Hi girls,
Well the lurgy seems to have left the building - thank god. I had to go to college today, as I have an important exam next week, and cant fail it - so I think will power made me get up (and actually put makeup on and straighten my hair!!) first time in weeks I think...
Done a little bit of shopping, and now Im exhusted!!! My body is killing me. Think I over done it a bit.
Well with the disappearance of the lurgy, so have my symptoms. I feel pretty much 'normal' now. Only a litle bit sick, no headaches, no nothing. Really weird. Had no more blood thank god, but seriously, I think its pretty much it for me. I cant put my finger on it - but something is wrong. Womens intuition maybe?
Now I feel better, I am considering asking for an earlier scan. Dont think I can wait till Monday

Will keep you posted anyway xxx
Lyns, I am pleased all went well for you yesterday. I have been there, and know how empty and rubbish you feel. I think its worse if you're not expecting a problem - it was the same for me last time. I find it fascinating how your body carrys on giving you symptoms. You are right though, we are resilient creatures, and the healing process, physically and mentaly is astounding. Thanks for your support, Im here if you want to talk too x Hope you and your OH are feeling better xx
Whats everyone else upto??
Niki - Are you feeling better? Hope you've managed to keep the anti sickness medication down?? (havent been on 1st tri yet - if youve posted..)
Gem - Sorry to hear you and your housefull have been il too. This bug is a right nasty piece of work. Step away from the bugs!!!!