Sorry to disappear darlings! It's been a bit hectic.
Miska - I have you changed.
Malia and Sweetmama - sorry about that awful

FX for your next cycles girls.
June - congrats hun I'm seriously

for you. H&H 9 months!
Mrs_bump - Hurrah for the TWW!! I'm only a couple days behind you!!
Bluefish - Oh honey, I'm so sorry. I do have to ask though, did you ever get a positive on a pink dye? Several of us here have gotten repeated positives just like yours on blue dyes only to get our periods a few days later.. Either way, sending you big

and plenty of

for next cycle.
AFM I GOT MY CROSSHAIRS!! FF has me at 3DPO today. Interestingly enough, I have woken up crampy and spotting for the last three days (O bleed?) It's not much and I never need a liner, so I'm hoping it's nothing and that the

stays away. I now plan on testing on the 20th, though I'm probably gonna go crazy with my 10mIu hpt's and start testing tonight or tomorrow with FMU. lol Feeling hopeful and confident in spite of the spotting. Send me some
