Elliebank, I am not sure but I think newborns are best lying completely flat on their back?
Well, I don't know what is wrong with me. Yesterday, I had such a sore low back and I fell asleep at 7pm on the couch. I woke up at 9pm and went for a shower then straight to bed. I was awake on and off with sore hips because I had lain on my side so long. Anyway, today I have had blurry eyesight but I got new contact lenses on Sat and I think they may either a) dirty or b) too strong. My lower back is still a bit sore and I am now paranoid about pre-eclampsia! I have also been having terrifying thoughts about my little man arriving far too early! Help I am going mad!
Yeah I think they are but when it never shows prams in a lie back position, I don't know if that means you COULDN'T use it for a new born, or if it's just not showing it!!
If yr worried about pre eclampsia chick defo go & see yr midwife, just to be on the safe side.
I've been worrying too about the baby coming early, after seeing what has happened to Jodie, but try yr best not to worry. Let's face it, we'll probably end up overdue & very peed off!!!