Joel David-Lee Fletcher -Born 3rd May 2010- Long and Eventful But So So Worth It!!


Mummy To Joel
Apr 22, 2009
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Ok. Before I start I just want to stress that it is not my intention to scare, stress or upset anyone about inductions or labour in general. I am writing up my experience for others to relate to or even help in the future, my main purpose is for me. I am finding that things are slowly coming back to me as the hours go by. I also plan on using my birth story for reference if we decide to take things further in regards to a complaint. Also this is LONG so get yourself a warm drink and get comfy.

On Friday 30th April 2010 I was due to be induced at 40 + 10 days. We were told to phone up the hospital Friday morning and if a bed was free to come in for 9.00am. We woke early so i took a bath and tried to relax before making the phone call. When I called I was told the ward was busy and to call back at 9.00am, no problem but I was a little frustrated as no one asked my name, how far gone I was etc and just ended the call very sharpish. I wasn’t too fussed as it was only a couple of hours and at 9.00am we called again, I received a similar response no one took my name and the ward was full. I understood that they couldn’t magic up a bed but when I asked questions such as would I be induced today they didn’t know. Adam my other half was getting pretty angry as the level of service so far was awful and any questions we asked they couldn’t answer, we just wanted our baby and so far they had just spoken to us and treated us like a ticket number in a queue. We were then told to call back at 2.30pm. By this point I was getting very emotional and began to think I would never have my baby (our hospital doesn’t induce on a weekend or bank holidays therefore making me have to wait till Tuesday to start the process)

By now I was also getting concerned as I had made arrangements for my parents and sister to travel down to us, as I hoped little one would be born in a couple of days at least while they were here. Luckily It didn’t matter too much as their employers were all aware of the situation and were very flexible with working arrangements.
While waiting for 2.30pm to arrive, Adam decided to take me to the drop in clinic to see a community midwife and hoped they could pull some strings, I also wanted to see if I could have yet another sweep and hopefully get things started naturally.
Unfortunately other than apologise and sympathise with us there was nothing the midwife could do, she performed a sweep and wished us good luck.
Adam called the hospital again at 2.00pm a little earlier and stressed how frustrated we both were, how our lives were on hold and how we still didn’t have any answers on when I would be induced. The lady on the phone took a liking to Adam and told him to call back in 30mins as someone was waiting to be discharged and if she could sort it we could have the bed.

We called back and got the bed, so off we headed to hospital, excited but a little nervous after the problems so far. Once we arrived we were a little shocked as we were led into a bay with 3 empty beds. It was a piss take.
A Midwife introduced herself and we were told where the toilets are, given general policies, visiting hours etc, and told that as soon as possible they would insert the first Prostin and get things underway. So we waited, and we waited and we waited some more (this is something we become very good at over the next 3 days!) Finally 2 hours and 30mins after arriving someone came to see us, they took my blood pressure, and said they would be back to examine me and give me the Prostin to induce. I got the Prostin an hour later just as my parents and sister had arrived to visit.

Nothing much happened for awhile, I didn’t get any contractions and before I knew it, it was time for Adam and co, to leave. Alone till 8.00am I settled into bed and chilled and waited till 11.00pm when my 2nd Prostin was due. They arrived at 12.30am. I was shattered. Within minutes of the 2nd Prostin being inserted contractions started. I was happy to breathe through them but within an hour they were getting a little un-comfy. I decided to put on my TENS machine (this was my life saver, comfort blanket and best friend and I would recommend them to ANYONE, I am a firm believer in mind over matter and maybe that’s what made it work for me but I loved it and during some of the worst pain in my life it helped) I was awake all night, talking to midwives and contracting, my mood was fantastic and upbeat.

Saturday 1st May 2010 I remember watching the sun come up and thinking I am going to be a Mum today how amazing. I called Adam at around 6.30am to let him know what was going on, he was very excited and was due to arrive with my Mum and Sister at 8.00am if he wasn’t called in sooner.

8.00am came and just as my visitors arrived along comes the Midwife to check me over, she takes one look at my sister and mum and tells them quite rudely they are not allowed to be here until 3.00pm and must leave now. Bare in mind my parents and sister had travelled 3 hours to see me, this was their first Grandson / Nephew and they had just walked in to see me. My Mum was shocked at how abrupt she was but left. I explained to the Midwife that no one had explained that visiting in the morning was for partners only. She didn’t care and said that’s the policy and Adam would not be allowed to swap over with my Mum or Sister either and he was the only one allowed near me. I just wanted her to hurry up and check how dilated I was, at least then I would have an idea of how much time I had to spend in her company as they transfer you to the delivery suite once you are 2cm dilated and your cervix is soft. You can only imagine how upset I was when I was told I was 1.5cm dilated and my cervix wasn’t favourable.

Therefore another Prostin was to be given and I already had an idea that my body would not do what it was supposed to, I had been 1.5cm dilated since Monday I had, had 3 sweeps since then and now I was contracting and not dilating and getting very frustrated as I had not slept a wink. Nothing much happened during the day, me and Adam walked a lot, and he kept my spirits high he was a star, my pains got a lot stronger and I had to turn the TENS up another level, they hurt and I was getting excited, something had to be happening, otherwise this was just not fair, but at my next examination I was still only 1.5 cm dilated. Adam went home and I prepared for another night alone with no sleep.

Just before bed time I was checked again, still 1.5cm I was angry and upset, I headed to the loo and I will never forget the pain I started to get the mother of all contractions coming one after the other, no break at all. I was in agony and they took me by surprise. I was ringing the bell and no one came, I was in so much pain. Another lady who was staying on my bay came and sat with me, eventually someone came to see me, I swear they thought I was making it all up and I should just go back to sleep! I insisted they get Adam I was no way going to be alone in this state; they called him and moved me to a private room. When he arrived he could see I was in a mess, they offered me Morphine I excepted and wacked the TENS up. Poor Adam tried to get some sleep on the chair next to me; it was horrible though as every time I got a contraction I woke him with my breathing and moaning. He was such a star though I can’t quite explain my love for him I didn’t think it was possible to love him anymore than I already did, I remember looking at him at one stage and thinking how perfect he was, how handsome and wonderful and how so so lucky I am. I later realised it was probably the drugs lol.

Sunday 2nd May 2010. Morning came and we were both shattered. I had not slept since Thursday night and just wanted things to happen. Adam was angry at the lack of care I was receiving, how no one told us anything, and how much longer he would have to put up with seeing me suffer. I was checked again to see how much I had dilated and was told I was 2.5cm and ready to have my waters broken. I could have cried. Talk about time!! We were promised a room on the delivery suite as soon as one becomes free which should be in a couple of hours at 6.00am. We were thrilled a cloud had been lifted and things were moving forward! 9.00am come and we were still waiting for a Midwife to come see us, my contractions had died off but I wasn’t too fussed as they had to do something now as I was ready! We waited and waited and waited. No room. At around 12.00pm Adam headed home to get some sleep as nothing was happening, as soon as I was given a room I said I would call him. I was looking forward to my Mum, Sister and Dad arriving at 3.00pm so just tried to stay positive. At 3.00pm you can imagine was happened. They found a room for me on the labour suite, great just typical that I couldn’t see my parents etc. I was told that they wouldn’t hold the room for me and if I didn’t move fast someone else who went into labour would get there first WTF! I had been in early labour Friday night!!

I got to my room and waited for Adam and my Mum to arrive (birthing partners) I remember looking around thinking OMG our little boy is going to be born in this room. They arrived and we waited to be seen, finally someone came to see us and I was checked. My waters were broken (there was hardly anything!) and I was told to walk around to see if things would get started, then in an hours time I would have a drip attached to me to start contractions. I and OH discussed pain relief everyone was concerned about the amount of time I had been awake for. I decided that when the drip was inserted I would have an epidural as I didn’t know how much longer I could go without sleep. We played the waiting game, and my Mum was getting really fed up for me, the whole experience so far had been a joke. We had been treated so poorly and the communication was shocking. A midwife appeared and said they were sorry but they were really short staffed and they wouldn’t be able to hook me up to the drip for a few hours as they needed to be with me at all times. I was passed caring at this time, given up basically I was mentally and physically drained, I couldn’t quite believe my body was still working to be honest. My Mum on the other hand flipped, she stormed out of the room and demanded to speak to the person in charge, and all I can remember is hearing my Mums muffled voice and someone else trying to calm her. It must have worked as the next thing I know I am being hooked up to the drip and the epidural is being inserted. Game on!!!

Contractions were coming thick and fast before the epidural had a chance to work. I could feel loads of pressure and 20 mins later was wondering if the epidural was even working. I was told it was, not to worry and just relax. They turned the drip us, baby was happy I was slightly uncomfortable but told again it was normal. Next thing I know I get a contraction full blown which I have to breathe through. I become very stressed as its clear I am a complete baby and even with an epidural can’t hack pain.
The midwife is surprised by my reaction and starts to wonder if I was right and the epidural hasn’t worked. It had not. The contractions were endless no break and hurt like hell, because I had no chance to get used to them I wasn’t prepared I had no pain relief and was having to breath non stop. Next thing I know baby’s heart rate starts to drop, drop big time and I become hysterical. Another midwife arrived to check the situation, she got me gas and air and I used that (this is the shit!!! Amazing stuff and I wish I would have laboured on only this as it was brilliant!) She tells me that the drip makes some babies unhappy and can stress them out, I am thinking turn it the hell off then his not happy! Its turned off and they wait for his heart rate to return to normal. Contractions are coming thick and fast and gas and air is my best friend, I begin talking utter crap at this stage (We later found out from the Midwife that the epidural had been inserted into a scar on my back which is dead skin and may have had something to do with it) why it was inserted into dead skin I have no idea!!

Next thing I know the Anaesthetist arrives and a new epidural is inserted, having contractions while having that needle inserted is no fun! The midwife wants to turn the drip back on but on a low dosage to see if baby is happy with that. I don’t have a say in the matter and it turned on. I want to sleep as this epidural actually works and is lovely, but of course I can’t as every time I close my eyes I think I can hear babies heartbeat dropping, I had my Mum and Adam watch the monitor 24/7 but I still couldn’t close my eyes. An hour later they check me and I am 4cm’s dilated. Its all taking it time. Midwife returns and here is where things start to go very wrong for me. My heart rate is going through the roof, they said it was like nothing they had seen before, they kept asking me if I could feel it racing, how was I feeling, was I sure I didn’t have pains in my chest and palpitations. 6 people rushed into the room, all around my bed, I am strapped up to an ECG and everyone is talking and debating what to do. They ask again how I feel, and I tell them that it’s them making me nervous not my heart rate which I can’t even feel going crazy. I am left on the ECG and 200g of beater blockers are prescribed. While all this is happening baby the decides he doesn’t like being forced out and his heart rate drops again. I have had enough. The drip is quickly turned off, and not only do they have to stabilise me but now my baby is not playing ball. They check me to see how much I have progressed to try and get an idea of what they are going to do I am now 6cm. They still have to bring my heart rate down and Dr’s from other departments are called to take blood and to have a look at the ECG.

I have drips inserted into me, bloods taken and an injection straight into a vein in my wrist to try and find out why my heart rate is acting crazy. I don’t care I just want my lil’ man to be ok. Mum and Adam were a complete blur, I just remember my Mums panicked voice talking to me and Adam asking every question I wish I could ask but can’t as I am so out of it and tired. With the ECG still running and Dr’s puzzled I hear them talking about a c section, they ask Adam if he is happy to go in with me. I manage to ask what will happen to me, is it dangerous what with my heart going mad; they don’t really give me an answer. I ask the Midwife (I must point out this was a new midwife who had changed shifts just before my heart rate went up named Lesley she was amazing and wonderful and I will never forget her) what she thinks and she tells me I look exhausted and I still have to push my baby out, she thinks that will be the outcome. They tell me they are going to get the Dr who performs the operation to have a look at me. Adam says he is popping out for some air ( I later found out that he actually went to the chapel of rest to say a prayer he was petrified and things had just gotten to much) things were obviously a lot hairier than I remember (Adam has to keep reminding me of things that happened just to give you an idea of how tired I was).

The Dr arrives named Dr Fattulah and she is a right character, she tells me that I have been through a lot but baby’s heart rate is now stable, she doesn’t want to have to perform a c section on me unless she really has to. She keeps saying over and over “I do c sections for fun”. The midwife explains how I am only 6cm dilated and will only have contractions while on the drip. She asks to check me over. She says “What would you say if I told you that you’re fully dilated”. I said “I would say you’re lying to me”. She said she would have a midwife check me again if I didn’t believe her. I was so happy I cried, I started shouting “I want to push my baby out, I want to push him”. They left me alone for an hour to allow baby to move down, I could feel loads of pressure and just knew I was ready. Dr Fattulah comes back and checks me over, I am ready to push. With the first contraction they can see his head and I remember asking her if he has hair and tells me its black, looking back it was pretty funny how I had been through so much yet asked what colour hair he had. Another three contractions later and my beautiful boy was born. He was placed straight on my chest and looks at me with his big blue eyes and just blinks. The midwives take him away while I am sewn up as I have a 2nd degree tear where he came out so quickly (shame he didn’t do this while I was induced lol). There was some meconium when he came out but he seems fine. He is then placed on my chest for skin to skin. We named him Joel and he weighed in at 5lb 13.5oz which I think is pretty small considering he was a day off 42 weeks. Within 3 hours I was up, bathed, dressed, make up and hair done, I had to do it for me, to feel normal. The midwives couldn’t get over it and called my consultant and Dr Fattulah to come see. I can’t believe what the body is capable and after everything I have been though I respect it so much more than ever before.

We had another blow, as due to the meconium Joel had to spend 3 nights in SCBU as when the paediatrician assessed him later on his breathing was fast and hadn’t corrected itself and he had swallowed some at birth. This was just another blow for us but we didn’t let it beat us. He came home on Thursday and is doing great. Looking back I would never go back to the QE2 in Hertfordshire, yet I would do it all over again tomorrow. Mad huh?! If you managed to read this entire birth story then well done, I am not the best story teller but wanted to write it all down for me! I will leave you with a few photos of our little boy. Thanks again xxx


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That sounds like you had a horrible time hon :( :hugs:
But you should be so proud of yourself and your little man is just gorgeous.
Welcome to the world Joel! xxx
glad u both r ok hunnii sound like u had a heck of a time xx and joel is gorjus xxxx
what a story. Our birthing stories are similar in that we both had inductions, were both overdue, both received, thank you very much, 2nd degree tears, and both gave birth to beautiful little boys, but there the similarities end. I'm sooo sorry that you had such a drawn out labour, that can't have been nice and must have been exhausting.

Take it easy now Rozie, enjoy your little man and take time to recover.

Love the pics and thanks for sharing ;)

Nicola xx
what a story. Our birthing stories are similar in that we both had inductions, were both overdue, both received, thank you very much, 2nd degree tears, and both gave birth to beautiful little boys, but there the similarities end. I'm sooo sorry that you had such a drawn out labour, that can't have been nice and must have been exhausting.

Take it easy now Rozie, enjoy your little man and take time to recover.

Love the pics and thanks for sharing ;)

Nicola xx

Thank you hun, i have been spoilt since i have been home. My OH has taken to fatherhood like a duck to water and is so so proud of his little boy!! I am over my labour, doesn't bother me one bit to be honest, just glad my little man is ok. Your little one is so cute, we are very lucky ladies huh!! x
Just read your entire post! First off CONGRATS! Joel is beautiful! Good job!

I can't believe the hospital staff treated you so poorly. I hope you have enough to file a complaint, file a lawsuit or something! Hopefully Adam or your mom (or you) remembers the names of some of the ruder staff members.

How long were you able to stay in the hospital after he was born? I hope you got to rest some!

I can't believe he was so tiny for being 2 weeks overdue, has he always measured small? are you exact on your ovulation dates? I can't believe your MW let you go so overdue.

Either way, congrats and now you have your beautiful son! He's so precious! :baby:
Wow, well done you!!! :hugs: it sounds like you had an absolutely awful time hunni, i hope you got a big cup of tea and a lot of chocolate afterwards :haha:
Your little guy is absolutely gorgeous :cloud9: i bet you're so proud :D

A very moving account of the rough time you had, glad you're all doing well. Welcome little Joel and well done to you x
well done hun and congratulations you really had a time of it pleased you are all home and doing well xx
Just read your entire post! First off CONGRATS! Joel is beautiful! Good job!

I can't believe the hospital staff treated you so poorly. I hope you have enough to file a complaint, file a lawsuit or something! Hopefully Adam or your mom (or you) remembers the names of some of the ruder staff members.

How long were you able to stay in the hospital after he was born? I hope you got to rest some!

I can't believe he was so tiny for being 2 weeks overdue, has he always measured small? are you exact on your ovulation dates? I can't believe your MW let you go so overdue.

Either way, congrats and now you have your beautiful son! He's so precious! :baby:

Hey, i got discharged the same day he was born, there was no point me staying in hospital when i needed to rest so badly, besides there was an Indian lady in the bed next to me who would sing to her baby (not because it was crying, it started to cry as she started to sing lol) my OH was not leaving me there so they discharged me. I was always aware of how small i was,everyone used to tell me but Joel always measured either 1 or a max of 2 weeks behind which they said didn't concern them. He was born with slightly dry skin and wrinkled hands which is a sign of being overdue so i guess the dates were not too far off. Thanks for reading my story hun xxx :hugs:
You had a rough time of it hun but im so glad you and joel are ok.

Congratulations x
Well done again hunni :)

Had quite a similar time with Jack. Ended up have an emergancy section tho and then Jack was in scbu for a few days due to the stress of the long labour :(

Very hard to deal with and i still get sad about how everything went :cry: but you sound very upbeat, positive and happy :) And rightly so, your boy is so handsome :)
you poor thing!! Glad that Joel is home safe and sound :)
Sorry you had such a hard time but he is just gorgeous, congratulations you did well :)
Sorry you had a rough time with hospital staff but like you say at the end of the day your baby is here and your a mommy. We'll forgive almost anything as long as our babies are safe and healthy. Congratulations on getting through it and delivering a beautiful baby boy. He is gorgeous. And guess what? It only gets better.
Congrats on little Joel - he's just beautiful. I love the name Joel too!
Just read this, Rozie. Congratulations lovely. Your labour/birth sounds quite similar to mine in a lot of ways, and I'm still finding it quite difficult to come to terms with everything. Hopefully you are keeping well and enjoying the first weeks of being a mummy... they go so fast! xxx
What a beautiful little boy hun...congrats. Your very brave going through all that and im glad its all been worth it xxx

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