Well ladies I think i might be suffering from depression. Today Quinn started screaming at 10am (its only 11am now) I just know ts going to be another whole day full of screaming. I put the kids in the car and went to get a coffee and he was quiet the whole drive so I sat with the car running in the parking lot for 20 minutes so i could eat my bagel. and have a cry. And as soon as we got in the house he started screaming again. With all the screaming and my mothers health issues its no wonder I feel like this. I take Quinn for his shots tomorrow and i will talk to dr abvout it then and see if there are some meds i can take while still BFing.
I just dont know how much longer I can take all this. I need a vacation from my life! And here come some more tears
Jacob Antohny born 23rd January 1.53am vaginal delivery after induction due to gestational diabetes weighing 7lb 1oz at 38 weeks gestation!
Hi I am Danielle from Northwich, Cheshire. I have 2 little boys, Evan who is 6 and has cerebral palsy and MCADD and Jacob who is my Jan Jellybean.
Jacob Antohny born 23rd January 1.53am vaginal delivery after induction due to gestational diabetes weighing 7lb 1oz at 38 weeks gestation!
Hi I am Danielle from Northwich, Cheshire. I have 2 little boys, Evan who is 6 and has cerebral palsy and MCADD and Jacob who is my Jan Jellybean.
I am reading the wonder weeks and it suggests 8 weeks is a key mental development week and that babies an go v fussy, cry alot etc as their nervous system changes and by 10 weeks they should be over it....
Jacob Antohny born 23rd January 1.53am vaginal delivery after induction due to gestational diabetes weighing 7lb 1oz at 38 weeks gestation!
Hi I am Danielle from Northwich, Cheshire. I have 2 little boys, Evan who is 6 and has cerebral palsy and MCADD and Jacob who is my Jan Jellybean.
Well ladies I think i might be suffering from depression. Today Quinn started screaming at 10am (its only 11am now) I just know ts going to be another whole day full of screaming. I put the kids in the car and went to get a coffee and he was quiet the whole drive so I sat with the car running in the parking lot for 20 minutes so i could eat my bagel. and have a cry. And as soon as we got in the house he started screaming again. With all the screaming and my mothers health issues its no wonder I feel like this. I take Quinn for his shots tomorrow and i will talk to dr abvout it then and see if there are some meds i can take while still BFing.
I just dont know how much longer I can take all this. I need a vacation from my life! And here come some more tears
so so sorry you are going this - hope the dr can help - do they know why Quinn is like this?
I am reading the wonder weeks and it suggests 8 weeks is a key mental development week and that babies an go v fussy, cry alot etc as their nervous system changes and by 10 weeks they should be over it....