Would that be the 26th april that tuesday rachael? And lol at Luke still moaning. You enjoy your chocolate bars hun you deserve them with all the stuff going on right now and you look great anyway. I am sure you'll look drop dead gorgeous on you special day!
Jade don't worry about the pounds love. You're doing an awesome job and you looked great to me when I met up with you. When your stressed out, specially with alex having his jabs and feeling down in general, comfort eating is the best thing. Always cheers me up lol! Hugs!
Jo how dare your hubby hint like that!! I agree that your figure is great and you didn't look like you needed to lose any when we met. I know everyone has their own individual ideas about what they want to look like/weigh but you look fine to me!
I think us women are strong and can lose the weight if and when we want to. I haven't even started trying yet but I know I have done it before so will do it again if and when I put my mind to it! Ok enough with the empowering women speeches lol!!
I have decided that Toby sleeps better on his tummy and now will be for the forseeable future. Had much less grizzlin over night although he is still waking me up before he wants his bottle and after but only very briefly and just wanting his dummy or a little head stroke to soothe him back off. Being on his tummy also means his arms can't flail around and wake him up or hit out at the basket and wake me up! Much happier and getting little 2-3 hours chunks again now, not like the 1 hours wake ups at the beginning of the week.
Right I best go get dressed and clean up as I am hosting the nct meet up this week at my house and toby is sleeping again

Looking forward to some mummy and baby time!! Hope you're all ok and had good nights all round!!