Wow you girls can do some talking!
I cant rmember all the things i was gonna say I just had to read so bloody much! lol!
Firstly, weddings - OMG how lovely are you all? It is true that all brides are stunning, nd I have to agree. You all looked a million dollars. I love the pics and video!! I am sooo jealous. OH keeps talking about weddings, but we are sooo broke its not gonna happen any time soon

I WANT TO GET MARRIED!!!!! there - end of hissy...
Right, I have been in bed for a day and a half. I had the day off work yesterday as I felt soooo tired, I woke up this morning with full blown lurgy. I called in college and work and said I'd be off. I lay in bed watchjing morning tv - i forgot how great it was!! I watched the news and listened to all the hype about thie swine flu, then nearly wept as they announced someone from B'ham has it. I went a funny white/green shade as they talked about the symptoms (which I was lying there with!!) I mamnger to get up this afternoon and eat something. Not sure I'll go to work tomoorw - I love watching to buy or not to but too much!
Twiglet - how are you doing hun?? I hope you little mums worry is nothing. Sending you some hugs xxx
And everyone sounds like they are begining to feel heavy and crap. I just weighted myself and I have put a stone on. I am quite pleased with that as I put about 4 stone on with William. I only have a little bump too. Sometimes you cant even tell Im PG. I cant believe we are goingt o have a baby in a few weeks as I feel so normal!
Her (still feels weird saying her!) movements have been reduced too, but it is because they are getting bigger and cant move too much now. The BH are getting more interesting too.
Ph yeah - nyone else had this. Lying in bed earlier I had massive boob ache again. I looked down convinced there would be blood pouring out of my nipples but no, they were just HUGE! I swear I dont remember this from last time!!! The dark area has no shape anymore and they are all wonky and massive. its happened in a couple of days too! They have had a little leak, but only once or twice and only tiny bits.
Just out of interest - is anyone planning on not breast feeding?
Right I'd better go and do something. Probably get back in bed!
TTFN xxxxxxxxxxxxxx