's best to try to put it behind you as much as possible while still being aware. Hopefully it just becomes second nature to check/clean toes so it's not a constant reminder.

Pomp - I have issues with my mother as well, but I pretty much cut her out of my life for the most part. It's done me a lot of good, not suggesting it, but sometimes you just can't keep people around. Most of my family doesn't understand. My uncle even asked at my grandmother's funeral if I patched things with my mother. Nope. I got the whole "Life is too short" lecture.

Glad you had a great weekend! T was good when I was at my parent's. Ended up taking a long nap.. go figure. We're not home and THEN you decide to nap a long time and I have no where to put you down.

AFM - We went out for dinner at my parent's place. Well O got to go around and pick up some eggs. I had to point them out most of the time. He didn't want to go looking, he would just grab them if he saw them. He wanted to run around and play more. I was in our car at one point and he climbed in. Well I had to pull him out screaming to even get him to try to look for eggs. Once he saw one egg he was over it.

Then the food wasn't done until right when we had to leave. My father said to at least make a plate and take it and I told him no. It's so common for us to go out there and then have to eat and run. I'm tired of it so I just got angry and left. Soo.. other than candy I ate nothing yesterday. Except a few bites of the food I made O. Wasn't want I wanted and I was till sour over not being able to eat out there so I just didn't eat. Ah well.

I ran to the store with T while O was napping with hubs. Expected him to wake up mad that I left, but I managed to get there and back before he woke. T was good pretty much the entire time, thankfully. He fell asleep on the way back so I just left him in the car seat which I never did with O. O wasn't as demanding when he was awake so I didn't mind as much if he woke. I just don't like to leave them in the car seats. So, I compromised with myself and will leave T as long as I have a pretty constant eye on him. Now he's awake as I typed that.

Okay, now that I've been working on this all day I'm going to post it. T has been awake and down for another nap since my last paragraph!
Newbie - glad you and DH talked. I hope you can continue to work on things and get back to a good place. Sorry you're having to deal with in-law drama right now on top of it all!

I tried the Swaddle Up with Jack and it didn't do squat, sigh. You're so lucky with only 1-2 wakings. Hooray for Z being able to eat quicker now!

Angel - yes, normal for M to become quicker at feeding. Those are pretty long stretches during the day… She is probably making up for fewer feeds during the day by topping up at night - reverse cycling. It's common as they become more distracted during the day.

AliJo - cute pic of T! What a chunker!

Literati - I'll be teleworking two days a week...honestly I don't know if it's better or worse for DH to have me home, but not participating/helping.

Sorry Easter was draining. I can totally understand! So glad V’s toes are healing well!!

Vrogers - yes floor beds are part of Montessori, but I just do it to make it easy to feed to sleep and roll away, while making it relatively safe (baby won't fall out of a high bed if I'm not there). Worked great with DD. Dude I'm starting to think sleeping in the glider is better than the bed! I wake up less sore! Not very convenient for getting away from Jack at any point though…

I officially hate you for how well L sleeps! Jk jk, hehehe. But for reals, why can't I have one of these good sleepers?

What a pretty little thing she is!

Apple - oh no...sorry to hear about your teenager being bullied! Sorry Ollie is clingy to you...I'm right there with you, but he's gonna have to get used to Dada now that I'm back to work!

Ally - hope you see improvement with Isa’s naps. Glad he's adjusting to formula well! Agree with Lit, you should be proud of your BF journey with the mastitis struggles you had! Hope you enjoyed your coffee date.

Pompey - sounds like a fab Easter weekend!

AFM - teleworked today. Had technical difficulties at first, but resolved in a few hours. I did get DD dressed for the day, but DH did the rest. I slept in the glider, so when I got up I gave him to DH and they went into the old rocker/recliner..not for long before DD got up. DH didn't have the best day, but not a total disaster either. He was just too tired having only gotten two hours sleep after working the night before. Will be exhausted tomorrow too because he's closing tonight. And I'm going into the office tomorrow so he's really on his own. I’ll be out of the house by 6am. Will be tough on him!

I'm really losing it in the evenings the last couple nights. Just so sick of Jack needing so many naps and having to carry him for all of them. I did put him down for one this evening (first time in god knows how long). Spent 30 minutes to get him down for only a 20 minute nap! Waste of my damn time! Then bouncing him around for ages less than an hour later because he was tired again but wouldn't drop off completely. So over it! I honestly keep saying “I hate this I hate this I hate this” and thinking we should not have had another kid! I know it will all be fine once he's older but god I hate this stage!! I loved the stage of life we were at with DD. I miss how fun and easy it had gotten with her before I got pregnant. :(
Slammer - I also find it a complete and utter waste of time to try to get them to sleep in the bassinet. Whenever I try it with Violet, it is also 30+ minutes getting her to sleep/deep enough sleep...only to get a 20 minute nap if that. It isn't worth it at all. Might as well just hold them so they can actually be well-rested, and you can at least read/watch tv/go on your phone. I'm sorry you are hating this stage so much. It definitely sounds like you're not a baby person! It's a good thing you know it will get better eventually. Now that you're back at work, at least you will get a break from putting him to sleep constantly, and time will probably go even faster. Hang in there!
That must be hard on your poor DH getting so little sleep when you work. I could see it not being all that much better for your DH if you are home but can't really help. Do you have a separate office in your house that you spend the day in?

Ali - that's good you were able to just let T stay asleep in the car seat after your errand trip. I am sure it's fine with you keeping a close eye on him.
I'm sorry Dinner with your parents didn't go very well (or even involve actual dinner)!
lit- thank you! :) the mastitis was awful. i am feeling flabby too, eaten so much the last few days. Really glad V is feeding well.

pomp- yup i am BF'ing at night. Yeah he seems to like the formula, its a goats milk one and he likes it warm. Sound slike you have had a lovely easter weekend- i am glad :)

ali- i guess T makes up for it once you are back. Sorry the dinner at your parents didn't go so well..

slammer- this stage is sooo difficult... but like you said, it will get easier and more enjoyable...

afm- don't have much to update really. Isa woke at 7.30am, and i gave him a bottle at 8am, and now he is napping. I know it will be a short one, so thought i would quickly come online .

Question- when are you going to introduce solids? i want to start before 6 months. x
I will be introducing basic porridge once a day to start with in next few weeks probably. Always done around 4 months and im on my 4th and always been fine. Just Little bits very thin made with his milk x I can only speak for my experience but i did baby led weaning with ds.. Won't be doing it this time. I used to spoon feed my elder children and they fed ok and still eat a good mixed variety of foods.. Ds was and still is really fussy so will be going back to spoon this time. After o let ds feed himself he just totally refused spoon for everything..Just personal preference, my friends little boy was ok but ds kept putting too much food in and it used to panic me and half ended up on floor and way. I'm not bothered about the mess just be nice to get some in tummy lol and I just think u can disguise veg n stuff with spoon fed :)

Just had funny moment.. Got ds a drink in his plastic cup and stood for about 10 seconds holding it for him to take from me then realised I was stood in front of pram and trying to hand it to ollie lol.. Very advanced my 13 week old ha .. Ollie was just staring at me as if I was daft smiling :dohh::dohh:..
Literati - ugh, you know my struggle! It's really not fair to get cursed with two bad sleepers, is it? I dunno, it's not that I dislike the baby stage so much in general, but that it's just so much harder with DD to care for (as you know!). I did relish her as a baby, but I'm not feeling the same way this time. I can't just plunk down on the couch for hours. If he won't be put down for a sleep I have no choice but to carry/wear him, and even with a good carrier it's really tough on my back/neck after a while. I'm going to be broken by the end of Jack's infancy!

Yes, it will be quite hard on DH on Mondays and Tuesdays when he closes on Sun and Mon nights. He survived it with DD, but he says now that there are months of her infancy that are just a haze to him because he was so sleep deprived. We kept her home until she was almost a year, but I don't think DH is going to last that long this time. He wants to send him to daycare when DD starts preschool in Aug or Sept.

I work in the basement, so I'm out of sight, but I can still hear everything going on upstairs. Plus have to come up for food and drinks, etc.

Ally - I won't introduce solids until after 6 months. That's current guidelines, whether on breast or formula. Plus there are physical readiness factors that you're supposed to look at - the ability to sit up unsupported, they should lose the tongue thrust reflex, and be able to indicate when they're full/don't want anymore. I started some solids at 6 months with DD, but she had little interest. She didn't even sit unsupported until 8 months old. She was really nearly a year before she took much interest.

Apple - interesting the different outcomes with your kids and food. I don't do the full "Baby Led Weaning" in the sense of no spoon feeding. I just do it in the sense of following baby's cues on whether they are ready/willing to eat. I spoon-fed DD for a long time, but she still didn't take much to food for quite a while. She ate a range of things from 1-2, but got picky after that and is still not great.

Too funny you trying to hand a cup to Ollie!

AFM - tried to roll away from Jack this morning at 5am to get ready. He was deep asleep, yet still woke within 2 minutes. Had to pick him up and give him to DH, who had to bounce him a bit before they could get back into bed asleep. I got ready and then came back to feed him right before I left. Not sure what happened after I left. I hope he went back to sleep for a bit for DH. Will have to catch up on how the day went for them when I get home...or rather after DD's dance class. I need to rush home in time for DH to go get her and take her to class, so I'll see them after that.

At least I got out of the house on time, didn't forget anything I needed (like pump parts), and got to work nice and early without hitting any traffic!
Slammer - I hopened your first day back in the office is going well. How does it feel to be completely away? With O I had horrible anxiety and felt like cap every time I was awah. I'm not finding it to be the case with T. I still miss him and would rather be home but I'm not anxious and making myself sick over it.

Apple - I may start some cereal at 4 months. I won't do it daily. I did it with O and just kind of played with the idea of food till he was 6 months then he was eating baby food like a champ.

I liked your story! That's funny.

Ally - I'll start cereal at 4 months. But I won't make it like 3 times a day every day type of thing. Once a day here and there and gradually increasing. Probably start peaches and what not by 5 months. With O we just played around with the food till he was 6 months and then he was eating 3 times a day by then.

Okay I gotta cut this short. I'm pumping and nothing else going on so I figured I would reply some. Try to catch up more later.
slammer - hope your first day back in the office went well and your DH coped ok. I can only imagine how hard it must be for him when he closes. I feel exhausted just thinking about it!! I totally get the baby stage is harder this time round when you already have a child. Anabella is pretty independent and can do a lot of things herself but I find I can very rarely play with her anymore which makes me sad (even though I don't enjoy it). Jamie is struggling more with day time naps unless we are out. He can't seem to drift off easily like he can at night and I normally end up holding him until he is in a deep enough sleep to be put down. But he won't sleep as long at home and cries a lot more from overtiredness :(

Ali - Sounds like a stressful dinner at your parents house! sorry you didn't get to eat, that is crap.

Ally - Like Slammer, I wont be introducing solids until at least 6 months, as per the guidelines. Anabella wasn't even that interested at 6 months and didn't swallow anything for ages. We did BLW and will be doing so again. To be honest, I find weaning long winded, time consuming and messy. I am certainly in no rush to start! I know for some babies with reflux, Dr's will sometimes recommend early weaning.

Apple - the comment about the cup made me laugh!

AFM - I spent the day looking after my friends 6 year old and we went out for the day at a local place to us. It was a nice day but I think Jamie is going through the 3 month growth spurt. He was cranky today and gulped down two 4oz bottles within 30 mins of each other at bed time!
Today is national primary school allocation day in England. We found out we got our first choice for Anabella and I am so pleased. I shed a few tears as I can't believe my little girl will be at school in just over 4 months.
Hi pomp, I didn't realise your little girl was going to school in September so is my ds.. We got 1st choice as well !! .. So relieved :) he has a little graduation at nursery I'll be in floods !! I'm just like u can't believe my little man is going school .. :( I really want to try and for do as much as I can with him and do nice things before he starts..

Slammer- sorry jack is being little monkey needing to be held all the time..,ollie wasn't doing too bad but last few days he is getting a bit wise.. Really plays up for oh, today was just with ollie and ds and he cried every time I put him in pram, chair , play mat ect.. Soon as I picked him up he started smiling ! Used to go down awake .. Now no chance of that either.. I was saying to oh i think the light nights are making a difference as the room used to be dark when i put him down..think j need some blackouts for windows. Ds has some.. I'm with u in wishing he was at age to play with toys lol ..

Just wondering .. Are people doing lots of tummy time ? Ollie hates it and just gets stressed..
AliJo - I felt fine really being at work. Just a little worried about how DH was coping while being tired. I didn't feel too bad about leaving DD when I went back to work either. At least leaving a baby with my husband is much more reassuring than leaving them with a daycare. It was nice to get away and have adult conversation. I feel kinda bad...nearly everyone I talked to got the full rundown of how exhausting and hard Jack is, lol! They must all think I'm a terrible mother now to be griping about my baby so much, hehe.

Pompey - yes, it's sad when you can't play with the older one as much anymore. Funny you say you don't enjoy it...I probably don't much either. I'm not very inventive with play ideas, so I'm just like "Umm...playdough? sandbox? That's all I got for ya, kid!" That sucks Jamie is harder with sleep at home, but at least going out and about is easy for you and him if he sleeps well and doesn't fuss! Glad Anabella got into the school you wanted! I can't imagine how I'll feel when Ava goes off to Kindergarten. Even just preschool will be a bit of a change next fall from her daycare.

Apple - glad you got your first choice of school too! Sorry Ollie was tough yesterday. Those days are soooo draining when you can't put them down without them crying!

Jack will do a bit of tummy time now and then. I don't even think to try most days. He has to be freshly rested for it and it only lasts maybe 5 mins. But he is so strong I don't feel he needs it. He's trying to roll back to front and if I prop him up somewhere he is trying to sit upright. It's crazy. I'm sure he will be ahead of my DD with his milestones.

AFM - I got home just in time yesterday to theoretically relieve DH of Jack and have him go get DD from daycare and take her to dance class. But he was looking so exhausted that I sent him to bed. Grabbed Jack and went to get DD myself. Thankfully Jack wasn't too bad in the car, and just napped in the carrier during dance class. Chipotle is right next door to the studio so we grabbed dinner to bring home. Managed to put away my pumped milk and clean all the bottles and pump parts while Jack lounged in his bouncy seat. Woke DH after he'd had a 2.75 hour nap and he was a cheerful man after some sleep and dinner! Felt very accomplished for myself! DH said Jack was good for him yesterday. Ate and slept well and didn't cry much. Just still exhausting since he was running on little sleep. Hoping they have a good day today after he got a good night's sleep last night.
Remember me? I'm back to work now after my maternity leave. I hate the US maternity leave I wish it were longer.

We have a nanny staying with Emi while I work. She has been doing well, sleep is pretty good. She will be 6 months old next month. She smiles and babbles away, is almost rolling over. She eats cereal and in a few weeks will start some regular foods too. I am so in love with her, I love watching her grown and learn.

I'm trying to catch up and read, hopefully with work I get more computer time and time to join in again.
Danser! Great to hear from you! So pleased Emi is doing well. Totally agree about sorry maternity leave - it is awful. So wish I had had more time at home too.
Thank you ladies for all the compliments on the picture of L! I definitely know how lucky we are to have a good sleeper, from what my dad tells me I was the same way (still am ha!) so I assume she got it from me. The 4 month sleep regression will be extra hard on me if it's worse than how she was as a newborn!
I did read back on everything I missed but only have a few mins so will reply to today's posts-I apologize ahead of time, for the short and crappy post!! I'm going to try to do better about coming on more often!

Slammer- very sweet of you to let dh take a nice long nap! Hopefully he felt nice and refreshed/renergized after!

Danser- of course we remember you! Our maternity is definitely crap, I'm sorry you're hating being back to work. Holy moly, I can't believe she is about to be 6 months. So glad you are both doing well, we would love to have you join in as regularly as you can! :)
apple- that is a funny story about your ds, thanks for sharing. We do tummy time maybe once a day.

slammer- Glad work was ok, its funny how you sent your dh to bed haha. You did a lot there with sorting dinner , taking dd to dance class etc. good work!

ali- isa is 4 months on sunday, we want to start introducing some solids soon, just a little bit

pomp- that does sound like a growth spurt! im so glad DD got into the school of your choice, you must be so proud :)

danser- SO nice to hear from you!! Glad Emi is doing so well.

afm- been doing a routine with Isa this week. His naps are still 30 mins but i have just accepted it haha. But he has a feed every 3 hours, and then some playtime before he gets tired. I put him in the crib for all naps. I am hopin the naps lengthen. We are going to get a mobile for his crib, maybe that will help him fall back to sleep.

going to visit a friend later with Isa, really looking forward to it as i have hardly been out the house and im getting cabin fever.
danser - welcome back! That's crazy Emi is almost 6 months old! So glad to hear she is thriving now. I'm just back to work after only 12 weeks off. The US sucks!

Vrogers - I was a terrible sleeper according to my parents, so I suppose it's karma for me to get bad sleepers in my children. Womp womp. :(

Ally - enjoy your visit with a friend! It's good to get out when you can.

AFM - DH and Jack had a good day yesterday. Drank his bottles easily and dropped off to sleep easily with a little bouncing. DD put up a fight about taking bottles for a couple months - she would take them, but not without some struggle, so it's nice to have Jack take them easier now that he's used to it. DH even took him out to Costco and bought groceries, so a successful day. And he was apparently not too bad in the car, so woop! God, I would be sooooo grateful and happy if he is finally getting used to the car!

DH is covering for someone tonight at work, but will have Sunday off in exchange. Maybe we can do something fun as a family on Sunday!
Ally - I won't be introducing solids until the recommended 6 months either. Like Pompey, I find solids a HUGE hassle. It's actually my least favourite part of the baby phase. But I hope introducing some solids goes well for you.

Ali - how are you doing? Are you still feeling pretty down?

Apple - Violet hardly gets any tummy time. I don't have much time for it anyway, but whenever I put her on her tummy, she just rolls onto her back..so there's really no way for me to 'force' her to have it anymore.

That's interesting Baby Led Weaning didn't go well for you. I ended up doing a combo with my dd1. I would feed her a bit of puree, and then let her play with/self feed some finger foods as well. It worked okay for me. I was stressing about her not getting ANYTHING at first, so the bit of purees for a bit set my mind at ease.

Slammer - It's definitely way harder the second time around, and there isn't the luxury of sitting around the entire day and lounging (which I did enjoy)!
That is good Jack will at least take the carrier (although I know it's not that comfortable to wear all the time). Violet loved my wrap at first, but now she will not stay asleep in it. I'll pace the house for what feels like an hour for her to finally nod off, and then if I break my constant march back and forth through the house, she instantly wakes up and is done for. So frustrating! So wearing her is now off the table for me. I am looking forward to when she is old enough for my Ergo. I have a feeling it will be a bit comfier for her to have her arms and legs free, and perhaps she'll tolerate it for longer periods then. I'm sorry your poor back and neck are so sore from the carrier. It is a shame you aren't able to treasure Jack's babyhood like you did with dd1. Perhaps you'll find that the older baby stage (6 mo+) is a lot more enjoyable and you'll be able to treasure it! Who knows. :)

That would be hard to hear everything going on while you're trying to work! I'm so glad your dh's day went well yesterday! Woohoo! That's awesome if Jack at least takes a bottle better than your dd ever did. There had to be SOMETHING about him that was easier than her. ;) I hope you're able to do something fun as a family on Sunday.

I'm glad the adult conversation at work was nice. I definitely find that to be a perk of working (that, and finishing a cup of coffee while it's still hot)! I mostly prefer to be home, though.

Pompey - I also find introducing solids time consuming and messy. What a chore! I took ages to give my dd1 a full 3 meals because I just couldn't be bothered. After all, "food before 1 is just for fun"...or so they say...so I took advantage of that while I could.

Sorry Jamie was cranky the other day. I'm happy for you that Annabella got into the school you wanted! That is so crazy she will be in school soon. I often sit and feel a bit sad to think dd1 will be in school in a few years. They grow up way too quickly.

Danser - Of course we remember you! I'm so happy you were able to check in. That is absolutely tragic that your maternity leave is over and that you are feeling sad about being back at work. I can't even imagine going back so soon. I sure hope things turn around in the US soon and that you'll be able to get longer maternity leaves. I can't believe Emi is already close to 6 months! Wow, that went fast! Sounds like she's doing just great! That's nice you have a nanny! I hope she is working out well.

Vrogers - That definitely sounds like L got her love of sleep from you! The funny thing is, I don't know where my kids got to be such bad sleepers. I have always loved sleep. As a baby, I slept through the night at 3 weeks old! I have continued to love sleep my entire life, and have always needed more than average to feel well rested. Not sure why my babies are such sleep haters (well, to be fair, Violet does need a fair amount of sleep, but just has to be attached to me to be able to do it). DH wasn't a bad sleeper either, so it doesn't make much sense.
I think you mentioned you were in school right now. Have you still be doing courses and studying this whole time? Or did you take a break? I can't imagine doing schoolwork with a baby!

Ally - I'm glad you have a routine going for Isa. Those 30 minute naps sound rough. I do hope they lengthen for you eventually. Do you put him down once he is in deep sleep, or does he fall asleep in his crib? Just curious! Hopefully he will get so used to his crib that his naps will eventually length. I hope you enjoy your visit with your friend. I understand the cabin fever so much!

AFM - Things are going fairly well. On Monday night, Violet gave me a very unpleasant surprise by needing not one, but TWO diaper changes in the middle of the night (I believe the antibiotics bothered her tummy a little bit). The first one was at 2 am, and I ended up being awake for 5 HOURS STRAIGHT after that! Goodness, I hate that I am so prone to insomnia. Anyway, I finally fell back asleep after that, so when my alarm went off to get ready for my fitness class, I just kept pressing snooze until it was 5 minutes before I should have been leaving for the class. Needless to say, I skipped class that day. Felt like quite a failure because of it, and regretted it immediately because my dd1 woke up right after I cancelled. I probably should have just gotten ready really quickly and gone 20 minutes late.

DH and I took the girls for a nice walk to the park last night, and dd1 had a grand ole time running around there. Things seem to be going more smoothly these days, and I feel less stressed in general even though Violet is more and more dependent on me for sleep. I do find she is getting slightly more predictable with her naps. They are still all over the place, but she seems to be taking only 4 naps, and then stays awake a good 2 hours before bed, which is actually easier and more manageable for me.

This afternoon we are going to my friend's house and going to take the kids outside to play. We are hoping they will just run around and let us sit and relax!
Work was work. Tired and sore which is the normal. I think I hurt from more than just co sleeping. I think our bed is junk. Waiting to get a new one so we can get a really good one. Plus with my back and hips out of alignment I'm sure it doesn't help. Whine whine!

Went and looked at a daycare center today. It will be waaay too much. Basically if I used them to work full time.. I'd lose that money to daycare :dohh: so instead I'm talking to a lady that is open every day of the week. Hoping she is a perfect fit for us. Will only cost a half of day's worth of work if we need her for 3 days. We should only need her for three days every other week at most. So, much more affordable! I did really like the director and everything at the center. O really liked it there. It's not worth the money, though. I need more money in my pockets (ha more like for bills!). Our debt is too high from both of us going to school and then we have a car payment, soon a house payment. DH's credit card isn't bad, but I want to get it down a little. Which won't take much.

The appraisal on the house will come through tomorrow. Bit nervous about that.

Appears that O's hands have cleared. Mine have not.

T is doing well. Had a massive blow out on the mamaroo. I JUST cleaned it. So glad it cleans really well! I was worried since it has a lot of white. The fabric must be pretty stain resistant because it all comes out.

Both boys are asleep so I'm going to try to reply and catch up best I can.

Lite - I'm feeling alright. Still not the best, but I'm trying to get a grip on it. Thanks for asking. Life just needs to chill out for awhile so I can recollect. At least it isn't from the boys but I feel it affects how I handle them. Definitely haven't felt like mother of the year. I'm too quick to snap again. I hate it.

I'm sorry about the insomnia. It always hits me when I have to work. I generally don't even get 5 hours of sleep before I have to work. Glad you got to get out and enjoy a walk. I really need to start taking the boys.

Slammer - Glad your DH had a decent day with Jack. I wish T would get better. My DH says he must sense when I get home because he stops crying every time I come home so I never see it.

Ally - T has a mobile in his crib. He likes it but hasn't helped him fall asleep yet. I try to run it while I'm putting him to sleep (the music or sounds) so that when he lays down it's still going and maybe he will transition easier. It does help get him ready for sleep, though.

I'm kind of excited to introduce solids. I don't know why. I guess I'm hoping it will make DH's days a little easier. I expect him to still take awhile to really take to food.

Danser - I think about you often! I know I haven't messaged you in awhile. I was thinking not too long ago about how you almost have a 6 month old! Emi sounds like she's doing so well! Definitely sounds like she's where she should be! I know premature babies can sometimes take awhile to catch up to their similar age group, but it sounds like she'll be pretty close and catch up sooner rather than later! So glad you posted!

Slammer - Ha! I do think everyone expects to hear the whole "Yes she/he's the perfect baby!" and just expect the usual exhaustion etc. I've had so many people ask if he sleeps through the night. I'm always baffled that they would even think it's a thing at this age. I don't even feel it's possible because I know I'd never get that lucky!

Those talking about school.. I totally forgot that O could start 3 year old preschool this year. Oh well.. I'm not even moved yet. I don't know. I guess I could look into it.

Pomp - It's always stressful out there! Oh well, it is what it is.

Sorry if I missed something big. I really need to get off and get to bed. Going to try to move T to his crib. He doesn't have long sleeves on so hoping he doesn't get too cold. If he does he'll definitely be in bed with me.
Ally- ugh I'm sorry about the 30 min naps! L has days where she won't nap longer than 30 min but she generally takes longer naps, seems like it depends on how early she woke up and how well she slept and whatnot.
Hopefully the mobile helps!
Also hope you have a fun time with your friend

Slammer- hopefully the sleeping gets better as they get a little older! teenage years I'm sure...seems so far off haha
Yay for having Sunday off, you guys should definitely do something fun!
Im glad to hear the car rides are getting better, maybe there's a light at the end of the tunnel for us...I've tried toys hanging on the seat where she can see, a mirror, all kinds of diff music, white noise, paci, nothing really helps.

Literati- it's weird how the sleep thing works! Seems like most babies take awhile to sleep through the night. I'm nervous if we have a second because L has been such a good sleeper that she's set a high standard ha!
I am still taking classes, I regret not taking this semester off but am definitely taking summer off when I normally take a class or two over summer. I end up just doing my classes on Sunday's since weeknights are so hectic.
I don't blame you for skipping the class. Sleep is important too!
So glad you are feeling more confident as everyone settles into a routine! Slowly getting "easier" here too. It really does take time to adjust to a new family member, they change everything and just flip things all around.

Ali- I'm sorry you're so sore, that makes everything all the more difficult! I don't blame you for not going with the more expensive daycare-it's hard when you want the best possible care for your babies but then that means even more money. I hope you find the perfect affordable fit!
Good luck on appraisal, let us know how it goes!
Gotta love blowouts. We don't have any extra fabric on our mamaroo so seems like it'd be a pain to clean.

Since we've mentioned solids, and I know I'll talk to her ped about this when it comes up, but dumb question...when you introduce solids do you do less formula/breastmilk, and how would you know how much less? I was wondering that recently!
Literati - omg that sucks about V and the wrap. Jack does that sometimes too - I dare to stop for a minute to try to eat or drink something and he starts fussing again! I have an Ergo too that I'm waiting for Jack to grow a bit more to fit into. He fits well in my Beco though. A Mei Tai is highly adjustable and cheaper if you want to try something that would let her arms and legs be out. I just pulled mine out for the first time in a while last night and was surprised how comfy it was for a change from the Beco.

I know, right? Jack HAS to be easier in some tiny respect! Come on baby, show me what you can do! lol

I definitely would rather have an extended maternity leave if I could!

Oh, that is rough that you were up so longer after changing V in the night! I would have totally skipped the exercise class too!

Glad things are getting a bit smoother and V is becoming more predictable!

AliJo - I bet the combo of work, co-sleeping, and a bad mattress has you very sore! I hope you get a good mattress soon. I don't even know what kind of mattress I need. I'm always uncomfortable no matter what kind it is. We have soft memory foam. DH would prefer a firm mattress but I ache soooo bad if I sleep on a hard bed.

Daycare centers are expensive for sure. I'm glad you have another option that will work instead.

I know, it's lame how people always ask about sleep. Though really, what else is there to ask about a baby? All they really do is eat and sleep and fuss, so....yeah. lol. But yeah I feel bad that I'm not just gushing about how wonderful he is and how much I love him. I'm too honest I guess!

Vrogers - ugh, that sucks you've tried so many things for L in the car with no success. Honestly I haven't tried much, lol. He doesn't take a paci all that well, definitely not well enough to keep it in his mouth for any length of time on his own.

No, you don't reduce breastmilk or formula when you start solids. Solids should supplement, not replace their milk. Always offer milk/formula first until 1 year old.

AFM - DH's day was harder yesterday. I guess that's how it is, no two days will be alike. I'm "working from home" today. I got up later and have handled Jack for a couple hours while DH rested on the couch and half took care of DD. Honestly I don't have enough work to do, so I can get away with messing around for a while.It's hard to make myself do work when I'm at home, lol. Now I have Jack strapped to me sleeping while I type this and DH is taking DD to daycare.

Oh, forgot to mention Jack has been in size 3 diapers for a couple weeks now! Such a big boy.

We slept in the bed for the first time in a few nights last night. It was nice. I think my milk supply is finally settling down a bit. It was often too much for him to be able to nurse laying down because he'd be drowning. Last night I was able to nurse him each time he woke while laying down without him choking or spitting up. That makes a big improvment to my nights!
Slammer - T has gone through a whole box of 3s already and is on his second. He loads them fairly quickly but they still fit well so he's not quite ready for 4s but I think next box will be 4s.

Glad you're able to nurse laying down! Seriously is one of the best ways to nurse in my opinion. Don't have to hold them and can relax a bit.

Yeah I guess there isn't much to ask. But they always ask if he's sleeping through the night. I just stare at them a minute and say "I wish" ha. The lady at work who has a baby a couple days younger than T sleeps most of the night. She's not as alert as T, though.

Full time at the daycare center would have been 345 dollars. If DH steps up once more it would be fine. Still expensive bit we could justify it to an extent. But I'll only be paying 60 - 120 a week with this lady.

Vrogers - What slammer said is right. Although, once O hit 6 months he was being fed solids before breastfeeding or bottle. He never refused the milk or ate less when I did that. Doesn't mean T will be the same. O had a good routine at that time.

No news on the house yet.

T took a 1.5 hour nap in the pack n play. That was a first. I think it helped that O and I played in his room.

T also rolled back to belly today! He also hasn't been wanting to roll belly to back so I tried tummy time and he flipped over instantly so I guess he's just bring lazy when he won't do it and just screams.

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