Hey girls! ~(sorry for long post, but ignore boring bits)
Been off for a day due to the internet connection being taken up by bloody Mario Kart!! lol
Whitelilly & Elliebaby - in normal world you will be in 2nd tri in 1 week, not 2!! For some reason this site is different, but the rest of the world knows 2nd tri as being at 13 weeks? Or am I totally wrong??!! If I am, nobody would mind if you moved over anyway Im sure?! Im in no mans land too, because I know for sure I am 5-6 days earlier than my EDD, but the buggers wont change it!!! I only 'made babies' that one night, and I know when I ov'd and the bloody scan says Im 6 days early, but still nothing! Haha, I just love something to obsess over....
Niki - Firstly, congratulations on feeling good! I dont want to jinx it, but Im so glad you're feeling better. Hopefully it'll keep off for a bit. Saying that, Ive had no sickness for a week or two, then last night was awful!

As for using bio oil - Im afraid there is nothing you can do about stretch marks. I was a skincare consultant and have seen all kinds of skin - saggy, wrinkly, stretched etc. Mine is shocking. I did carry a 10lb3 baby, but if I look at my mums tum, the stretch marks are in the same place. Some of them open up every now and again they are so deep!! Unfortunatley, there is bugger all you can do about them. Yes, using very intensive moisturisers keep your skin supple, but if its gonna happen its gonna happen. Look at your mom (or just ask lol) and chances are, you'll end up the same. My mum and I even have them under our arm pits as our BBS got sooooo big! When you were a teenager, if you had them then around your hips etc, you'll probably get some. Its luck of the draw!
(boring Wii chat - dont read unless you're WIDE AWAKE!)
SJK and Sarah - yes you can hook the Wii up. If you use wireless internet, you can get an adapter for it. I use wired broadband. I had to buy something called a LAN Adapter. It was only £20. You pop it in your router and then into your Wii and bingo - you can play the whole world at whatever compatible games you have. As I said before, MarioKart is a big sucess in our house ATM. When you first link it up, you can go into Wii Shop and buy various Channels. I got 'Internet Channel' Yesterday and I was able to go on the internet on my TV! I went on Facebook, checked my emails. I tell you, the Wii console is amazing. I used to love old school Mario games too, and you can buy them in the Wii shop and they download onto the Wii!! You get a serial number when you go on, and if you know someone elses number, no matter where they are, you can add them as a freind and chat or play games together.
Its a relly good investment I think as we all love it for different reasons, not just playing games. So yes Sarah - let OH get one - you'll love it!! (No I dont work for Wii now...lol)
Gem - I hope your cough is better sweetie xxxx
sarah - I am proud to announce I havent gained any weight still. Even over Christmas!! I have still lost if anything. I know it will all come om in shed loads soon, but Im chuffed at the minute. I read in my PG bible it was totally normal to put anything upto around 4-5lb on in 1st tri, so dont worry!!
Not long till your scan Ellie, and your app honey. I know its horrid waiting, but dont you think its starting to speed up a bit now?? The first 2 months dragged - its not as bad now I dont think???
Preggo, as Honey said check out the first page, We're all on there. But come in and chat to us any time xxxxx
Right, I shall go and update front page. Any more info from anyone? Any more gender guesses? Who is finding out at 20 wk scan?? (sorry if we've discussed this, but my PG brain is shocking...lol)
Hope everyone is doing ok anyway. xxxxxxxxxxxxx