Hey girls - wow all this talk of big babies gets me remembering!!! - and slightly scared for my growth scan thursday! William was 10.4 but nobody had ever mentioned he might be big - even when he was on the way out!! It wasnt till we all realised it wasnt working some said something. 40 hours later and a great giant scar from forceps he came. GIRLS. IF YOU HAVE BIG BABIES - DEMAND THE SECTION!!! - just a word of warning ... lol... I know Gem was lucky with a big baby, lets hope we have a simialar experience eh?!
Right, last night I had the most perculiar dream. Maybethistime - it was about you hun. OH and I watched that programme about TTTS last night on Ch4, and it got me thinking about babies obviously (if you didnt see it there was lots of in the womb footage of twins..) Well, in my dream I came around your house maybe and it was very posh! we put our babies the in bath, at the bottom - and left them there. It was soo weird. they were fine under the water too! I cant understand it, but it was lovely to meet you!!!
As for everything else, today I am killing. Tummy is is aching all over. I got in from work at half 5, went up to bed and fell straight to sleep till just. I am shattered. I have most of next week off though, so I intend on resting a lot.
Just out of interest - is is anyone getting a lot of extra CM? I seem to be losing a lot. Its making me a bit paranoid incase its leaking fluid?
Hope everyone is alrght anyway. Sad news about Lyns and your mate Gem. Life is a shit sometimes. Fingers crossed for good news for Lyns and hope your friend feels better hun xx