January Snowdrops 2016: 58 BFPs and counting (12 boys / 8 girls / 4 surprises)!


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Sep 19, 2012
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:happydance:JANUARY 2016 DUE DATES:happydance:

Welcome and congratulations to everyone expecting in January 2016! Please join us to share your experiences along this incredible journey​


Mrs Knight

January 1​


January 2​


January 3​

Frustrated1 :yellow: (Cornelius Alexander, 13 Jan 2016, 9lbs 4.5oz, 21.6")

January 4​

Bevzlibubble :blue: (James Alexander, 9 Jan 2016, 9lb 11.5oz)
Lockandkey :pink: (Claire Violet, 2 Jan 2016, 7lbs 12oz, 21")
Lucy3 :pink: (Annabel, 29 Dec 2015)

January 5​

Fit_Mama2Be :blue: (Thomas, 12 Jan 2016, 8lbs 7oz)​

January 6​

Mushymilkfor2 :blue:
(Benjamin Robert, 1 Jan 2016, 8lbs 14oz, 19.5")

January 7​

Bunyhuny :pink:
DonnaRobinson :blue: (Cruz Lee Diesel Davies, 12 Jan 2016, 8lb 3oz)​

January 8

TTCBean (Nicholas Robert, 6 Jan 2016, 8 lbs 1 oz, 20")

January 9

LillyFleur :yellow: (Elizabeth Rose, 3 Jan 2016, 7lbs 3oz)
Chelle26 :blue:

January 10

3athena3 :blue: (Angelo, 29 Dec 2015)
BlessedMomma :blue: (Landon James, 7 Jan 2016, 8lbs 15oz, 21")

January 11

Julesjules100 :pink:

January 12

SakuraRayne :blue: (Blaine, 12 Jan 2016, 7lbs 8oz, 51cm)​

January 13

Firstbaby1985 :blue:

January 14


January 16

PitaKat :yellow: (Madelyn, 26 Jan 2016, 7lbs 5oz, 20")

January 18

DannaD :pink: (Gabrielle, 14 Jan 2016)​

January 20

Lesh07 :blue:

January 21​

Embeth :pink: (Isabelle Lily, 25 Jan 2016, 8lbs 1oz)
Heather1987 :pink: (Hadleigh Marie, 14 Jan 2016, 8lbs 6oz, 21")​

January 22

January 23


January 24


January 25

Hopeful89 :blue:
LiteBRIGHT33 :yellow:

January 26


January 27

Sportysgirl :yellow: (Maurice David, 25 Jan 2016, 8lbs 5.5oz)​

January 29

oox_tasha_xoo :pink: (Olivia Rose, 14 Jan 2016, 6lbs 11oz)​

January 30


January 31

Gone too soon

Sailorsgirl :angel: born sleeping at 17 weeks on 21 Aug 2015
Lintu :angel:
NDH :angel:
BKKBabe :angel:
Minimoocow :angel:
Centrygrl :angel:
Steffyrae :angel:

January Snowdrops Signatures



Team Yellow


Team Blue


Team Pink

Yay, so excited to share our pregnancy journeys together! Yay for January babies!
Thank you for starting this new thread! I was just going to suggest setting up a master list :thumbup:

Welcome to all the new Jan mommies!!! How exciting :happy dance:

Also happy to see I'm not the only 35yo :blush:

I live on the other side of the world (Thailand) so I catch up on everything in the morning.

TTCBean - You'll be fine without seeing your doctor for a bit I would think. I'm not going to make an appointment for until about 8 weeks. They really don't do much anyways other than confirm pregnancy.

donnarobinson - Yay! Another mama expecting her 3rd :) And that's also scared... lol My youngest turned 4yo in January so going back to having a tiny (I won't say little because my son is still little to me) one is SO scary.

fitmama - sending piles and piles of good vibes for your rainbow baby!!!

And ladies, I thought I would mention... I'm a doula, childbirth educator, certified hypnotherapist and breastfeeding consultant. I'm here as just another pregnant momma but if I can ever be helpful in anyway, I'm happy to help :flower:
i would loooove to join <3

just found out a few days ago that we are due with #8 on january 10, 2016 :cloud9:
You can put a :yellow: stork beside my name as we are always team yellow.

As an introduction, I am waiting anxiously to find out then results of my betas in the morning on the heels of three miscarriages. I've basically been pregnant since October (well technically September :p) with a break in January. We were not trying to get pregnant this month while I sort out some health issues and try to figure out if there's a cause for 3 MCs in a row.

This is my 7th pregnancy and will hopefully be my 3rd baby.

I've put the 4th down for my due date but that's totally a random guess based on then fact I got a bfp on CD22 when I usually have 27-30 day cycles - and it was no squinter either. Based on my LMP date I would be due January 8th (my eldest 4th birthday) but I must have ovulated early .

I've been spotting since before I got my positive - that's what made me test early - and had a couple days of full on bleeding but the lines are still obvious and haven't changed much all week either way so I'm expecting its just the fact that they're ICs and won't show progression. But I'm definitely apprehensive. Usually I'm very laid back about pregnancy but 3 losses in a row has shaken me.

I usually don't do ultrasounds but I will be having one at 8 weeks this time hopefully for reassurance. I'm very crunchy ;)
Welcome blessed! Number 8? Wow!!! how fun :)

NDH - will be thinking of you tomorrow. My youngest has his birthday on the 8th :) I'm really hoping this one will pick another day to be born! I like to keep scans to a minimum too but without having had miscarriages, being 35 is making me more nervous.
Yey official thread :happydance:

I'm actually quiet pleased to be due in January, I know Dec/Jan births get a lot of grief sometimes (so close to Christmas holidays, cold time of year etc) but I'm glad I'll be able to hide bump in big snuggly jumpers, I still have months after the birth to keep hiding my belly in jumpers as it will still be freezing in the UK until probably March and then once warm
weather does arrive baby will be a few months old and able to enjoy the sunshine :cloud9:

Have you girls announced to family yet? I'm trying to wait until the ultrasound...But i think I will end up spilling the beans earlier especially if I get bad MS and need some support.
I'll join! Just got my bfp two days ago so will be due with no 2 on the 14th January (based on online calculator!) super excited to share this journey with you all!
Blessedmomma wow, 8 children! That's amazing. You must be an incredibly organised lady :)

TTCBean I wouldn't worry about the lack of appointments thus far. The only reason I have been seen so early is because I've had IVF. The meds that I'm on mean that I wouldn't bleed even if the pregnancy failed to develop further so they need to check for a heartbeat at an early stage. There is also a greater chance of ectopic pregnancies with IVF hence why they like to scan you at 6 weeks to check the baby is in the uterus rather than the fallopian tube. Once that's done I doubt I will be seen again until I have my 12 week scan save for my booking appointment with the midwife.

NDH am keeping everything crossed for you tomorrow. I don't know how you have coped with suffering so many losses in such a short space of time.

Lillyfleur I am determined not to put on so much weight with this pregnancy as I did with my last! Last time I put on 55lbs (4 stone) and it was really hard work to lose it. We got married just before my son turned 6 months so I didn't have much time to shift the bulge. I will definitely be more restrained this time round and not binge on carbs :dohh:

Snufflepop welcome and congrats!
I'm determined not to put on too much weight this time either, I was mahoosive with DD, seriously I had my own gravitational pull!

Loved being bigger during bad weather my only problem was my kankles flip flops in December not a good look!

What's everybody thinking re work, I only went back full time this January hoping to work as close as possible but I work for the ambulance service so not sure how easy that's going to be!

I'm going to find out the sex this time too though gonna try not to tell family and friends! Only finding out for practical reasons, so far this pregnancy been totally different so fingers xd for a boy, though saying that my first pregnancy was different to my DD and ended with MMC at 9 wks trying not to be too paranoid
Lintu I only started back at work two weeks ago and it has been so difficult to concentrate and get motivated! Am going to have to try to do some now as I'm massively behind :cry:

In fact, I only packed all of my maternity stuff away about 8 weeks ago so that's all going to have to come down from the loft fairly soon.

We both think that we are having a girl, although I think it would be lovely for my son if we had another little boy as there will only be 18 months between them. We also have loads of boys clothes that have barely been worn! I bought far too much last time. I know I will lose all self-control if we have a girl though and buy lots of pretty outfits.
I'm not excited really as of yet more scared than anything I found it tough going from 1-2 Chad my second had colic reflux and cmpi if I had to deal with all that again and two toddlers I'd cry Lmao . Life is easier now tho. Doesn't stay hard forever does it .
I had really bad hg with my second and lost a stone and half b4 14 weeks . I'm bigger than I want to be and been trying to lose weight my belly is horrid from having two close together mine will be almost 4 and 2 when baby is due x I'd love a girl can't lie x
Were in the process of buying and selling houses, don't even remember where I packed all my maternity stuff lol iv saved all my DD stuff so that's why I wanna find out sex then I can sort, drove me crazy last time not finding out lol especially during Jan sales!
Hey girls, I'm in! I'm 28 and Due 2nd January with my second. I have a Christmas Day boy already so hoping for a New Years baby next :D

Getting married in December and didn't plan to be 8 months pregnant but oh well! I'll have to buy another dress I guess!

We'll def be finding out the sex, can't wait to tell my son he's having a brother or sister :D

I think we have the best time to be pregnant as we have summer in second tri and can cosy up in third when we're all big rather than sweat. Then babies are born in winter and we
Can snuggle up then when they're 6 months old it's summer :)
Welcome ocean! :flower: Congratulations!!!

Ugh, I wish we had cooler weather here as I usually get stuck wearing compression stockings during pregnancy but here I am in Bangkok. Nowhere to hide! It only gets hot, hotter and crazy hot :dohh:

Will have to have piles of stuff shipped here from home (Canada) as we didn't really expect to have a baby while being posted. But the post got extended...:blush:

I'll probably wait until the 12 week scan to tell the family and the rest of the world. It's easier since I don't see them though.

I'm self-employed at the moment to thankfully, I can tailor contract around what I can do.

Had a rough day with my kiddos. Going to be early :wacko:
I can't believe I'm having another so close to Xmas :dohh: didn't want another that close but never mind just happy I'm finally pregnant :wohoo: can't believe how much ribbing uv given my sister over the years cos all 3 of hers are July and now I'm due in jan again lol
Welcome to the club Ocean_pearl. I've updated the front page with your details. Good luck with the dress shopping... I started dress shopping three months after my son was born and I must say it was hard. At least when you're pregnant you have a reason to be bigger. I think it's almost better to get married then rather than soon after you've given birth when you can't blame your weight on your bump. Dress fittings are the most challenging when you find your shape changes every time you go for one. My dress ended up being altered about 10 times in the end!
Yay! Thanks for making an official thread! I love the name you picked, too. Even though I'm in Southern California and we don't get snow here! I still love it!

Welcome to all the new ladies! It's so exciting!

As for telling my family I don't intend to wait. I've told my mom last night, and we plan on telling my husbands family this Tuesday.

With my last pregnancy I went 8 days overdue, I'm hoping that happens again so I have a baby even farther into January! I dread having a baby around Christmas. A close family friend has a son that was born on Christmas Eve, and he just got his first birthday party last year for his 13th birthday. The poor kid!

I'm afraid when I go in for my scan my doctor will tell me I'm farther along than I think, but inside I know it can't be. When I tested last weekend the line was BARELY visible.
Mushy I knew the exact date of conception with my last pregnancy as we had IVF. This gave a DD of 10th July. When I had my 12 week scan they moved my DD to 6th July. After a bit of complaining by me I got it moved back to the 10th. In the event, DS didn't arrive until 23rd July, 17 days after the predicted scan DD and 13 days after the correct DD. I am going to make sure they stick to my IVF DD this time round rather than trying to bring it forward based on the scan as otherwise the pressure to induce should you go over is massive. I ended up with an emergency induction last time as there was grade II meconium in my waters when they broke and it was an experience I never want to repeat. I was so traumatised by the whole thing I had quite bad baby blues for a month or two afterwards. It was very different to the home birth using the hypnobirthing method that I had planned :-(
it is so nice getting to read all about you ladies!

im going in for hcg levels this week since im having some spotting and when they reach a certain amount they will do a scan to make sure everything is ok. my tests stayed the same for a few days but are now getting darker so hopefully everything is ok

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