I could set my clock by what time of night I will wake up and have to go to the bathroom (but I don't have to). In fact, it's so regular a time, I think it's the kid's kicking that's waking me up and I just have to go as a result.
Last night, when it happened, I woke up STARVING. I resisted. Didn't want to get up and go get something to eat and go back to bed again. It was hard to fall asleep, though, when your stomach is twisting and yelling at you to get something to eat.
The thing is, I ate a good supper. I'm wondering if the kid's going through another growth spurt again, because I'll go through periods of being ravenous and then settle back to my regular eating habits. I've also been craving sweets more than I normally do, which I am finding ridiculous.
I was just reading something about kids craving sweets when they are experiencing growth spurts, so I wonder if it applies to a fetus, too (so, how does that signal get sent to the mother?).