July 2009 buddies wanted!!

yeh I have 3 months left as im 6th of july I cant wait, saw a girl im me uni that must be about 8 months gone Im like dam cant believe that Im gonna be wadling around uni with me big belly lol roll on may 29th lol xx
I don't normally look at it in months but I've always been told pregnancy is 9mths!!! I look at it in weeks cos it depends which months they are & they're not all the same length or full weeks. Think it's just over 9mths based on a 30 day month, but of course not all months are 30 days!! I think I'll be 6mths on or around 20th April - that's counting 6mths since my last period (20th Oct) but if you count back 3mths from my due date I'll be 6mths on 26th July. Much easier to say weeks!! Flipping heck, I'm confusing myself here :rofl:
I think april, may june are 5 week months, but i do no i have 15 weeks left im 25 weeks 2 day but i worked out im 6months 2day lol, oh dear wat we like
Ha ha it's weird - before I was pregnant if I asked someone how far they were I always expected them to answer in months, and if they answered in weeks it meant nothing to me, but now I'm pregnant I find it much easier to look at in in weeks! :rofl:
:rofl::rofl: same ere !! always been told 9mth,but 40wk is 10mth !!! lol tried telling OH started to get paranoid :rofl:
40wk is between 9 & 10mth chick, cos months are longer than 4wks!! Lets just stick with weeks!! My brain is getting tired :rofl:
lol awww yeh !! sorry dont wana add an extra mth on for us xx
Ha ha I would like the extra month!! More time to get stuff ready!! I've just realised I've just gone 5mths!!
I want to knowwwwwwwww MB!!! Mehehe.

Hope the pain quietens down for you! My coccyx bone is still a killing me.

Am still at 2500 words...I'm a third of the way though, gonna get cracking on some more whilst on here too :D
Hey all,

I am still in sodding pain, god a hate to moan but it is really getting me down, its not helpping that I have loads of uni work to do and sitting in frount of a pc screen really aint doing great for my back sniff sniff,

Well done twiglet for getting ur work done...

Confession time, I had a sexing scan done lol...... I felt left out lol
Im not saying wat im having lol, god im good or should I tell u??!?? tell u what tho it was dangours finding out tho cos my bank has been hit by my spending, lol, the nursery is getting done in april me father in law and me dh are going to do it while i go 2 me mums for easter
bless them I really cant wait!! really cant wait till baby helme is here lol,

Hope you feel better, MB. I know about the pain thing, since I have to deal with it, too (just a different pain then what you are dealing with).

I haven't spent much on the kid so far. I bought a few outfits, and I bought some baby food that will keep for when he's ready for it. Other than that, I've not bought anything.

I've looked at stuff. I don't want to buy a crib, yet, because I probably wouldn't use it for a couple months in the beginning (if ever).

I looked at travel systems, and have one I'm thinking about getting, but there's a 90 day return policy on it, so I want to get it when it's a couple weeks from my due date. That way I can return it if I find out it's not working out for us, or if there is a problem with it without having to deal with the manufacturer.

Diapers I might stock up on, but even that I am not sure I'll do because I don't know how big the kid will be (I could have a normal newborn, or if I'm like most of the women in the family, have humungo-baby).

I inherited a bunch of baby clothes of different sizes, so I'm set there for a while.

I plan on getting a pump and some bottles, but I've been reluctant to purchase that right now.

OH....for a tip, if you are planning on breast feeding, my mother told me to toughen up your nipples before you give birth so you are not sore when it counts (and get frustrated). In the shower (or wherever, I suppose) use a rough washcloth and buff your nipples a little each time to start to toughen them up.

She was told this by someone else, and she said she had no pain. Part of it will be latch, but part of it is just the "breaking in period" of your nipples becoming accustomed to something they aren't used to.
Hi girls

Aquarius- congrats on pink bump!

MB- hope you are ok hon, sorry you are still in pain.

Well, my little man isliking to curl up into a tight ball really low down and it is quite painful sometimes! I have also been getting loads of kicks, today was the most active he has been, was quite the gymnast!

AND me and hubby did the baby dancing act for the first time since December! I finally allowed him to. Was scared stiff that I would bleed but so far so good. I did have to ask him to stop though as it was a bit nippy, but I think that is just because my virginity has grown back! :rofl:

My Dad (I know, strange, right?) told me the same thing about toughening up nipples. So I did some research into it and asked my doc, too. According to what I found and was told, that is an outdated practice and not a good idea. It can mess with the natural oils that your nips start to produce (the new bumps on them) and too much nipple stimuation can actually promote premature labor. I guess you are not even supposed to soap them up or wash them!! My OB nurse/midwife said that you don't need to toughen them up because if nursing hurts, it means baby is not latching properly and needs to learn a better latch -- not that your nipples are too tender. :shrug: I dunno what the right answer is anymore! :dohh:
MB - You have to tell! If you don't, you'll find yourself saying/typing she or he by accident and the cat will be out of the bag anyhow! We were going to keep it a secret... and it lasted two days! :rofl:

Thanks for the b'feeding tip Godivalocks :) That sounds like a good plan... there's so much conflicting advice out there! I've been a bit freaked out about the whole process!

Had to laugh when I read the discussion about months and weeks etc. :rofl: There was a whole thread debating this a few weeks ago... got rather heated!
My two cents is that you're pregnant for 40 weeks, which is 9 and a bit months, as there are nearly 4 1/2 weeks in a month.... so:
13 weeks = 3 months
17.5 weeks = 4 months
22 weeks = 5 months
26 weeks = 6 months - Start of Third Tri
30.5 weeks = 7 months
35 weeks = 8 months
40 weeks = 9 months
But you know what? When you're pregnant, you're never wrong! So I think we can each say we're as pregnant as we bloody well like! :grr: And no one with a brain in their head will argue!

Went to the GP yesterday and mentioned that my Ob-Gyn tests my urine for glucose, but not protein, so she did the protein test, which was fine, but she noted a high level of white blood cells in my urine, which apparently usually means a UTI, but I have no symptoms and have never had one before. They sent it off to the lab. Hear back in a day or two. Anyone had this happen to them?

We've ordered our nursery furniture! We went with everything in white, as the walls are being painted blue, pale yellow curtains and we have floorboards, so though that would go well. Here it is!

We're flying back to Aussie on Friday. The first four days are our babymoon/honeymoon we never had, so we're booked to stay in a nice little resort of the coast. Our only plan at the moment is to lay by the pool and read the baby name book! Then we fly down to spent a few days with the family and catch up with friends to show off the bump! Am really looking forwards to it.

Next scan on Thursday! Yeaaaa!


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sarah :rofl: aslong as this baby dont plan staying any longer/shorter am ok x LOVE the nursery funiture uv picked !! gorg !

yeh :sex: !! lol we were same, didnt do it till i was 18wk , and i was super scared !! think he was aswell !

my little mans been kicking away lots this morning and i love every kick ! :D
I feel so sicccccck this morning, I am in true moping mood! I had no morning sickness throughout 1st tri...find out she's a girl at 17 weeks and have had bouts here and there since :( I think its the heartburn causing mine though :hissy:

Yay to your scan next thursday Sarah :happydance:

Only 12 weeks till mineeee, cant wait! A free 34 week scan...couldn't ask for anything better hehe.

Hope everyone is fine, gonna go eat Liam's crisps as he has some left hehe.
Ohhh just noticed my bump has expanded outwards again today yaaaaaay :happydance: I shall now stop spamming up this thread and get on with my assignment / have a nap now I have the house to myself and can actually sleep without being woke up by a man / cat.
My stomach keeps getting bigger and my stretchmarks seem to be multiplying like tribbles.

Oh, and the bathroom has become my "favorite" room in the house (or wherever I happen to be).
Well that turned out to be a bit more than a nap :blush: am now at 3000ish words though :happydance:

Godiva: I sympathsise with the bathroom being your "favourite" room, must say my bathroom and I have struck up a friendship in the last few days...am kinda hoping it doesnt stay this way.

I think my belly button is making its way out :(

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