July 2009 buddies wanted!!

I am over the moon! We were going to put in a complaint about her as she was too ready to throw around words like "emergency" and "very concerning" without explanation. I mean I get mistakes but there was just too much in that one appointment to forgive. She forgot to take my BP, spilt blood everywhere, nicked my vein on the way out which resulted in a disgusting amount of spurtage! Overall, I was not happy when I came out. But I just want to forget it all, only got two more appointments with her now anyhow =]

I'm happy though as my daughter is healthy and happy and a little charmer :) couldn't ask for more!

My boobs ache on the side...it's weird. I already have leakage though so no idea why :rofl:

Hope everyone has a lovely day :) am off to the babyshow so will catch up later :happydance:
aww twig fantasic news, id put in a complate if i was u shoud not have to make do just cos u only have 2 appoinmtnets with her. Fact she didnt take ur blood pressure is v scary as they link so much to blood pressure these days its very out of order.

on a lighter note ur nlt gonna believe my DH, he got home before me and I was going to cook my specail meal, he comes in and says I just fancy a pizza. i couldnt believe it lol After all that planning he says that the cheek. lol he is painting again 2 day the little darling lol x
Hi Girls,

twig thats great news :cloud9:, and the pic is gorgeous :cloud9:

shelley I got all the stuff to make your recipe tomorrow for hubby coming home :happydance:, Im sure it will be nothing like yours though :rofl:

I still didnt get my hip grant, maybe just as well as Im broke this month and Ive already budgeted it for the crib and moses basket :happydance:

Ive been having period cramps all afternoon, hope its not starting cos hubby is 2 hours away and has no car with him :rofl::rofl: xx
I had them all yesterday hun was walking through icelands grabbing my tum a few times with people staring at me lol, Im sure its nothing we have a while to go yet SJK u share the day with me no backing out now lol
Hey girls,

I totally forgot to ell you all I got my grant through last week :)

In other news I have been in bed ALL day poorly again. William has it, I have it and looks like OH is getting it. Bad throat, head, high temp and achy. Typical flu bug. Its awful Will and I have slept most of the day.

Only logged on the check my mail and make sure everything is ok here. My Angelcare monitor came this morning - bargain for £30 - its in brilliant working order OH tells me (ive been too weak to check) I also got a suprise birthing balll package come today too. I mistakenly ordered one from amazon somehow - on the one-click purchasing... I clearly wasnt thinking straight in the week. My other ball came wednsday and is amazing girls. I forgot to say the lady in the NCT class raved about them and she is right. Prepares baby to get into good position for birth, and is super to relax on. You alll need to get one!

Right, I have run me a quick bath to try ansd perk up a bit so Id best go.

Glad you all liked the sound of the food - its yummy. SJK I hope it goes well. It really is easy - you'll be fine.

Oh no - Thunder again!!! Im going to hide under the stairs - when will it stop raining??!!!

Hope baby show was good Twiglet - I wanted to go , but have been too ill!! :( Let me know what it was like please. Your pic is fab by the way!! :)

TTFN xxxx
I got my HIP grant today. Which was a total suprise. Phoned last week wasn't on the system said to call at the end of the month but looked today and there it was.
morning girls,

well I went to bed last night and the pains seemed to get worse, so I rang the mat unit and they said to come down and bring my things, notes and bag, only prob was, I was here on my own and the wee man was sleeping!!
So i had to ring my mum and dad who were at the pub to come and sit with him, anyway they hooked me up and think the cramp might be a kidney infect or just symptoms of whats to come,as no contractions showd up on the monitor, told me to take paracetamol and go home to bed , so here I am home again :happydance::happydance:
OMG SJK - what a drama!!!

Glad everything is ok though. Ive been having bad cramps too y'know. My BH are getting worse and my tummy has been terible this week. Seems like I cant keep any food in? Bad back aching and crampy - I asumed it was to do with this bug Ive got, but maybe it is practise for a few weeks time...

Hope things stay ok for you xxx Are you having a kidney scan or blood tests??

Hi ladies,

Guess what - just been shopping on ebay for a few bits and won some newborn england trainers/pram shoes for 50p!! brand new!!

got a few other bits too, also got a new matress for my swinging crib and some lovely little outfits for Blake!! getting sooo excited now!! Hubby seems to be too, not long now ladies!!
Aww SJK glad everything is ok must of been a right nightmare u best not be cooking today get ya sodding feet up and relax,

good for the bargins gem

Had a lovely weekend I was helping me hubby with the painting yesterday call me sad but it was nice spending time and looking at the finish product knowing u achieved it together.

We went to watch x men today it was really good as well so just having a relaxing evening
Twiglet- great news!

SJK and Shelly- hope you both feel better soon.

I am shattered. We went pram shopping today and my mum and stepdad bought us our pram... we got the Quinny Buzz in Storm with all the accessories.... I felt so bad though as it was quite expensive and even offered mum to take my john lewis vouchers but she told me to keep them. So am going to buy a baby rocker with the vouchers!

Then we went to see my gran who just had an op.

Hubby just made my dinner (was yummy, had M&S fishcakes, brocolli, chips and mayo!)... am now trying to gain the motivation to study but all I want to do is have a shower and go to bed. I am so worried that I am going to fail on Friday. I need a duacel battery up my arse!!!! xx
What a scare SJK. Glad you're on the improve :hugs:

Great choice on the pram Whitelilly :) We looked seriously at the Quinny too, they are so cute, (but ended up getting the Bugaboo bee as it's a little smaller, which is important here).

Been up since 5.30am as the little guy was kicking so much I couldn't sleep :dohh:
I am getting whacked in the bladder today... it is so painful. I also feel like he is either going to come out or I am going to wee myself! I need to move him higher- how can I do this?? xx
I know how you feel ladies,

just feeling really uncomfortable and unable to sleep very well!!

Braxton hicks are a night mare!! the worst bit is I have a feeling I am going to be overdue!! I dont kow why but just because I sooooooooo dont want to I know it will happen!!
our little misses is the same lol, tried to get some last night :blush: but she but she kept moving so I could not get comfy Im so gonna get her back when she is older offering milk and cookies when she has someone over lol
yeah, too right!! ]

I am getting really excited now - I just realised I have only 18 days left at work!! I know in theory thats still nearly 4 weeks but it sounds better when I say 18 days!!

and I have only 60 days to my due date too!! OMG its getting really close now!!

I have started washing all the baby bedding and clothes this weekend!! gonna start my bag next weekend I think!! Is it too early yet? just think it might take me a while just putting in a bit here and a bit there!!
I know wat u mean hun I have not sorted my bag yet merv said we will sort it out this weekend :happydance:

baby is measuring 33/34 weeks so it kinda dropped on merv how close she is from being with us gonna be doing the washing this weekend as well yay
I am getting whacked in the bladder today... it is so painful. I also feel like he is either going to come out or I am going to wee myself! I need to move him higher- how can I do this?? xx

I loved this!! haha,.... Im afraid there is bugger all you can do hun!! Just try and ride it out. LO has been in my bladder for the last few weeks - driving me mad and very painful at times. Making SPD very uncomfy too :(

William went off on his school trip today, so me and OH are going shopping later for baby bits - I love the shopping bit!

We are all better now thank god, just tired. Wish I wasnt at work ladies!!!!

Gem, I have 28 days of work left - 5 weeks!!! Fingers crossed it goes nice and quick for us eh!


SJK - are you ok chick? Lets us know asap!
Hello Ladies,

Can i join this thread?

I am 33yo with a DD of 10, due my little boy on the 20th of July. I stay in Scotland. As of yet i dont have a text buddy so any offers would be brilliant.

Thanks xx
Hey girls,

yes Im grand, thankyou, it took me a while reading through all the posts, still abit crampy and is anyone else constantly when they eat something running to the loo, like very loose bowel movements, sorry tmi :blush::blush:

well shelly I made the dinner, I got the wrong sauce, got a tomato and chilli with garlic but it was lovely anyway :happydance::happydance:, so thankyou, you made my hubbys day !!

hope you are all well xxx

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