well went to consultant, and im glad the mw was there who i saw monday, she said my letter got sent out wed and i still aint got it 2day eithernot sure why ! but anyways im super low risk,with 1-3200 !
the consultant fella i didnt think much of really,he was very intrusive into my past uknow,he went on n on bout things that i didnt know we guna be brought up ! anyways good news is i will get me 20wk scan,then a 28wk,then 34wk and 38wkive bad anxiety so this is very reassuring
also finally got my mat notes aswell ! feels super real now !!! xxxx
to new july mummys xx
God that's rubbish!!
You will get ESA for more than 2wks - we've just been trained on it (I work in Housing & Council Tax Benefit), you get a minimum amount for 13wks then it goes up, & don't think there is a limit on how long you get it after that. Problem is you won't get Income Related if yr OH works, but should get contributions based which is based on yr NI contributions if you've worked most of the time for the last few yrs.
God that's rubbish!!
You will get ESA for more than 2wks - we've just been trained on it (I work in Housing & Council Tax Benefit), you get a minimum amount for 13wks then it goes up, & don't think there is a limit on how long you get it after that. Problem is you won't get Income Related if yr OH works, but should get contributions based which is based on yr NI contributions if you've worked most of the time for the last few yrs.
Ive just read this - https://www.dwp.gov.uk/advisers/ni17a/cannot_smp_ma/
Which saya I cn clain it for 6 weeks before my edd - upto 14 days after the baby is born. Thats 8 weeks in total. As I was actually pregnant for 2 months before I stopped work, went on the sick for 6 weeks then had a mc, I only really didnt work for 1 month before the start of this pregnancy - so there might be a loop hole somewhere??? I really need to speak to someone who works for dpt work and pensions and see what they say. How hard is it to get some pennies??!!! Thanks for your help though. Hopefully I can get it sorted soon so I can stop worrying about it!! x
i know ! feel so lucky to get more scans than usually !!! really got to me that consultant thoglad mw was there aswell x
just like medication im on,im reducing it safley and he said well in 3rd tri i shudnt do this cos it can cause problems, and also im on incapacity benfit cos of bad anxiety and panic attacks and he asked me if id ever wrkedi said of course i have ,im 28 !!! he said when the babys born i shud look into getting all the noisence sorted and find wrk
i said it wud be sorted by now if i didnt keep getting fobbed off all the time, and then he said well its not wot were ere to tlk bout,so i said ,so why are u asking me then
im not thinking bout wrk at the moment to be honest,i need help to relax and stop the panic attacks etc,course i wana wrk but i need the help to do so first !! OH wrks uknow,we dont live off benifits,he just seemed very put off by the whole wrk situation,ive only been on icap for 5mth
just like medication im on,im reducing it safley and he said well in 3rd tri i shudnt do this cos it can cause problems, and also im on incapacity benfit cos of bad anxiety and panic attacks and he asked me if id ever wrkedi said of course i have ,im 28 !!! he said when the babys born i shud look into getting all the noisence sorted and find wrk
i said it wud be sorted by now if i didnt keep getting fobbed off all the time, and then he said well its not wot were ere to tlk bout,so i said ,so why are u asking me then
im not thinking bout wrk at the moment to be honest,i need help to relax and stop the panic attacks etc,course i wana wrk but i need the help to do so first !! OH wrks uknow,we dont live off benifits,he just seemed very put off by the whole wrk situation,ive only been on icap for 5mth
Shelley I've looked at my notes & you get ESA if yr incapable of work - you have to under go a 'work capability assessment' & if they decide from this you can't work you'd get it. So I doubt you'll get it after the 2wks after bubs is born, unless yr ill (which God forbid you are).
Sorry hon. It really annoys me when things like this happen, I still can't believe you won't get MA, it's ridiculous xx