January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Pompey- I'm sorry about Jamie's grumpy days! Definitely sounds like the 3 month growth spurt. I'm assuming it's pretty easy to lose patience with the older kid once you have a baby, don't beat yourself up, you're doing the best you can and we all have our less than good days!

Ali- I hope you hear about the appraisal soon, that sucks you are the main one to take care of things like that.

Newbie- I hope going cold turkey works out! It's so great when they can soothe themselves back to sleep

Apple- glad you are all doing well! I'm so sorry about your teenager though, that must be heartbreaking as his mom. High school kids can be brutal, I wish I could go back and tell myself it gets better. At that age it all feels like it's going to last forever, it's hard to see past it.

Angel- I think it's completely normal to look forward to a "break" from the baby, even if it's work! Doesn't make you a bad mom at all. Poor melody, I hope she feels better soon. I'm not looking forward to L's inevitable first sickness whenever that is.
Thank you for the compliment on the picture! I've done the same you mentioned, put her in the crib while I organize or put away her laundry and she never complains so hopefully we have a (somewhat) smooth transition for sleep in there!
Oh she's precious, she looks like a happy little baby!! I love the outfit in her 3 month pic

Ally- glad he is transitioning to formula without problems! What formula do you use? I completely understand being a little sad about him not getting your milk, I try to remember formula is feeding my baby and a fed baby is what's important! Glad a routine is working out, we seem to be settling into one as well

Slammer- ah I can't imagine how you feel doing bedtimes and on your own so often! Waking every 30 min also sounds awful, I'm so sorry it's rough right now! I know it isn't much help but I try to remember this is temporary and I assume I'll miss at least something about this time when she's older?
Lite - Lol.. I'm not to my pre pregnancy weight. I still have about 12 to go. Then I still have a lot after that. I just lost 7 lbs in water weight in the last week was all. I went up that much in like 2 weeks.

Glad the time with family went well. She's probably just use to having schedules. I'm definitely not.
So many babies rolling over. It makes me worried E has rolled over yet in either direction. I feel like it will be soon she gets to her side but gets comfortable there.
Danser - I wouldn't worry! Since she is premature her development may be a little different. She's trying which is good! Make sure to bring up any concerns like that with her pediatrician. They can help you with any worries. I still can't believe she's almost 6 months! It's crazy!
The last several days/nights have been a nightmare. Melody isn't sleeping and it's leaving DH and I just a mess. Yesterday I finally got her down to sleep for 45 minutes around 5pm (that was her second nap of the day, every other time she just wouldn't stay down). After that I did get to "bed" at 9pm (a little late since she usually is out around 7). She actually slept 4 hours straight (miracle!) I felt so refreshed when she woke me to eat :haha: but then for the next 3 hours she woke within 15 minutes of being put back to sleep. :nope: So, again, I'm a zombie today. But this morning her cough wasn't as bad so there's that.

We received bad news regarding MIL yesterday. They released her from rehab (rehab from the stroke) a couple days ago and we thought this was good. But yesterday my youngest BIL (he's only 19 and still lives with MIL) called to tell us that they have given her only 4-6 weeks. Between the stroke, the cancer, and her kidneys (she's been on dialysis for several months) it doesn't look good. It sounds like they won't treat the cancer, either because it's too far spread or because of the stroke making it not possible to treat, I'm not sure. Either way, it's rough. DH lost his grandfather 2 years ago, his grandmother a year and a half ago (they raised him, not his mother) and now his mom, after he's just started to build a relationship with her in the last several years. :cry:

Ally - I'm glad the routine seems to be helping and that Isa has taken to a bottle well. I can imagine the mixed feelings about no longer BF, I have thought about starting to switch Melody to more formula and less BF because of the hassle of pumping at work and I have similar mixed feelings about it.

Slammer - I'm basically living in leggings and yoga pants right now too. Unfortunately I can't do that when I'm back to work next week. I haven't even tried to see if my work clothes fit :wacko: I think I'm in denial.

Thanks for the tip about the pump parts! That will save me a lot of time! I actually bought a second set of parts so that I don't have to clean the parts after every pump session, and in case I break/lose something. But putting them in the cooler is a great idea, especially if I have to use again and don't have time to wash.

I'm so sorry that your DH is having to work nights and you aren't getting time together or time with him to help out with the kids. That has to be so hard. How long does his schedule hvae to stay like that, or is there a chance he can switch to different hours?

As for Jack, can you pacify him with a pacifier so he isn't looking for your nipple all night? I don't know how you feel about paci's or if he'll take them, but maybe. :shrug: That's actually part of why I moved Melody into her own bed. She's still right next to us in the pack n play but after 2-3 hell nights of constant waking she has stopped and sleeps fairly decently in the pack n play only waking every 2-3 hours to eat.

Ali - Thanks! She seems to be feeling a little better this morning, we'll see how the day goes.

Lite - I feel very similar about talking about what I do around parents with different parenting styles. I started out very baby-led and am now working on finding a medium between the two, because I know that 100% baby led is going to be too much for me with work and everything. I'm usually very structured so I have to try to find a happy medium. We have a routine that I try to follow with M, but no specific time schedule and I follow her cues if she's hungry/tired earlier/later than our normal routine I adjust to meet her needs. Unfortunately, I feel like I get judgement from both sides because of that. :nope: It's ridiculous, honestly. There's no right or wrong as long as baby is loved and needs are met, the best method is the one that works for the family. Not everyone gets that. I'm so glad that HERE we can parent with whatever style fits us and no one judges. :hugs: I'm really glad that your cousin wasn't judgmental. I think you're right, we're all a little insecure about our parenting method and probably worry about judgement from others.

Feeding in a dark room might help M take in more during the day. A couple times I"ve gone ahead and done feeding in her nursery with the lights off, shades closed, and her white noise playing and she'll eat for a solid 18-20 minutes instead of 8-12! Big difference. Probably should do that more and I might get more sleep at night.

Vrogers - Thanks! That outfit in her 3 month picture is a 6-9 month outfit! :wacko: Crazy kid with a long torso!

Danser - I wouldn't worry about it at all! I think that with her being premature her development is on a different time frame. :)
AliJo - I know you have a similar struggle with alternate schedules. Sigh, it is so crappy. Seriously so little time to just enjoy family time. It just makes every day hard work! One day I hope DH will get a normal day job, but probably no time soon. The money would be hard to say goodbye to!

I hope the boys settled for you soon after your post.

Literati - I couldn't live without Target! lol. I basically have created a new "uniform" for myself. I bought all the colors of the loose/longer shirt I liked from Target and pair them with leggings when I'm off work. For work I have a button down shirt (also from Target, lol) in four colors and pair it with one of the two pairs of black pants I now have that fit my PP body. DONE. Not wasting time putting together cute outfits at this time of my life. I spent a lot of money on clothes this month, but now I have things that are easy to throw on.

Life is seriously not fun at this stage. Still just counting down the months until I might enjoy things more.

I think the need to keep relatching was mostly coming from him being snotty and not sleeping well, so what better thing is there than a boob to help him sleep? I just hope it doesn't become an every night thing like with DD.

I was totally going to say that your cousin might feel awkward too, so there you go! Everyone probably feels like someone else is judging their parenting somehow!

Vrogers - thanks. I know this all will pass in time. I dunno if I will miss this time. Maybe many years down the line, lol. I don't really miss DD being a baby. I loved every advancement she made.

Danser - don't worry. My DD didn't roll back to belly until 5 months, and like AliJo said Emi was premature so she has more time to work on it!

Angel - sorry Melody has been sick and not sleeping well. It's tough when a good routine gets ruined with sickness or something developmental going on.

Very sorry to hear about MIL. Your poor DH. That sounds very hard emotionally.

I had to buy new work clothes. I didn't even try on my old ones as I knew they wouldn't fit!

DH's schedule has been like this for 6 years, so it's not changing any time soon. He has some of the best shifts money-wise so a change in schedule would mean a big drop in income. We mostly just roll with it, but it's getting to me more now with two kids.

Jack doesn't really take a pacifier. God, how I wish he would. I'm hoping the waking was mostly due to a snotty nose and it doesn't become the new norm. We'll see. He had gotten into a decent every 2 hours rhythm before that.

AFM - I'm managing to get some work done with Jack strapped to me again while DH naps on the couch. I really need to find time to shower and do laundry today though.

Jack is three months old today. Another month we survived.
Danser- like Ali said I wouldn't worry but of course talk to her pediatrician and I'm sure he/she can reassure you!

Angel- I'm sorry about the lack of sleep, it just makes everything so much worse.
I'm so sorry about your MIL, that's horrible and I can't imagine. Your poor dh

Slammer- I can't really see myself missing this time either! I may miss her being little but definitely not anything else! Also I chuckled at your "another month survived" comment because I say the same thing each month. I always tell dh "we've kept her alive for X months!" I think I'm more surprised that I'm surviving than her though lol

Having a rough day just because I'm missing pre baby life major! L isn't even being particularly difficult, it kinda just hit out of nowhere like it tends to do. I know it won't last and I'm sure come and go but just really missing my freedom and independence before!
I feel like I'll jinx myself saying this, but oh well. I laid T down for a nap in his pack n play. He was asleep, but he jolted awake. I just stood there shhing him and patting his bottom and after a minute he went back to sleep! :happydance: I just hope it means I'll be able to get him to start to self settle or even just settle to sleep OUT of my arms even if I need to pat him. I think breaking having to be there the whole time would be easier than breaking him of needing held. I remember I was almost always close to getting O to self settle later in his first year and then I'd go back to work and it was all messed up because DH couldn't do it. I was working nights, though. I won't be this time. I'm always on night duty.

Speaking of which. I'm terrified of the days I'll have the boys the night before working when I get them started at a daycare. It'll be me probably fighting to get them to sleep, then waking up early just to get them ready and off to daycare. I feel it's so cruel to wake them up at 5:30 ish to get them ready. I'm hoping she'll be okay with me taking them in pajamas (I'd assume so) so that I don't have to tear them out of them only to throw clothes on them. I'll be so much easier to just change diapers and load them up so I don't have to wake them up any earlier than necessary. I am hoping they'll start having earlier bedtimes. I'll just need to stick to a semi regular schedule even on my days off. Bleh.. goodbye sleeping in.

Slammer - If my DH changes jobs at all it'll still be a crap shift. He is planning on stepping up and when he does he'll make 14k more a year and I'll put up with the crap schedule for the better income. What will be nice is he'll alternate 6 months nights and 6 months days. Then his schedule will rotate and it'll be 4 days on 4 days off I believe. So even though it'll be all over the place I think we'll still get more time together than we do now.

Ha.. 2-3 months for us was kind of rough. Well I think it was more 1.5-2.5. I don't remember. I just remember days of fire and shackles and total torture. Anyways, it's been getting easier and easier for us. I hope it does the same for you.

Vrogers - I don't think people always miss the freedom to some extent. I want the best of both worlds! :haha:

Angel - Glad she's feeling a little better! Knocking on wood here, but I'm surprised that T has dodged any real illnesses so far. Just had a stuffy nose at one point. It wasn't even bad enough to disturb his sleep.
Ali - wow, that's great T managed to fall asleep in the pack and play and not your arms! fingers crossed this will be the new normal. Jamie needs to be in my arms to fall asleep if we're at home (occasionally he will fall asleep in the swing but I don't like him sleeping in there as it doesn't recline) so I know how hard It is and what a breakthrough it is when they can start to self settle.
I don't envy your schedule when you return to work :( I so hope your daycare will take them in their pjs. It's great you've found one that open so early. Here, the earliest they tend to take children is 7.30 and even they are few and far between.
Jamie has another heart scan on Friday. He seems fine in himself and is gaining weight well and taking milk fine so I am not too worried. I hope Friday goes well. I am a little nervous to be honest as you just never know. Thanks for asking!

vrogers - sorry you're missing your old independent life right now. As L gets older those feelings will lessen, I'm sure. You will then start to forget how life was before she came along! I can barely remember life before Anabella even though I was with my husband for 11 years before she was born! I had no idea what we used to do together on the weekends!

danser - worry not! Anabella didn't roll over until she was 8 months old!! :wacko: And she is a very normal and healthy 4 year old. Jamie hasn't even attempted to roll yet. Like others have said, her prematurity is likely to make a difference to when she reaches her milestones anyway.

Angel - I am so sorry to hear about your MIL. That sounds so awful and I can't imagine how you're all feeling at the moment :cry: My FIL passed away on my due date and it was just horrible.
Sorry your nights are rough. When they don't sleep it is just awful. Perhaps she is going through the 4 month sleep regression early?
Love the pic of Melody :cloud9:

LL - I am glad the family visit went well and there was no judgement or awkwardness from your cousin.
Sorry you are not feeling happy today.... I hope it passed quick enough!

slammer - Oh goodness, it sounded like you were at breaking point last night. It must be hard to have your DH away most of the weekend and having very little family time. Does he enjoy what he does? It's bar work right? Is there anything else he could do so that your family life is back on an even keel? I know how hard it must be for you especially doing bedtimes on your own. I do every other night but my husband is downstairs if I need him. It still gets very fraught and stressful at times with Anabella being loud and waking Jamie up and generally just faffing around before bed.

AFM - TOUCH WOOD but Jamie seems to be more contented these last couple of days. He still has had grizzly moments but hasn't had huge screaming sessions lasting hours. So that's good! I took him to a sensory and music class this morning for the first time and he was just mesmerized by all the lights :cloud9: It must have taken it out of him as he then had a 4 hour nap (on and off)! He was in the carry cot though as I was out walking so I am sure that done the trick.
Jamie LOVES baths!! He smiles, giggles, splashes and kicks his legs every single night he is in the bath. So cute!
VRogers - I think we might have posted at the same time last night, and I don't think you saw my reply to you. Just mentioning because I wouldn't want you to think I forgot to reply to you!
I am sorry you're missing your pre-baby freedom so much. It is definitely hard. You definitely will adjust to this new way of life although as Ali said, I think we all miss the freedom a tiny bit still.

Pompey - that's great Jamie seems more settled today. Also great about his long nap. I love when Violet naps on and off like that for so long. She also seems to sleep a lot better when on the go. She loves the motion...

Slammer - haha, I love that you have figured out a "uniform" for yourself! That sounds perfect. I totally agree there is just no time at this phase of life to spend a bunch of time picking out cute outfits. It sounds like the money you spent this month will be well worth it for time saving and comfort.

Yay for surviving another month! Woohoo!

Angel - I am sorry you get judgment from both sides for your parenting style. It's so ridiculous really. I think my least favourite part of the baby stage is the fact that other parents are so judgmental and opinionated on *how* you parent your baby. It makes no sense, and all it does is add stress and pressure to everyone. I find that once your kid is 18 mo+,no one really cares how you parent, so that's nice. I am definitely glad that there is no judgment on here! We have the most supportive group of ladies I've ever known on this thread!

I am sorry to hear about your mil's poor health. Hugs!

Danser - as everyone has said, I wouldn't worry at all about E not rolling yet! Totally normal.

Ali - oh, sorry! I guess I misunderstood what you said. Sounds like we have the identical amount to lose, so good luck to both of us!
I agree - it's what you're used to. I've never liked rigid schedules so makes sense my parenting wouldn't be like that either.
Getting the kids up so early for daycare sounds like it will be torture for all of you. I know it was for me! That was the absolute worst part of working for me!

AFM - today has been a busy day of constant mundane tasks that didn't add up to anything. It's been a stream of diaper changes, kitchen clean-ups, feeding, and trying to get myself somewhat presentable to attend an eye appointment I had today. I then found out I should have just booked dd1 in right after me because she apparently needs an appointment before she turns 3 (in August), so I'm going to have to drag everyone there again another time! Blah.

One small thing is that I have been able to sort of passively play with dd1 today, and she has loved it. It's even been a bit fun for me because it gave us some one-on-one time. Violet has been having her naps in the swing today.
Ali- yay that's awesome that he went back to sleep, hopefully it becomes a regular thing. I think they should definitely let you bring them in their pjs and I'm sorry about the early schedule, that would be hard on me too!

Pompey- wow 11 years before baby, I bet that was an even bigger adjustment! But it's encouraging that even after that long you don't even remember what it was like before anabella. I have seen parents say that before and I'm ready to feel that way!
That's great Jamie is having better days! It seems like it's gotten much better here too as the newborn stage has ended. Less fussiness and more smiling/cooing. I bet it was so sweet to watch him in the music class!

Literati- oh I'm sorry! My post went to a new page, completely missed your post, thank you for letting me know!
You are completely right about babies making everything challenging and everything revolving around them, that's probably got a lot to do with what I said in my newer post about missing my old life. I'm glad today seems to have gone better (other than being mundane!) and you were able to spend one on one time with dd1, im sure you both needed it!
Angel - I didn't mean to not say anything about your MIL. Was doing a fast reply and kind of skimmed. I'm really sorry. I hope you guys can spend as much time as possible with her in the next few weeks. It may not seem like much or enough but it's not something you can get back. It's so rough that it struck after their relationship was improving, but it's important to look at the positive side of it. How is he taking it? I'm terrified of how DH will react if my FIL has cancer.

Sorry I'm not replying to everyone at the moment. T is asleep and I work tomorrow so I need to get some myself. O is with DH.

Still waiting on the underwriter review on the appraisal, but it came in above. Definitely think we'll be okay! We close on the 5th so it's really creeping up! So excited for a washer and dryer ha!
hey ladies.

angel- Melody is such a lovely beautiful girl. Adorable pics. sorry for the rough nights, it's just how it is isn't it. Babies are so unpredictable. Glad you got a nice stretch of sleep from M though. Really sorry about your MIL.

pomp- glad Jamie is more contented. Isa loves bathtime, he is also kicking his legs around and splashing water everywhere, it is adorable.
slammer- sorry you have had a tough time, and i feel for you doing all these nights alone. Bless you. Isa wenth through similar phase, i rememver posting, where he wanted to SUCK ALL THE TIME! i give him a dummy now, would you give one to Jack?

lit- glad visit with family went well and you are right- you shouldn't feel insecure about how you parent. Glad you had some play time with dd1 :)

vrogers- i use this formula called nannycare, Isa seems to love it. I get moments like that too about pre baby life. Try to get out for a walk or something. Sending you a hug! i am about to go for a walk now, just to get out and get soem fresh air, being home all day drives me mad. But just letting you know, i feel the same from time to time.

ali- its great baby t fell asleep like that, hope he continues to do so! :)

afm- isa had a good night , he slept from 8pm to 12:30, woke, had a bottle, straight back to sleep in the crib till 4.30am, some milk then asleep again till 7.30, then we woke up for the day. I feel well rested. And Isa spent almost the whole night in the crib, yah!
Going to go out for a long walk today, weather is nice.
vrogers - Hehe...definitely the parents surviving is as big an achievement as keeping the baby alive! I get frequent waves of missing life before Jack. But not life before DD, so I think you'll get to that place eventually. Just as I'm sure I'll eventually be unable to imagine life before Jack.

AliJo - that would be nice if you could get T to settle to sleep out of your arms. I never could get that to happen with DD until I weaned off nursing to sleep at some point after a year old (it's all a haze now). I think Jack is going to end up being the same as her, sigh.

Getting everyone up and out of the house so early will be rough for sure!! I don't think it should matter if you take them to daycare in jammies. Or just dress them for bed in comfortable clothes that can be slept in but look good enough for the next day as well.

That jump in salary for your DH would be awesome I'm sure. I hope that works out and you can get some more family time even if it means his schedule changes a bit every few months. At some point my DH will have to find a different job, but I don't know when that will be. Bartending isn't exactly something you can do into old age - it takes too much of a toll. He works with a guy who's 45 and he is noticeably slowing down each year. DH wanted to open his own bar, but I really don't know if that will ever happen. While it would be nice if he opened a successful bar and we made a lot of money, it would also be nice to just have him move to something that pays a little less, but gives normal hours.

"Fire and shackles and total torture" LMAO. That's exactly how it feels sometimes!!

Glad the appraisal came in above!

Pompey - Yes, DH is a bartender. I wouldn't say he enjoys it really, but he is good at it. And the money is so good. He has a degree in financial math and wanted to be an actuary, but he's not the type to motivate himself enough to do the massive amount of study and prep needed to pass the necessary exams, so that never panned out. He just fell into this job after moving here and has stuck around there since. Like I said above, he wants to open a bar, but I honestly don't really see it ever happening. We'll have to find something else for him to do eventually, but he'll probably stay at the bar for a while yet. It just sucks. I hate the "faffing about before bed"!! DD just wants to jump up and down and hide and be ridiculous and I can't handle it.

Glad to hear Jamie is more settled. The sensory and music class sounds fun! You seem to have lots of fun activities around you to take the kids to!

Literati - I could really do with an eye appt myself...and a dental appt! I still haven't taken DD to either of those places. Maybe it's doable now. Any earlier and I'm sure she would have lost it completely in fear. Trips to the doctor for regular checkups were bad enough with her being scared of him.

That's nice you had a good day with DD1 and Violet napped in the swing for you!

Ally - I haven't had much luck getting Jack to take a pacifier. Both my kids are stubborn and just want the boob!

Glad you had a good night's rest!

AFM - Hope DH is doing ok at home today. Will have to see how dead he looks when I get home. I am adjusting to the idea of Jack going to daycare in a few months. It would only be 2-3 days a week. DH rightly pointed out that if he's constantly exhausted he gets sick a lot, and that's definitely no good for anyone. When DD was 10 months old we took a trip to Ireland for his sister's wedding and he ended up hospitalized for 5 days of our trip! He had been lingeringly sick and the stress of travel took even more out of him. He had a viral and bacterial throat infection. A few days off for him will also allow him to get things like grocery shopping and cooking and car repair done, so I suppose it might be best in the long run. Maybe we could also get a cuddle in on Mondays while I'm teleworking! Goodness knows we have no opportunities to cuddle right now.
Ali - hope all is well

Ally - glad Isa had a pretty good night last night.

VRogers - hehe, glad you found it now. How is your week going?

Slammer - yes, I don't know how dd1 will handle an eye dr or dentist appointment. Apparently the eye appointment is pretty 'fun' and they get to look at cartoons and such. I think dd1 could handle it at this point. She has come a long way in the past year. But I am fairly sure she would be terrified of the dentist...
I find it is so hard to fit in appointments to take care of your own health when you have kids!
It is too bad your DH is stuck with those crappy hours. That would be exciting but difficult if your DH opened his own bar someday.

AFM - okay day so far today. I had my exercise class and Violet was only a bit fussy for it and just needed to go to sleep right at the end when everyone was stretching. The instructor held Violet for me for the last 10ish minutes of the workout since she needed to be held but was otherwise fine. After that I managed a couple errands wk for DH's birthday. Such an ordeal with two kids tow! DH is going to have the most boring birthday ever present-wise. There is really nothing at all he needs or wants right now because he buys whatever he wants usually, and I bought him quite a bit of clothes at Christmas. So he asked me for a gift card somewhere. I have to roll my eyes at that because it's all our money anyway, so it makes no sense to buy a gift card. I did it anyway, though, just so he at least has a token gift to open. Also bought him a crappy card at dollarama. I am not winning any Best Wife awards this birthday! Haha.
His birthday is Wednesday but we will be celebrating as a family on Saturday.
Lately, Violet has become quite mobile in her own way. She constantly arches her back and kicks to move herself backwards on the floor her bassinet. She can also roll right over to her side, so it won't be too long before she can roll from back to front. I can't believe how quickly they change and grow. I sort of miss her newborn self, but am loving how she is these days as well! :)
Ally- i haven't heard of that one, glad he likes it! You're right, being out in the fresh air does help. I went on a walk back when L was about 6 weeks or so and being particularly fussy but just haven't since. Her stroller is in the house so I think I may do that tomorrow. Passes time too!
Glad Isa had a good night and is doing so well in his crib! It helps so much to get a good sleep

Slammer- that makes me feel much better! I try not to be too hard on myself and remember it's only been 3 1/2 months and has already gotten easier in just that time.
I hope your dh ended up doing okay! It sounds like you have a good plan for daycare, I've heard of other parents doing the same type of set up as errands are difficult with a baby in tow

Literati- week is going by fast thankfully lol
Glad your workout class went well, that's sweet of the instructor to help out for you. Hey, you got him what he asked for even though it didn't make sense so I think you're good! I hope y'all have fun Saturday, are you going out at all or staying in?
I'm glad violet is doing well! It really is fun to watch them learn and grow into little people of their own

Afm- dh was having trouble feeding L her last bottle before bed. She kept spitting up and acting restless so he got frustrated and went to the store for a few things we needed. I changed her and wrapped her in her halo sack (arms out or she freaks out) and put her in her crib. Was planning on cleaning the rnp but she acted hungry so I fed her and she fell asleep in her crib! Dh got back and was thrilled because he's been wanting her in her own room. I actually got emotional and told him I was going to sleep on her floor, only half kidding.
She woke up less than an hour later and was fussy and sucking her hands so we moved her back into our room and she ate a little and is now asleep.
Just made me realize I'm not quite ready for her to be in there overnight just yet but may try naps at least.
Dh says he'll try to take a week vacation the week of her 4 month appointment may 18. I really hope he's able to, it'd be nice to have a week of constant help!
VRogers - good for L falling asleep in her crib! Sometimes it takes something like that to make you realize you aren't ready. I definitely like having my babies close while they're still so young (not that they give me the option anyway)! That would be great if your DH could take holidays when L gets her vaccines. Having help for a week is so nice. DH's next week of holidays is not until July, but I am looking forward to it.
For DH's birthday I think we'll go out for supper. I would also like to do something as a family in the afternoon, like go out for a treat and then a walk to the park or something. I guess now DH will be home tomorrow night after all too, so I'll have to think of a relaxing Birthday evening activity as well.

AFM - V ended up taking an extra nap today so I just got her to sleep for the night now (after 11). Feeling a little wired so thought I'd check in before bed. Goodnight!
Literati - that's nice the instructor held V at your exercise class!

I know what you mean about gift cards and them just being your own money, lol. DH and I don't really buy each other presents. Just cards/flowers/candy. I'm hard to buy for.

vrogers - go L for falling asleep in her crib! Don't feel guilty if you don't want to truly move her out of your room yet. Especially when you are dealing with the struggle of adjusting to a baby in your life, you should indulge in the things that you enjoy about them.

AFM - Sigh. DH is really hating life doing babycare after a work night. He was really over it last night. He managed to take DD to dance class and brought home dinner, then retreated to the basement to eat and passed out. Didn't see him the rest of the night, and then this morning he said he couldn't get to sleep at night after sleeping during the evening. I don't know if our daycare provider can take Jack before the older boy in her care leaves this summer - there's a calculation for how many kids she can have based on their ages, and I'm not sure if Jack could even go now. I think we'll see if she can take him, or approach another provider we used when ours was recovering from surgery. I don't remember DH being this miserable with DD. I don't want him to be so unhappy. :(

At least bedtime for DD was a breeze last night and Jack and I went to bed shortly thereafter. Slept in the glider because I can more easily get him to let go of my boob for stretches of time there. :/
slammer-sorry your dh is having such a hard time with child care, i hope you manage to come to a solution that suits all.

lit- glad the exercise class went well. Hope you all get some lovely family time when it is your dh's birthday.

vrogers- i definitely would not be ready for Isa to be in hos own room yet either. Hope your dh gets a vacation so you can have some more time together and support.

afm- we gave isa some rice pudding today. they had 4 months plus baby food in the aisle. He seems to have taken to it well. Did the smelliest poo every after though, my goodness. dh was off today so we went out for burgers and that was nice.
Slammer - that is really no good that your DH is kind of hating life now that he's having to look after Jack when you're at work. I do hope you're able to find a daycare provider to take him soon so your DH can get his sanity back. However, looking after 2 by yourself is a huge adjustment as we all know, and it certainly took me a little while before I wasn't hating life anymore...so HOPEFULLY your DH will adjust and start liking it more for the time being until you find alternate childcare.

I am glad bedtime was a breeze last night!!

Ally - I am glad Isa enjoyed his bit of rice pudding. Solid food definitely makes for stinkier diaper changes! Yuck.
I can't believe you have a 4 month old already! It's weird how there is quite a wide range in baby ages on this thread even though we were all due in January.
I'm glad your hubby was
Off today and you were able to go for burgers!!

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