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Join this thread if you're testing Mother's Day Week (Canada & U.S. - May 9 - 15)


Mom of two girls!
Mar 29, 2010
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Hi All...I'm back! I'm currently 2DPO and due for AF May 10, but I may test May 6 (four days early), but will definately test May 11, if AF doesn't show. Wouldn't it be a nice surprise to get a :bfp: Mother's Day Week!

So come on ladies, join me...pretty please:blush:
Hi, I'm totally new to this board and 1 DPO. I am not an early tester. In fact I've only tested one time before and it was + (3 years ago w/my son). I get anxious enough using an OPK, I can't imagine using HPT. I'll do it if AF doesn't show.

I have my annual OB/GYN appt scheduled for Thursday (so 5 DPO) and am bummed about the timing. If it was just a few days later, they could do a urine test and determine early. I can't really reschedule because the doc's schedule is chock full so I can't reschedule. So, oh well, I guess I get to do it the old fashioned way. :)

Good luck to you! Keep updating!
Im due to test May 6th (ish) although I am rubbish at waiting so I may test a little early.....
HOw are you feeling??
All i can say is that I am feeling as huge as a house.... really bloated.... dont really know why its only day2 of the TTW!!! maybe its all in my head!!
Im due to test May 6th (ish) although I am rubbish at waiting so I may test a little early.....
HOw are you feeling??
All i can say is that I am feeling as huge as a house.... really bloated.... dont really know why its only day2 of the TTW!!! maybe its all in my head!!

I'm bloated too (and gassy TMI LOL). I'm 2DPO and having some uncomfortable AF-like cramps.

Welcome to the thread and :dust: to you :)
I'm testing May 9th....on Mothers DAY!!! You're right Jaymeebee, it would be the best to get a positive on Mothers day.....I don't have any children so it would make my whole year :) I'm 1DPO
I'm 2DPO and have been having... not really cramps, but bloat like just before AF and discomfort (like that pre-cramp feeling, KWIM?). When I bloat it's always in my mid section. I know it's not only in my head because my pants say so too. :blush: Otherwise I try not to symptom spot because all my PMS symptoms are also early pregnancy symptoms and that can drive a girl crazy.

I am due to get AF on May 8/9 so that'll be my test date as well if the witch doesn't show.

So we wait girls...

Ya my stomach is acting weird today, plus AF-like cramps...I know I shouldn't symptom spot, but I BD'd so much the last few days...how could I not get my darn bfp!

I also have number 3 (TMI- which is weird and gross).
fx'd for us all...will be watchin and of course will post asaik (as soon as i know)!!
for now all we can do i wait and obsess!!! LOL :winkwink::wacko::shrug:
I've been having weird cramps and back ache today too. I would think AF was coming but can't be. I also BD ALOT the last week. Something better have happened - cause I'm pooped LOL!
Mamarify, I could have written your exact post. Pretty sure I O'd either Sat or Sun (got a REALLY dark OPK on Sat AM). We BD'd Wed, Fri, Sat & Sun. Not sure I can muster the engergy today even though proper OPK etiquette says to do it the day of ++ result and three days after that. My poor H!

I checked CP today to see if maybe it's closed up and low again to give myself a break from BDing today, but it's not quite low enough and still a little soft so I guess I have to (wo)man up. :wacko:
I'm 4dpo today and totally plan to test on Mother's Day. I will be 17dpo by then, so hopefully AF won't get me before then. FX for all of us!
Hi Amberdawn!

I need to stay away from my symptoms. It's too soon to really feel any, IMO, and it's just messing with my head. I'll start obsessing in about three days. :p

I just really want to be pg because I don't want any more of an age spread between my kids. One thing is for sure, we're definitely not going to wait more than a few months to ttc #3 in the future.

I'm 4dpo and due to test 15th may - wish I could test sooner but im away with friends and if i do get a bfp i wont be able to stop smiling and they will know something is up!! so trying to wait until 15th! ......though I know I will take a test away with me! lol :)
Marysr - that's too funny. I think that I just Ovulated yesterday. I had really bad cramps and EWCM. Can the OPK tell you 2 days before? It's usually told me the day before. I found pre-seed yesterday at a lone drugstore in a "seedy" part of town. DH wasn't in love with the stuff but....gotta do what you gotta do. Ahhh...to go back to the days to BD because you're in the mood.
I don't temp and go by OPK and CM/CP. But technically, OPK can show you a positive for up to 48 hours in advance (if you catch it on the upswing). So as not to leave it to chance, we BD up to two days after I got the positive.

I will say we do try to bd for the fun of it every other time of the month except for the 4-5 days around O. I try very much not to think of it as forced sex, but by day 5... yeah, that's what it is.
I don't temp and go by OPK and CM/CP. But technically, OPK can show you a positive for up to 48 hours in advance (if you catch it on the upswing). So as not to leave it to chance, we BD up to two days after I got the positive.

I will say we do try to bd for the fun of it every other time of the month except for the 4-5 days around O. I try very much not to think of it as forced sex, but by day 5... yeah, that's what it is.

Hopefully, yesterday was your day, Mamarify!
I'll join in! JaymeeBee...you start some really good threads!! AF is due for me May 14th but I really want to test on May 9th just because its Mother's Day. Not sure if I want to risk it though, I really dont want to see that BFN! Hmmmm....

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