I know I am a bargain go-getter! You gotta be when the pennies are limited I gues...
I thought I'd post the reciepe here incase anyone else wants a look - its nice healthy food girls! - best served with choc cake afterwards to cancel it out though....
You need chicken breast, fresh mozzeralla, smoked streaked bacon, and a good tomoato and garlic sauce - Homemade or jar of(easiest!!! - Lloyd grossman does a good one)
SLice chicken down the side, and stuff with mozeralla. Wrap the chicken up in the bacon and pop into an oven proof pot. Pour the sauce around the chicken, and top with sundried tomatoes. If you make your own sauce, use the tinned baby plum tomatoes - they are luuuuuuuuurvly..
Saute pots by slicing them (like scallops) and pan frying them in olive oil until soft. Leave in the pan until crispy and then transfer to the oven. They take a while but be patient, they are worth it.
Serve with fresh green veg - I like broccolli (sp?) with it
Very simple, quick and cheap and it is super lovely. Hope you like it if you try itxx