July 2009 buddies wanted!!

No probs Nikkip

HeHe if it's a boy i dont think he'll appriciate the pink stripes hehe have you chosen names if its a boy? xxx
Well...had my scan. I will do what is taboo on here and say that I'm not too happy about the results of the sexing.

As I thought this whole time (and hoped against) it's a boy. On the bright side, it means I already have a name picked out for it, because I was pretty damn certain it was a boy. Yes I really, really hoped I was wrong, especially toward the end when I dared hope it might be a girl, but it really didn't surprise me when I was told it was a boy. Yes, that's how my life goes.

I'm not mad at the kid, because it's not his fault. None of us get to choose who/what we are. I'm just irritated at every male I've met that said "it better be a boy", like somehow that a boy child is more special than a girl child.

It's that, and I know that now my life is going to be filled with football, football, and more damn football. You have no idea how much I hate football. My OH does know, but he doesn't care. Already he has talked about teaching "him" (he still doesn't know that it's a boy, yet) to play football.

So, just for that, I don't care what my OH thinks, I am going to name him what I want. :muaha:

Oh, and when he's teaching him to play football, I'm going to be teaching him to cook and clean so he makes some future woman very happy :D.

Honestly, if it weren't all the stupid comments from males that I hear about boys this, boys that, better be a boy, boys are better, I'd not care one way or another.

Well, I did hear boys take longer to potty train then girls, so that won't make me happy, lol. I really don't want to change diapers forever :hissy:. Oh, and I hear they are worse about peeing on the people changing them.

Oh, and I've met plenty of women who have told me their sons miss the toilet and pee on the floor all the time. Adult men still do it, but little boys are worse about it. (Actually, I like to joke that if a man misses the toilet, they shouldn't be allowed in the military :rofl:)

Ok, on the health side of it, the u/s tech didn't say anything about anything abnormal. Actually, she didn't say much at all, so I had to ask questions to get a response. I wasn't really concerned about the health, because I'm not a paranoid sort, but I am a very curious person and I just wanted to know everything she was looking at. Some stuff was obvious, and others were not (like when she was looking at the stomach and kidneys).

She did make that comment that he was really active (which I could have told her). I could see he was moving on the screen. I only felt it half the time. He was stretching out and curling up in a ball, and looked like he was sucking his thumb (or could be fingers). Placenta is on the top. Head up, tail down (I pretty much knew this because he kicks my bladder every so often now, usually like he's bouncing on a trampoline, though he's probably just kicking it).

So, unless they tell me otherwise, I'm pretty sure he's fine and healthy. And very active. Of course, I did drink pop before I went, lol. I took the advice on sugar.

Congrats on ur blue bump hun, dam i was wrong lol, but hey here is a up side I have 4 brothers and only 1 of them is hard core footie fan and thats only because of me l (cant get enough am a mans dream haha) cant wait for mine I think im having the girl but I have 20 more weeks 2 wait lol x
God i've only been away for a day and there's mountains of posts!! hehe July is gonna be a busy month :D xx Has anyone started the nursery yet? xxx

I haven't yet, though I've been formulating plans. No, it's not blue.

It's going to be pleasing to me, because honestly a baby isn't going to care. And since I'm going to have to be the one mainly looking at it, it's going to be whatever I find pleasing.

I'll show you guys if anything comes of it. Will have to find my missing camera to do that. And batteries.

And Nikkip75--as far as the test goes, I had mine 4 weeks ago and heard nothing back. To me that means all is well and chances are low. It's mainly just a percentage chance thing rather than a true indicator of problems. I think the only thing that would be for sure is an amniocentesis.
would the mw have done it at the 8-10 week appoint when they took bloods then, I know I had to sign for tests to be done then ?? :dohh:

Im not asking for it, I dont remember it being done with my son, and if it came back high risk, I wouldnt change it at this stage, me and hubby had a talk about it the other day xxx

MB, must find a yellow blinkie too :happydance: xx

Im on the yellow blinkie now x
We should be starting the nursery soon. We're currently in the room that will be the nursery, but are getting a carpet fitted next week in the bigger bedroom that we've done up so can move into that soon :happydance: Then the big job of the nursey will start - the fitted furniture will need to be pulled down & the walls no doubt be replastered, good job OH is a plasterer!!
babydance we are thinking of elliot for a boy but we have been through every name in the book! so now we have just decided to wait until we actually know what were having...

yea godivalocks, i remember when i had my others, its just a high or low risk thing,but i suppose no news is good news and thinkin about it i dont know if i could actually go through a amnio tho! it totally freaks me out!!!

well i have just been in tears watching a video of the bush fires in australia and now i feel soooooooooooooo stupid moaning about a bit of snow!!!
its really sad, we are so lucky in this country, we get a bit of flooding but its only houses that get ruined, god help all those poor people...:cry:

so oh is finishing work early today so me, him and daisy are going out for a nice pub lunch somehwere, theres a nice place up the road with a little play area so probably go there, got to keep daisy happy :dohh:

hope you all have a nice day xxx
Wow! I'm currently getting the most little 'kicks' or movements I've had so far! The little guy must be doing a spin. Have felt about 6 in the last few mins. I asked about movements in a thread and apparently they are most active when we are still (i.e. on the computer!) as our movements put them to sleep.

Congrats on joining Team Blue Godivalocks! :blue: I think you'll have loads of fun with a little boy and I love your plan to make him into the world's best man for some lucky women some day!

So, that makes me, Godivalocks and Strahberrie with boys, and Babydance and Sam78 with girls....So the boys are in the lead so far! (sorry if I missed anyone?)

Ellie- so glad you wipped those doctors into shape and got everything checked out. :happydance:

SJK - glad everything is ok re your tummy scare :) One of my cats jumped from a height onto mine last night and that freaked me out too.

Re nursery progress. We've packed away the spare bed and re-shuffled the house (we changed b'rooms), and I have a few baby things hanging in the w'robe, but that's about it. We're still toying with the idea of moving apartments....

Hope you enjoyed your lunch NikkiP. That sounded so yummy! (but what doesn't these days :rofl:). Yeah, the Aussie bushfires are pretty bad. Over 300 people have died. My family called me on Saturday from Melbourne to say in was 46.4, which was the hottest ever temp. So many people have lost their homes as well :(

Me again... just been reading a thread about people becoming 'viable'? Which I gather means the bub would be ok if they delivered. How many weeks is this? It seems to be 24 according to these threads, but that sounds so early. Anyone know?
Yeah it's considered 24- although I wouldn't want to deliver then as I think it'd be 50/50 if bubs survived.
Ohh congrats on the blue bump Godivalocks :) I have two brothers...ones a genius cook who hates football and the other is a footie maniac but...wait for it....neither ever miss the toilet! Sadly my OH does though...was not impressed as I come from a house where the men are good at aiming lol.

Can't wait now! Only 4 days till I find out the gender, potentially! Am really tired again boo and this morning had some horrid side pains but since getting up they've gone. Cant wait to start properly feeling bubs =]
Ohh congrats on the blue bump Godivalocks :) I have two brothers...ones a genius cook who hates football and the other is a footie maniac but...wait for it....neither ever miss the toilet! Sadly my OH does though...was not impressed as I come from a house where the men are good at aiming lol.

Can't wait now! Only 4 days till I find out the gender, potentially! Am really tired again boo and this morning had some horrid side pains but since getting up they've gone. Cant wait to start properly feeling bubs =]

They don't miss the toilet? That's quite impressive. :rofl: Maybe your OH could get pointers from them, lol. Could get one of those toilet toys that he can try to pee on to sink. :rofl:
Hehe, all your toilet talk makes me laugh. My DS (who is nearly 7) and my OH ALWAYS miss the toilet!!!
Godiva - I promise you, not all boys have to be the same. My son is so gentle and laid back. Never ever plays football either! He is into everything else, but he is cheap and cheerful and my best freind. Its all to do with bringing your kids up how you'd like them to be. Ive always treated William with respect and kindness (sorry to sound mushy) but thats exactly how he is to everyone he meets. Im so proud he is such a nice lad. It may be because he didnt have any male influence over him as i separated from his dad at 18 months. This one will be different as my OH is a 'proper' man haha. He's hoping for a boy to teach footbal etc..we'll see... Chin up sweetie - you'll soon get used to the idea xxxxx

Hi to everyone else and goodbye. I wasnt gonna post, but I thought Id say a quick hello. Im pretty sure the PC is whats giving me migraines!! I was crying in bed in pain last nt after being on the pc designing something for a couple fo hours. SO I promised to stay of and see if they go. I cant help myself though!!!

Right, OH is giving me dodgy looks!! TTFN xxx

PS< an agency I joined months ago called today and offered me a months work!! Starting in 2 weeks. Thank god I can get out of the house for a bit!!!!

That's good that you've got some work, I bet you'll be tired tho!!!

All this toilet talk is making me feel quite proud of my OH - he never misses (as far as I know!)
awk darling :hugs:,

try not to be too down, good news is all is ok with the wee man :cloud9:
I have a son and he is the best wee boy I have ever met, he is 4, he cheers me up everyday, he makes me laugh when I am crying, yes he does occasionally miss the toilet, like his daddy :rofl:, but boys will be boys :rofl: and when you hold him in your arms, you will forget this feeling and someday you will get your little girl :hugs: xxx

Well, I don't blame him for being a boy. Like I said, we don't get to pick what we are.

Honestly, I don't think I will go for another one, especially since I can't guarantee a girl. I really, really hate being pregnant. It's been miserable and I can't wait until it's over. Yes, I said I can't wait until it's over and I can actually do stuff I like to do without being sick or in pain.

Maybe I'll change my mind later, but at the rate things are going I'm doubtful.

:hug: awk darlin, we all have them days, it can only get better and never say never :hugs::hugs::hugs: xxx
would the mw have done it at the 8-10 week appoint when they took bloods then, I know I had to sign for tests to be done then ?? :dohh:

Im not asking for it, I dont remember it being done with my son, and if it came back high risk, I wouldnt change it at this stage, me and hubby had a talk about it the other day xxx

MB, must find a yellow blinkie too :happydance: xx

Im on the yellow blinkie now x

:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::cloud9: xxx
Godivalocks: I'm glad baby is OK. If I'm honest I can sympathise with you, sweetie. I am DESPERATE for a girl, and DH will only let me have the one, so I'll be feeling similar in a couple of weeks if I find it's a boy. If I thought we'd be having several then I wouldn't mind, but DH is so adamant that it will just be one.
Having said that, I have two brothers. One is a complete idiot, but the other is such a lovely bloke, and was a lovely baby, todler and teenager too. I am trying to tell myself that if I have a son, he'll be just like my little brother.
I know it is hard when you have a real preference and you feel this is your only chance at getting it. :hug:

I'm on a long slog at work today. Had a full teaching day, now got 2 hours of private tuition and then parents' evening till after 10pm tonight!!! I am going to fall asleep I reckon! Just not sure I'm going to get through it! Please send me lots of wakey-wakey vibes to keep me going ladies!!!
Wake up, Nikki! :wohoo: Ummm, that probably didn't help.

I am starving. I think I'm in one of those hungry all the time periods. I just had a grilled cheese sandwich a few hours ago, and only an hour later I was hungry again, and still am.

But I'm trying to hold off until lunch. There's really not much I can eat in here at the moment, anyway. I need to go shopping.

I'd like to get some more fruit. I can't wait until watermelons become ripe and reasonable. I LOVE watermelon. And I need something with protein.
not sure what it is with the cheese cant get enough of it my self, i had a nice breakfast gonna do me chicken now didnt realise the time lol x

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