whitelilly, stay team yellow !! know i cudnt

cant belive u dont get 20wk scan where u live
awful getting cramps,"touch wood"ive not had any ,but ive ad them in the past and nearly been in tears

anyone buying,buying and buying ?!?! im 4eva on ebay, out postman even knows im pregnant ! he said to OH other day,this babys spolit already (no hes not) i get parcels nearly everyday

also we were looking at GRACO travel systems,and a woman at wrk is selling hers !! her baby is only 5mth old and shes 3prams,her OH said she has to get rid of one ! lol she said is immaculate,i really wanted to buy a new pram,but wots point when i cud get this one ! shes bringing pics in soon, although shes guna keep it covered at hers till i feel its ok to have in the flat.........yes flat ,weve just no room, hoping to move soon xxxx
monday again 2moro,bill day for us
awww dylike me new ticker?!?!?!?! I LOVE IT !!!!! a lady on ere did it for me