Jobless, broke, stressed and feeling hopeless :(


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2012
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Sorry if this comes across as self pitying but I'm hoping getting my feelings down on (virtual) paper will help me a little. I'd really appreciate any support/input I can get as I'm feeling quite isolated and desperate at the moment.

This is a LONG post!

I've lived in Australia for the last 6 years and have always worked full time and always in lovely remote locations where I've not had to worry about food/accommodation.
I met my husband 2 years ago working out at Ayers Rock and since the start of our relationship, we have faced so many difficulties together which I can only really skim over here or I'll be here all day!

I had been with my ex-fiance for over 7 years when I met my now husband and decided to leave my ex. That was a horrible decision to make and I went through a lot of counselling at the time to get through it and make sure I was making the right decision. A few weeks later, I was made redundant from my recruitment position and as it was an employee sponsored position, was forced to leave Australia within 28 days. With no money (certainly not enough to get back to Scotland and survive there) we took our chances with NZ and attempted a working holiday there but apparently had gone at the worst time of year and there were no jobs, despite us travelling up and down the country to find work (credit card debt mounting)
We did manage to land a few live-in jobs but nobody was willing to pay us money, only give us free accommodation in exchange for work. We had a really horrible time there, everything seemed to be against us, nothing went right and we ended up in a couple of horrible situations a few times (too long to go into detail)
After investigating all possibilities on what we were going to do next, we discovered the only way we could be together was to get married so after much deliberation and soul searching, applied for a prospective marriage visa which cost us over $5000 and a LOT of stress (I won't even go into the visa process for that application - let's just say our paperwork weighed 2kg when we posted it with our last $15)

We were seriously going under financially and had to fly back to Australia so that at least hubby could bring in a full time wage (on a tourist visa I am unable to work) rather than NO income in NZ, so for 5 months, while we waited for the visa to be approved or declined, I had no income and fell into a deep depression and was put on a high dose of anti-depressants combined with counselling. Hubby felt the same and was also put on meds/counselling. We really struggled those 5 months till the visa was finally approved but we had to leave Australia and head back to NZ to accept the visa, putting us even further into debt (it is compulsory to be offshore to apply and accept)

When we returned, we both got full time jobs working on an island in the Great Barrier Reef and stayed there from Dec 11 till May this year. We got married in April (then had to apply for a spouse visa, another $2000 all up) The wedding, although small and done on a budget, put us further into debt. We actually changed the original venue so that we could save $16,000 and had a lot of family/friends get annoyed with us changing the venue but what could we do as we were saving so much AND getting married in an amazing venue at staff rates. It was also quite stressful as the entire wedding was arranged and all deposits paid, only for us to move it elsewhere, but it was still much cheaper to lose all of our deposits and change the venue.

Just before we got married, I found out I was pregnant and as there was no medical facilities on the island, it cost so much just to attend my first scan ($650 return flights off the island, $600 for flights to Brisbane) - just for 1 appointment!! We decided we had to leave the island and relocate back to the city. I also lost a lot of weight through being sick and as 3 meals a day were provided, had no control over my diet, it was awful, cheap, unhealthy slop we were served, no fresh fruit etc.

Now we are back in the city and I have applied for no fewer than 60 jobs. Each day I just keep getting emails saying they are not interested (in a nice way of course) and each day I feel a little more hopeless. We've had no income since we left the island and so many bills coming out - we have 3 credit cards which are now maxed out from the past few years, we have a car repayment coming out each month (you can get by without a car in the UK but not Australia) phone bills, engagement & wedding ring repayments (we bought these when we worked full time) braces repayments (got these when we worked full time as I wanted to be able to smile confidently on my wedding day)
Basically we have repayments coming out of our ears and no income AT ALL!

Luckily my Mum is putting us up at the moment but I feel so helpless and worthless. I'm 27, married and almost 6 months pregnant - living with my Mum and have no work! It is HARD to find a job at this stage in my pregnancy and most people don't want to know as I'm not a permanent resident yet - I have to wait approx. another 20 months for this - I have severe back pain which fortunately I get 5 x free physio appointments for but this limits me in the kind of work I can do plus I can only work somewhere that's easy to get to via public transport as I'm a very nervous driver, having obtained my license in the desert and therefore have nil experience in driving in a real city environment :dohh:
We have been trying to get me a little more practise but have no fuel money to go out and about much.

We've bought nothing for the baby so far except some baby clothes in the sale with a little wedding money we were given as we have about $50 in cash left between us. I feel like a failure :cry: I had to ask my mum for some money to make our bill repayments this month and am wondering where next months are coming from.

The best man at the wedding borrowed $1000 off of us when we were working on the island, so him and his girlfriend could attend and he hasn't paid any of it back despite us telling him how badly off we are, yet he posts on Facebook about his recent purchases :growl mad: I feel helpless to say anything as it's my husbands friend, not mine. I keep pestering my husband to get the money off him but his so-called friend just keeps coming up with excuses.

We went to Centrelink to see what help we're entitled too (much to my embarrassment as I've supported myself financially since I moved out of Mum's house at 16 years old and have always worked with no financial assistance) I was told I'm entitled to nothing whatsoever. Husband is entitled to jobseekers allowance every fortnight so we are hanging out for that first payment which will of course go straight to a fraction of our bills. I have also applied for a special hardship loan to try and get us through till a job comes up but the waiting period is currently 104 weeks (can you believe that!!!) so that is useless to us.

I honestly don't know what we're going to do - how we're going to afford our own place and furnish it from scratch with no money, how we're going to get out of our massive debt, how we're going to survive on only 1 wage (if and when hubby gets a job) till I need to go back to work.

Hubbys family all live in a different state. I only have my Mum and her younger sister here. No friends in Brisbane as I've travelled and worked all over for 6 years so never really been settled anywhere. I have nobody really to talk to and would love a little support online.

Thanks for listening :flower:
WOW, youve been through a lot!

I do know a lot of how you feel. Im also jobless and stressed beyond belief about finances. We already have two kids and were doing great financially. We had moved into a larger house that DH mum and her husband owned and were renting and when we moved in, we had a rental agreement and it was made clear we wanted to stay for at least 3 years. They were fine with it. Fast forward four months, DH loses a wonderful job (and im a stay at home mom), a day later, his mom shows up stating her and her husband are getting divorced, and then the next day, i find out im pregnant. It was horrible. I was beyond stressed. They expected us to move in 9 days. Luckily DH found another job, which doesnt pay as well at the moment, but has prospects of. So, now hes working full time there AND a part time job plus any extra hours they will give him. We were forced to move into his moms house, which lasted a month because, well, shes crazy! I wont even get into that one!!! We had to come up with deposits and everything to move into another house. We have enough money to pay our bills and have about $200 left over for gas... thats it. I have no idea how were going to buy the baby anything. At this point in time, we're relying on our taxes in Feb. to supplement DH income to make up for what we cant afford. All of our savings got spent due to DH mother and that whole mess. We have no buffer, no nothing. Ive tried to find a job, but given how long ive been out of work, no one will even give me a call back (even after at least 100 applications). Plus, given the cost of daycare, it would defeat me even working! Im honestly to the point where this pregnancy should be a joyous time because this is our last child, and instead, im beyond stressed and just want it to go as quickly as possible.

If you need ANYONE to talk to, im here for you. Im just a message away!
Thank you. Horrible as it seems, it's nice to know other people are in a similar situation. At least if one of us was working it would take some of the pressure off but 2 of us looking for work is horrible. The both of us are very employable, well spoken and presented etc. if we could just be at least given the chance to have a face to face interview......
Now my confidence is running low and I keep thinking I'm not good enough for anything.

To make things worse, mum expects that we're now we're living with her for free, we should be doing all the housework and any other odd job that needs doing which is fair enough to a certain extent but she tends to take the piss a little and hubby gets frustrated with it. I've been cooking dinner every night which I don't mind but when groceries run out I'm too embarrassed to ask her to buy more. We've had so many appointments on this week - my booking in at the hospital, 2 docs appointment, braces appointment, both of us had an assessment at job agencies, morphology scan, centrelink appointments, house viewings (to get an idea of where and what we can afford when we move out)
I commented to mum how exhausted I was from it all and she just retorted 'hah, what do you think it's going to be like when you start working again'
I wish she would stop making little comments like that, they do nothing for lifting my spirits.

What makes it even harder is that I convinced hubby to move here instead of near Sydney where his family is, so I'm stressing that he's hating it here now but it's just our circumstances.

If I wasn't pregnant we would just go and work remote again but I can't and anyway only have 3 months of work left in me and that's if I work right up till my due date which I don't want to do, but looks like I have no option.

I was looking forward to being pregnant for so many years but it's just been stressful and full of worries.
I wish i had some insanely profound advice to give you, but i dont. All i have is :hugs:
Please know you are not alone. DH and I were doing just fine financially and well, now that I am pregnant, it seems that everything that could go wrong is when it comes to our finances. We argue now more than we ever have in our relationship. I could easily cry everyday, but I have 2 other children that depend on me. I just keep thinking that surely there has to be some light at the end of the tunnel....
wow sounds like you had some wonderful adventures but are now suffering severe hardship because of it i have no idea how the system works out there as im in the uk so havent got much advise all i can say is your not alone im having my fourth child and im on my own i lost my job a while ago and could find another one quick enough which has resulted in me claiming benefits and i have bills and bailifs up to my neck i think considering you are six months pregnant your going to have to take a break from looking for work and put that on your husbands shoulders you need to de stress and just stay with your mum even if shes a pain in the neck lol xxx
I couldnt not work, it would feel selfish - we just have too much debt and it doesn't seem fair for me to put my feet up while hubby goes out and works. I think I would feel more stressed not contributing anything and then guilt would be added into the equation.......

I said 2 years ago when we got together that things could only improve for us
- hah! I almost feel like this is karma for hurting my ex so badly. I'm even thinking of counseling sessions again to help me through this......

Doesn't help either that I had to stop my anti depressants when I found out I was pregnant, and I'm terrified of PND after baby is born.

I'm trying to 'think positive' but my head is only filled with negativity and not much hope.

Are you working miss cakes? How are you managing to cope financially? x
nope not working ive found it nigh on impossible to get a job when pregnant and im just living off tax credits which u could do if you lived in the uk but i imagine its alot different where u are i know you need to work realistically but i doubt someone would take u on when your 7-8 months pregnant and your find it exhausting aswell i just mean while your at your mums you need to relax a bit as you dont need to pay rent there n as long as u have a roof over your head your be ok if your DH could find work it would be a start then u could concentrate on getting yourself back into wrk after the baby comes i think you should also get some advise on how to lower the repayments on some of the things u have try and sort out a minimum repayment x
I really feel for you hun, I wish i had other advice for you but other than to see a devt consolidator to get all your debts sorted would be a great start but you have probably already thought of that. I'm so sorry, I hope things start to pick up soon.
Yeah it's different here as I'm not a resident yet so entitled to zilch. You do get a $5000 baby bonus for every child born but hubby will have to claim that when she is born, him being an australian citizen. I'm just grateful we're getting that though it would be helpful before she arrives to help buy a cot/pram etc but never mind. I've been looking at lots of second hand stuff - of course Id rather buy new stuff for our first baby but why spend a fortune when we can pick up as good as new stuff for half the price........
And I'd rather work these next 3 months than have to go to work when she is still so young - I think daycare is around $80 a day here so really I'd be working just to pay someone to look after her........

We are paying just the minimum on our 3 credit cards but the interest alone on the Amex this month was $200. We're already a month in arrears on the braces and there's nothing we can do about our car repayment. We bought it when hubby's 'real estate career' was kicking off last year but the company and the whole job turned out to be a massive scam and he wasted a lot of money on getting his real estate license, buying new suits, buying a newer car etc then it just all fell through :(

I considered consolidating our debt but wouldn't you at least have to have a job before you could get a big loan to pay it all off?!
I think back to 2 years ago, I had no debt to speak of, a lovely house full of nice things, no worries, no stress, a brand new HR career about to kick off..... As soon as I was made redundant, everthing has just gone downhill (only financially of course) from there. I should be grateful - I have a wonderful husband who loves me, a roof over our heads and a daughter on the way but its just such a pickle. Amazing how things can spiral out of control so quickly

I've been comfort eating too and feeling awfully disgusted with myself.
Thanks for the kind words - it really does help x
Gimme a hug lady! ((((((. )))))))

Just want to say u are not alone. I've just been made redundant from my full time job, got a mortgage etc and my partner is not working as he was laid off in April and hasn't been able to find a job yet.

My mortgage protection won't pay out because I'm not claiming job seekers and I can't claim job seekers at this stage of pregnancy because I'm getting smp.

So basically we have an income of £540 per month and bills of £845 per month... hmmmmm somehow I don't see how we will manage as the Maths just don't add up!

I hope both our situations take a turn for the better soon, please try an keep ur chin up I know it's hard cuz I myself am freaking out about it an not getting much sleep! Xxx
oh sweetie, what a terrible situation to be in! This is the perfect place to vent and get support. I'm wondering if you'd be interested in online jobs such as to earn some extra cash? Also, not being presumptuous or weird, but have you heard of The Secret? I recommend you watch it, it totally changed things for us, and is guaranteed to bring you in money and total happiness.
I'm so sorry you're hitting a financial rough patch. :hugs:

I came across this website that i thik offers free debt counselling. I came upon it after reading up on Childcare rebate (under that policy i think you can be reimbursed for up to $7500 per child per year for out f pocket costs of childcare). I hope the web links can be of some help to you.

I don't know what the rules are surrounding debt consolidation, but it would be worthwhile looking into further. Credit card interest is a killer so the sooner you transfer out of those accounts the better.

I think it's great that you are bargain hunting for baby items, but just be mindful that for the first few months, babies don't need an awful lot. Are you able to get donations of baby items from family and friends who are done raising children?

Good luck, you will get through this, just take it one step at a time and be as frugal as much as possible and make sure each expenditure/purchase is absolutely necessary and help stabilise your debt.
I can understand how you must feel. :(

It's terrible to be pregnant and job-searching. I live in the US, and although they can't legally discriminate against me being pregnant, they'll find every other reason not to hire someone who is. It's quite discouraging, especially when I'm a really good fit for the position.

Hope something works out for you!

Leese - :hugs: sounds like you need a hug too! What works out to be more - jobseekers allowance or maternity pay? If I was at least entitled to some help it would take a little of the job hunting pressure off while I'm waiting for people getting back to me.......You need to pay for doctors appointments and medication here too unlike the UK but luckily Mum works in a bulk billed GP practise and I just go there for my appointments. Groceries are so expensive here too. On the plus side there's lots of sunshine in Queensland so I try and get myself out into that for a few hours a day, I think it really does help

Alexsmomsplus1 - I'd be very interested in some online work and already checked it out but it all seems to be dodgy get-rich-quick schemes...
I checked out the link you gave me and registered - thanks :hugs: I'll have a closer look at the job listings today. Have you done much work from there? I have read The Secret but not seen the DVD, will get hubby to download it for me - thanks again! Every little thing helps. All my family are back in Scotland so not a able to get much donated. My Aunt over there said she would have donated her entire nursery furniture set to me had I lived there :dohh: but my Aunt over here has a 1 year old daughter so hopefully she will donate some of her things to me, though she hasn't said anything yet.......

Sevenofnine - yeah they can't legally discriminate but they still do! I haven't even gotten as far as an interview yet though and my belly has taken a growth spurt over the last few weeks so I don't have anything to wear that doesn't make me look pregnant! Frustrating!

Well, today is Monday so hopefully we'll hear back something about jobs this week. I applied for a call centre job that is interviewing shortlisted candidates tomorrow and starting Wednesday on a 3 month contract and is $27 per hour - that would be just perfect! Fingers crossed.

Bay - thank you so much for the links. I spoke to my Aunt the other day who has 3 children under 8 and her middle child goes into daycare and she told me she only has to pay around $20 after the rebate so that's great to know. I also thought about perhaps looking for a live-in au pair, as in we provide food and accommodation in exchange for childcare and some housekeeping work. I will need to look into it more though......

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