Wow. I really need to log on more as there's soooo much to read when I skip a few days. It's been hard to access the computer as we've been reorganising the apartment.... to make a nursery! We have three b'rooms, the master is large but the other two small, and we use one as a study and the other as guest room (which is not used often), so we ended up turning the guest room into our bedroom, which is opposite the study, which becomes the nursery, and turning the old master b'room into a study/gym/walk-in-wardrobe in one. Took ages as we had to move all the wardrobes from the smaller rooms into the master b'room.... which required DH taking them apart. (I don't think that's exactly what his boss had in mind when he said 'work from home'!). Now we just need some nursery furniture!
Anyhow, I feel fine. No more bleeding for a while, yea! Lots of pulling pains and I can't suck in my tummy anymore, so a little bump.
I keep reading about lots of you guys nearly wetting yourselves at scans

Do your drs make your drink before hand? No one told me that I was meant to, and I haven't been, oh well.
SJK - Pleased to hear you got your reassurance scan booked. Can't wait to see the pics.
Whitelilly - that is such a clear picture!
Good luck with your scan too Ellie, sure it will be fine.
Wow. You've been keeping the drs busy Shelley! Hope your migraine goes away soon. It must make it harder being preg as does it limit your pain relief choices a lot?
Geo - You're finally feeling better! About time. I bet you'll be super healthy now for the next 6 months. Wonder if Niki's m/s is better?
Honey - don't stress about the doppler. There have been times I couldn't find a heartbeat. It helps to have a VERY full bladder and lie flat on your back, and start way down low and slowly change the angle of the doppler. It's weird the way it just suddenly just appears, when I'm sure I already tried that spot. Your baby is prob just very happy to stay under the p bone for now
Might sneak over to second tri and have a look!
TTFN (I also had no idea about that one)