Well...had my scan. I will do what is taboo on here and say that I'm not too happy about the results of the sexing.
As I thought this whole time (and hoped against) it's a boy. On the bright side, it means I already have a name picked out for it, because I was pretty damn certain it was a boy. Yes I really, really hoped I was wrong, especially toward the end when I dared hope it might be a girl, but it really didn't surprise me when I was told it was a boy. Yes, that's how my life goes.
I'm not mad at the kid, because it's not his fault. None of us get to choose who/what we are. I'm just irritated at every male I've met that said "it better be a boy", like somehow that a boy child is more special than a girl child.
It's that, and I know that now my life is going to be filled with football, football, and more damn football. You have no idea how much I hate football. My OH does know, but he doesn't care. Already he has talked about teaching "him" (he still doesn't know that it's a boy, yet) to play football.
So, just for that, I don't care what my OH thinks, I am going to name him what I want.
Oh, and when he's teaching him to play football, I'm going to be teaching him to cook and clean so he makes some future woman very happy

Honestly, if it weren't all the stupid comments from males that I hear about boys this, boys that, better be a boy, boys are better, I'd not care one way or another.
Well, I did hear boys take longer to potty train then girls, so that won't make me happy, lol. I really don't want to change diapers forever

. Oh, and I hear they are worse about peeing on the people changing them.
Oh, and I've met plenty of women who have told me their sons miss the toilet and pee on the floor all the time. Adult men still do it, but little boys are worse about it. (Actually, I like to joke that if a man misses the toilet, they shouldn't be allowed in the military

Ok, on the health side of it, the u/s tech didn't say anything about anything abnormal. Actually, she didn't say much at all, so I had to ask questions to get a response. I wasn't really concerned about the health, because I'm not a paranoid sort, but I am a very curious person and I just wanted to know everything she was looking at. Some stuff was obvious, and others were not (like when she was looking at the stomach and kidneys).
She did make that comment that he was really active (which I could have told her). I could see he was moving on the screen. I only felt it half the time. He was stretching out and curling up in a ball, and looked like he was sucking his thumb (or could be fingers). Placenta is on the top. Head up, tail down (I pretty much knew this because he kicks my bladder every so often now, usually like he's bouncing on a trampoline, though he's probably just kicking it).
So, unless they tell me otherwise, I'm pretty sure he's fine and healthy. And very active. Of course, I did drink pop before I went, lol. I took the advice on sugar.