July 2009 buddies wanted!!

Good news. Further testing showed that my sugar levels were all normal. Thank goodness.

I really couldn't see myself on a special diet, lol.
Great news on your tests Godivalocks :happydance:

Hey Shelley! Good to hear from you! :hugs:

Welcome Sam:hi:

You're so organised SJK! Looks lovely. We just moved into the new place, so the nursery is painted, but the colour turned out very pale. Funny - I originally chose a darker one but was told it woudl look too dark!!

Had my Ob-Gyn appointment and 4D scan yesterday. Baby is doing fine and is officially a little on the chunky side now! He weighs 1.4kg / 3lb and measures exactly two weeks ahead... which my doctor put down to 'good nutrition'... is that code for - you're eating to much??????? But with hubby being very tall and me not short, he was never going to be a small one. The dr only spent about 5 min on 4D :cry: but I'll post some pics. And his nose isn't really that flat! Apparently he had it pressed up against something.

My placenta had moved up, which was great to hear. I won't be having the Glucose tests etc. until 30 weeks. The dr told me I could write some notes for a birth plan if I wanted. I joked that all I wanted was quick and painless, and he said he couldn't gaurentee quick, but painless he could do with a walking epidural! I was impressed :)

Wishing everyone a great day :)


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OMG Sarah they're gorgeous pics!! I've never seen them so clear!

Godiva - glad every is ok :hugs:
I drank HEAPS of water for the five days leading up to the scan. Apparently that helps a lot, as well as a little bit of luck. I was disappointed that the doc didn't leave it on 4D for long, but pleased with the pics we got.
Hey shelly,

I got her a canvus double wardrobe seems 2 have more clothes than me, cot we are getting this weekend from babies rus its half prices 114, so thought why not but I am really struggling on the pram front I aint got a clue I want one where she is facing me but seems 2 cost so bloody much, I aint got a clue.

Merv decided to take a year out of uni bless him and went back 2 work started for debit free direct and loves it, was quite lucky cos seems a good secure area at the min decided he is gonna do his course part time when she is older. We were just struggling a little. So its all good

pic my cot below

OMG ladies you girlies have been chatty!!

Yay shelley - welcome back!!

Godiva - glad all is okay!!

Sarah+ - love the piccies glad all went well!!

Well I went to the MW this morning to be told bubs is stil measuring 2 weeks in front so currently at 30 weeks (although actually on 28!!) so here comes another big boy!! They also stabbed me a few times trying to get blood but all is okay!!

I have my GTT test tomorrow so not looking forward to starving myself!!

Hope you are all okay!!
Hi Gem

Do they know you're measuring 2 weeks ahead by your fundus measurement? I've got my 28 wk MW appt on Tuesday. I think she said something last time about using a chart to plot the growth or something!
Yeah its the fundal height they are using - in my maternity book we have a chart to show where you should be and I am on the top line!! well above average!!
Hi Girls :happydance::happydance:

Shelley shelley shelley where have you been !! welcome back xx

Hi Saml1 and georgie1991 and welcome xx

godiva, glad all ok x

Sarah, lovely pics :cloud9: x

MB we are on the same date again :happydance::happydance: xx

Any plans for the weekend ? Im heading out for dinner tonight with the girls x
Thanks Gem - my OH's mum said her sister has a great baby book so I'll borrow that - don't seem to have much time though....I've got 9 weeks to go until I qualify as a teacher so things are hectic at the moment!!! Time's flying though which is great - the quicker it goes, the quicker we'll get to meet baba!!! :)
Hey girls,

Well Ive lot my touch at this chatting business. I just read all the posts, and now Ive forgotten them again!!! Think its a bad case of preggo brain!

Maybe - I saw the cot thanks. We were looking at that whole range, so £100 quid off would be a nice touch. Im going to look into it tomorrow :)

Gem - I had the same with big baby size the other week. My MW asked how big William was because LO felt big already. I felt a lump in my throat!!! I was measured the other day and I checked that graph thing and I looked about right - so Hopefully we're on target!

SJK - How are you??!! Im going to one of my best mates weddings on Sunday. I hate the fact I cant eat whatever drink and be merry, but Im sure it'll be lovely. I dont feel overly confident in my frock either. I had to go with a simple black dress. I'll post seome pics if we get any good ones. She has twin boys 18months and is having a selection of twins - boys and girls as bridesmaides & pageboys - very cute!

Right all. Im virtually asleep typing this. I'll be back over the wknd.

Have a nice wknd everyone!

Does anyone know if there's a way to see which threads you've replied to, without having to subscribe to them??

Could spend ages looking and I still probably wouldn't find it, LOL!
Does anyone know if there's a way to see which threads you've replied to, without having to subscribe to them??

Could spend ages looking and I still probably wouldn't find it, LOL!

On mine if I reply to a thread I automatically am subscribed to it, so get an email saying someone has replied. If you reply to a thread & then want to unsubscribe, if I remember rightly you click on user cp, then if there's an unread bit of the thread there, you can click on unsubscribe.

Or if you mean how do you see what threads you have replied to, click on yr username (top right where it says welcome) then click on statistics, and all posts by saml1.

Does that answer yr question?!!
Hi girls.

I'm officially 3rd tri today & it's exactly 3mths till her due date :shock: Had a few problems with OH this weekend - he STILL hasn't started the nursery. He tells me it'll be done soon but I can't help worrying - she COULD come early. It's not like it's just decorating that needs doing either - the fitted furniture needs ripping out, wallpaper stripping, replastering, celing lowering, decorating & then painting! A lot to do!
Girls, it is roasting hot here. I spent all day in front of a fan yesterday, and it's supposed to be hotter today, almost 90F. I resisted turning on the AC, but today might be the day I turn it on. This house holds in the heat, unless it's winter, of course.

30 weeks today.

Anyone else dreading it at all?
Hey all,

Well we went 2 get that cot and I changed my mind I was not paying 20 delivery haha, so we went to a little shop near ours and picked up a gourgous one for 150 including matturuss called adam lol, and free delivery yay.

We will be getting pram next week could not make my mind up pain in the arse i am,

We got the esential bedding tho 50 pound madness lol,

SJK u cant stay away nice 2 be sharing our days again I bet Ill come early Im so bloody huge haha

Ne ways all im off so Ill see u all soon xx
Midwife 2mo so hope all is well fingers crossed
Hey girls!!

Maybe - hope all well with MW.

I went for my GTT on Saurday and it wasnt that bad. Just had to sit there starving for 2 hours!!

boobs now leaking with a vengeance!! and belly is huge!! also think I've been getting the start of BH's!! had a few last night, uncomfortable but no painful at all!!

I have decided that I would like bubs to come 20 days early!! would fit sooo nicely with hubby's work pattern!! I know it will never work like that but I can only hope cant i?

anyway better get on with my work!!

Midwife was fine cheers gem,
Me bloods came back for me GTT and that was fine but when they did a blood count found im a little anemic so got some iron tablets to take, joy lol.

Elliebank try not to worrie bout the nursery 2 much men leave things to the last min most the time but tends to get there in the end.

Me fella did ours but i didnt like the peach so he is re doing it this weekend ( i no i have a gem hehe)

He did the bathroom on saturday as well bless him started it as soon as we got in from work.

If ne of u have a bn home bargins near u or glynn web id go have a look at thier pain, they have crown paint going for 3.99 for 2 half liters we just used 2 tins for our rooms so its worth a look.

Right I have loads of work 2 day so behind so i will love u and leave ya all

have a good day xx

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