July 2009 buddies wanted!!

Not a good day for me. My scan has shown my baby died about 4 or 5 weeks ago, and I have to go for a D&C tomorrow.

I'm sorry ladies, I have to leave you.:cry:

Im so so sorry :cry:, when you are ready to talk, We are here for you :hugs: :hug: xxx
Hi girls.

Firstly, I am so sorry to hear that news Lyns - honestly, its such a sad time - I wish I could do something to help. Sending you and your OH bigs hugs. Please remember we're here if you want to chat about anything xxxxx

Have not got the greatest news myself. I have come down with the evil lurgy going around, as well as my infection. I have been in bed for 3 days solid. I just cant move. Last night I went to the toilet and when I wiped there was bright red blood streaked CM. I havent had any bleeding at all, so am very anxious about this. When I m/c in September the only sign was pink CM (I had it a few days before my scan showed no HB around the time my LO had gone at 9 weeks) I have felt very disconnected the last few days too. Almost like I have lost something. I have my scan on Monday, and I honestly cant see there being anything there. I am prepared for the worse.

This thread has taken a bit of a sad turn, but I do hope everyone else is doing well and avoiding the germs and nasties this season brings.


Hope all is ok and your feeling better soon :hugs: xx
Oh Lyns! I am so, so sorry to hear your news! Devastated for you completely.
Here for you anytime.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Shelley: also sorry to hear things are so bad. I am keeping you in my thoughts and keeping FX for your LO.

I am now feeling very humbled. I have been really suffering with sickness, but have just realised that this is nothing, providing my beanie is going to be OK. My heart goes out to all those who are in a tough place right now with losses.
Shelly - I REALLY hope you are wrong about your scan! I have everything crossed that you will feel better and find a happy, healthy bean at scan time! :hugs:
Thank you everyone. I am back from hospital, after having had an ERPC, which went OK. Apparently everything about my body had carried on being pregnant apart from my baby....so I lost a fair bit of blood, but, I have to say, I do feel surprisngly OK....a bit empty and lost, but the human body and spirit is an amazingly resilient thing.

I am lucky that I have such a wonderful husband and daughter to focus upon, and such amazing friends here to share my happy and sad times with.

I can't thank you enough for you messages, both on this thread and the pm's....which I shall answer as soon as I can, but I just wanted to let you all know I am OK.....I hope I'm back to share journies with you all again soon ..

Shelleylu, I am sorry to hear you so down too hunny....I hope and pray that everything is OK for you.....stay strong and I'm here if you want a hug xx:hugs:xx
I am glad and amazed to hear you in such great spirits, Lyns. You are made of very strong, admirable stuff! :hugs:
Oh, Lyns. So sorry to hear what happened. You are so strong to be coping so well. :hug:

Shelley, it's always scary to see blood but doesn't necessarily mean anything is wrong. I had red blood (quite a bit) and bad cramps, and the baby was fine, so don't give up hope. Take it easy and rest up, and I hope you feel better soon.
shelley - i really hope everythings ok...thanks god you don't have long to wait til your scan, though if you feel up to it you could try and get one earlier...?
Hi Ladies,

Shelley - I am hoping and praying that everything will be okay for you, We need you!!!
I am sending you and your bean lots of love and hope!!
I too have had this nasty bug thing going around and so have the kids - have enjoyed the 2 days off work tho!!

But apart from that I am fine - nothing to report here as usual!! No sickness, no nothing!!
heartburn has disappeared and bloating has gone down!! So as usual - bugger all!!
Hi girls,

Well the lurgy seems to have left the building - thank god. I had to go to college today, as I have an important exam next week, and cant fail it - so I think will power made me get up (and actually put makeup on and straighten my hair!!) first time in weeks I think...

Done a little bit of shopping, and now Im exhusted!!! My body is killing me. Think I over done it a bit.

Well with the disappearance of the lurgy, so have my symptoms. I feel pretty much 'normal' now. Only a litle bit sick, no headaches, no nothing. Really weird. Had no more blood thank god, but seriously, I think its pretty much it for me. I cant put my finger on it - but something is wrong. Womens intuition maybe?

Now I feel better, I am considering asking for an earlier scan. Dont think I can wait till Monday :( Will keep you posted anyway xxx

Lyns, I am pleased all went well for you yesterday. I have been there, and know how empty and rubbish you feel. I think its worse if you're not expecting a problem - it was the same for me last time. I find it fascinating how your body carrys on giving you symptoms. You are right though, we are resilient creatures, and the healing process, physically and mentaly is astounding. Thanks for your support, Im here if you want to talk too x Hope you and your OH are feeling better xx

Whats everyone else upto??

Niki - Are you feeling better? Hope you've managed to keep the anti sickness medication down?? (havent been on 1st tri yet - if youve posted..)

Gem - Sorry to hear you and your housefull have been il too. This bug is a right nasty piece of work. Step away from the bugs!!!!

Glad you're feeling better Shelley. Hope you get yr scan sooner & you find out that everything is ok :hugs:
I do hope you can get an earlier scan Shelley. Good luck!
I have had an amazing vomit-free 24 hours, so looks like the tablets are really working. I have actually felt hungry for the first time in weeks! I mean genuine hunger, not just the need to eat in order to stop the nausea for a while. Keep your FX for me that it stays away and that my beanie is doing OK despite lack of fluids and folic acid for a while back there.
Shelleylu, Did you hear anything re an earlier scan, hope you get one to give you peace of mind xx

nikki glad the tabs are working and your feeling better xx
hey shelley - push them for an earlier scan - you need to know really sweetie!!
Hope everything is okay.

Niki - glad everything is okay and your feeling better hun!!

SJK - how are you at the mo??
Girls I need some help!!

How do I ask for an earlier scan without sounding neurotic? I really want to be seen, as I am so anxious (as you can imagine) but I dont know what to say. Was thinking of telling a white lie and say the bleeding was a bit worse than it actually was - should I?

I need to be able to say something as neither hospital took me very seriously last week did they??

Any ideas??

Niki - so pleased you're better hun xxxx
I would probably tell a little lie?? But thats just me.

Maybe tell them that all your symptoms have stopped and the bleeding is a little worse than it actually is.

When I was having problems I went to my local walk in clinic at the doctors surgery and told them about it as they can actually refer you and cut out the midwife!!

Maybe this might be an option???
I think I'd go for the white lie too, you need to get checked out hun & Monday seems ages away xx
I think I'll call my GP in the morning and see what they say. I am reluctant to call the EPU after last week, as they were horrid to me. I still have the blood in my water, so the antibiotics havent worked, so I can mention it all in one, and demand a scan!!
I am scared though :(
shelly i went to my doc and said cos of previous mc can i get an early scan, and he said sure, cum bk when ur 8wk,so i did, and on the phone he said " yeh shes ad crampin and is a little worried!" that was it ! got scan next day 9am in morning !
its there job,last time when i was spotting(but i was mc:cry:) i phonedd EPU up and the told me to cum in ,in the morning, so one of 2things hun x, tell them ur just so worried, uv ad crampin (which wont b a lie cos u prob did at the start! ) goodluck hun xxxxxxxxx
send me number if u want, i will get u one ! ! get ur hospitals number! honest i will !

nikki thats just fab news ! :wohoo::wohoo::wohoo: glad to hear that, as i was worrried when u mentioned a drip :(
I know hun - it is scary!! I thought I was bad when I had to go to hospital last week but DH was terrible!! I had never seen him so white and all he could do was crack jokes about my private parts as the midwife gave me an internal!! He does this when nervous!!

Just remember we are here for you hun!! I am wishing you all the best!!

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