thanks for the tips girls, will have a look now. Baby room nearly plastered, hopefully coving will go up this wknd, then its just painting and skirting to finish. I am chuffed with all my new bits - I got a smahing bag for the hospital today from Sainsburys. its pink and has a matching rucksack - it was only £10 for the two!
Im off to check out the bargains... SJK - runny is not the word.. I dont have a lot of warning either......ooops..
Oh yeah, I forgot. At college today I had more contractions!! I was more prepared today, but they still hurt and were painful as ever. Only on the one side - its very weird. SOmeone mentioned I looked 'lower' than last week too - Ive had loads of SPD pain, so I think she must have dropped a bit. Fingers crossed she holds out a few more weeks at least! Exams are in 3 weeks!!!